
  • 网络Ancient Roman Art;Rome Art
  1. 他谈了古罗马艺术。

    He discoursed on ancient Roman art .

  2. 梅里达国立古罗马艺术博物馆,西班牙

    National Museum of Roman Art , Merida , Spain , 1984

  3. 古罗马艺术大体上延续了希腊传统,在雕塑与绘画的题材内容、表现形式等方面竞相模仿希腊艺术。

    Roman art generally follows Grecian tradition , competes to imitate Grecian art in the aspects of sculpture , drawing 's subject matter , forms and so on .

  4. 西班牙建筑师拉斐尔·莫尼奥在其代表作梅里达国立古罗马艺术博物馆的设计中充分体现了对古罗马建筑传统的继承,并结合现代博物馆设计的要求进行了很大程度地创新。

    Jos é Rafael Moneo , the Spanish architect , extended and innovated Roman architectural tradition through his design of the National Museum of Roman Art in M é ida .

  5. 古罗马艺术开始转向写实,时间表现为一个切面,其中不包含过去的回溯与未来的延展,在时间性上失去了厚度。

    Roman art began to turn to realism , where time is expressed as a tangent plane , not containing a retrospective of the past and the extension to the future , with a result of losing the thickness on the temporality .

  6. 不像文艺复兴之前,中世纪时期所言的古希腊罗马艺术的死亡,那是一种隐匿,绘画的精神和技艺失去了传承。

    Unlike before Renaissance , the death of ancient Greece and Rome in the Middle ages is a kind of hidden . There is no adherence to spirit and skill of drawing .

  7. 汤姆是个研究古希腊罗马文学艺术的学者。

    Tom is a classical scholar .

  8. 然后我们去看看古希腊和古罗马的艺术珍品。

    Then we 'll turn to the art of the ancient Greeks and Romans .

  9. 研究古希腊与古罗马文学艺术的学者(拉丁文与希腊文专家)

    A classical scholar , ie an expert in Latin and Greek A literary work of ancient Greece or Rome .