
  • 网络Classical University;Ancient university
  1. 中国古典大学的理念及其现代意义

    The Idea of the Chinese Traditional University and Its Historical Significance

  2. 古典大学包括牛津剑桥在内的七所1800年以前创建的大学。

    Ancient universities - the seven universities founded before 1800 , including Oxford and Cambridge .

  3. 修身之学与践履之地&中国古典大学治学场所初探

    Cultural Learning and Ancient College Building & Primary Study on the dormitory in Chinese Classical College Yard

  4. 伦敦大学的建立促进了英国高等教育的发展和古典大学的改革。

    The establishment of University of London promotes the development of higher education and the reform of classic universities in England .

  5. 德国大学的事实,古典大学的某些传统,以及我们自己的事实,都能够说明一些观点。

    We can achieve the certain idea on the conditions of some German universities , the tradition of classical universities and the facts of our own university development .

  6. 当高等教育从精英教育走向大众教育之时,大学必然要适应普通个人对职业教育的需求,使得古典大学教育传统难以为继,导致大学品格的俯就。

    When the elite higher education is changing to the mass higher education , it is necessary for the university to adapt the vocational education for the individual .

  7. 它们的校舍通常在混凝土结构中大量使用平板玻璃,和以维多利亚风格为主的红砖大学以及更古老的古典大学形成对比。

    They often contains wide expanses of plate glass in steel or concrete frames . This contrasted with the ( largely Victorian ) red brick universities and the older ancient universities .

  8. 依据文化相近性原理以及文化的稳定性、独特性特点,日本高等新闻教育选择了德国古典大学的新闻教育理念和模式作为样板。

    According to the principle of cultural proximity and the culture being stable and unique , Japan takes German higher educational idea as its model , following the ideas of journalism as adopted in German classic universities .

  9. 该文分析了汉太学议政和太学选址、槐市的关系,以及书院斋舍与书院道德生活的关系,从中探究中国传统学术对中国古典大学建筑设计的影响。

    This paper analyzes the relationship between the discussion official business with site selection and Woodsy Market , and the relationship between dormitory and morality life in college yard in order to study the influence of the traditional learning on the design of Chinese classical university architecture .

  10. 古典的大学传统以完整的人的培养作为大学理念的核心。

    Educating the man to be perfect is the traditional core of university idea from the classical time .

  11. 美国,美国馆还将呈现各类的演出,包括爵士乐,流行歌曲,斯卡和古典音乐,大学步操乐队,戏剧和舞蹈。

    Outdoor show , the USA Pavilion will stage a wide range of performances including jazz , pop , ska and classical music , university marching bands , theater and dance .

  12. 哥伦比亚大学以顶级学者和高昂价格标签而闻名,但它也有一个古典美丽的大学校园,其额外的好处是位在纽约市。

    Columbia University is known for its top academics and high price tag , but it also has a classically beautiful college campus with the added bonus of being in New York City .

  13. 亮点三:现场表演与多媒体美国馆除了每天会有“舞动美国”户外表演,还会组织不同类型的演出,其中包括爵士乐、流行乐、斯卡及古典音乐、大学仪仗乐队、戏剧、舞蹈,并向美国的城市和伙伴“致敬”。

    In addition to a daily " Dance-America ! " outdoor show , the USA Pavilion will stage a wide range of performances including jazz , pop , ska and classical music , university marching bands , theater and dance , and " Salutes " the American city and state partners .

  14. 古典和现代的大学理想、大学精神、大学的宗旨、功能、结构都是以学科探索和学科分化整合为基础的。

    Reconstruction of discipline exploration and classification is thought to be the basis for both ancient and modem university ideal , spirit , tenet , function and structure .