
  • 网络Omniscience;Omniscient
  1. 从逻辑全知问题认定看当前基于逻辑的agent研究的两个认识盲点

    Two Blind Spots in Recent Logic-Based Agent Study Inferred from the Declaration of Logical Omniscience Problem

  2. 避免逻辑全知的BDI语义

    BDI Semantic of Avoiding Logical Omniscience Problem

  3. TECHPRO编译器中的全知代码生成器对程序中任何指针下哪个寄存器可用哪个寄存器不可用非常了解。

    The omniscient code generator in HI-TECH 's PRO compiler has perfect knowledge about which registers are available and which registers are not available at any point in the program .

  4. 网格计算是近年来得到快速发展的广域网络计算技术,所谓网格(Grid)就是在缺少中央控制、没有全知者(omniscience)以及强的信任关系的情况下能够协同使用地理分布的各种资源。

    Grid computing is a fast developing wide area network computing technique . It enables the coordinated use of geographically distributed resources in the absence of central control , omniscience and strong trust relationships .

  5. 韦达文化中经典博伽梵歌记载著灵魂的本质是“sac-cid-ãnanda”,即“永恒–全知–极乐”,今日回想当年课室内的体验,不难说是不谋而合。

    Bhagavad-Gita from Vedic Scriptures mentioned that the quality of soul is " sac – cid - ã nanda " which means " eternal – full of knowledge – bliss ", that 's very close to my experience in class years ago .

  6. 就像我们口中的全知学�

    You know , a scholar of all we spoke about .

  7. 在神里面,那个(全知的)种子被发展到它最高的程度。

    In god the seed is developed to its highest extent .

  8. 认知逻辑中逻辑全知问题及其解决方法

    Logical Omniscience Problem in Epistemic Logics and the Methods to Resolve It

  9. 历史是对于全能全知幻觉最好的解毒药。

    History is the best antidote to delusions of omnipotence and omniscience .

  10. 她在该小说中有机地把第一人称叙述法与全知叙述法结合起来;

    She organically merges the first person narration with the omniscient narration ;

  11. 就因为我是有意识的,所以我对意识全知全解。”

    Simply by being conscious , I know all about this . "

  12. 但是,全知叙述者批判了代助的自我中心主义。

    Yet the omniscient narrator criticizes the egoism of Daisuke .

  13. 你是全能,全知,全在地上帝。

    You are omnipotent ; you are omniscient ; you are omnipresent .

  14. 不能同心,岂能同行。上帝全知,不是么?

    If two are not allowed , how can they walk together ?

  15. 其次,中国传统的叙事艺术(全知视角以及说话艺术的标志性话语)为空间叙事提供了可能性。

    Secondly , Chinese traditional narrative arts offer the possibility of spatial narration .

  16. 约书亚不明白所发生的事,但全知的神却明白一切!

    Joshua did not understand what had happened , but our all-knowing God understood !

  17. 无所不知的神灵;全知的叙述者。

    An omniscient deity ; the omniscient narrator .

  18. 神既非全知亦非全能。

    Gods are neither omniscient nor omnipotent .

  19. 二是故事内的叙述者,她用第一人称全知叙述讲述和感知故事;

    Secondly , an intradiegetic narrator had both first-person narrative and omniscient point of view .

  20. 试论对全面发展认识的全知化误区

    Misunderstanding of the Overall Development of Knowledge

  21. 祂是慈爱和全知的神,我们只管信靠祂。

    He knows what He is doing .

  22. 因此《上海》中非聚焦模式的全知叙事并没有丧失其可信度。

    Therefore , the know-it-all narrative in the unfocusing mode has not lost its credibility .

  23. 这样的体系因没有全知者而无法建立。

    And such a system , frankly , will never be possibly established without the omniscience .

  24. 神为大,我们不能全知,他的年数不能测度。

    How great is God-beyond our understanding ! The number of his years is past finding out .

  25. 二是中立的全知类型作者叙事情境。

    Mode two is the narration situation of the " neutral almighty " type of the author .

  26. 从全知叙事视角、限知叙事视角和转换叙事视角等三个维度,探讨元代散曲套数的叙事视角。

    Study the narrative perspectives from the three dimensions : omniscient perspective , limited perspective and perspective-shift .

  27. 确实,在没有全知的情况下,我们必须依靠自己灵魂的猜想;

    Now it is true that in the absence of omniscience we must trust our soul 's surmise ;

  28. 作为一个良师益友来指引你成为全知并充满智慧的了解生命的意义。

    Such people are ones that you turn to for guidance , knowledge and apropos wisdom about life .

  29. 全知叙述是一种传统的叙述模式,其特点是在叙事手法上享有极大的自由度。

    As a traditional narrative mode , omniscient narration is characterized with its great freedom in narrative techniques .

  30. 他摒弃传统小说全知式细节描写,把注意力集中在具有变态心理的人物阴暗混乱的“意识流”上。

    Faulkner presents his characters and plot of the novel by his ingenious skill of stream of consciousness .