
  • Tomb Raider;Lara Croft;The Cradle of Life
  1. 不管如何标新立异,安吉丽娜·朱丽仍在《原罪》和《古墓丽影》等电影中继续对观众施展着无边魅力。

    Whatever her idiosyncrasies , Angelina Jolie continues to captivate audiences with films such as Original Sin and Tomb Raider .

  2. 让大家期待已久的《新古墓丽影》终于要在今年上映了,主人公是广为人知的游戏女主角劳拉·克劳馥。

    This year will see the arrival of the long-awaited movie Tomb Raider , starring well-known video game heroine Lara Croft .

  3. 接下来他的作品《古墓丽影》(TombRaider)将会上映,比厄则参演了六季哥伦比亚公司和华纳兄弟的《破产姐妹》。

    He 's next onscreen in Tomb Raider.Behrs spent six seasons on CBS and Warners ' 2 Broke Girls .

  4. 不像《古墓丽影》(TombRaider)的萝拉·卡芙特(LaraCroft)一样漫游在隐秘洞穴,考古学家们前往世界各地,探寻一些未被发现的文物,挖掘神秘地域。

    Archeologists get to travel the globe , search for unseen artifacts , and unearth strange grounds when they 're not roaming through secret caves as though they 're Lara Croft from Tomb Raider .

  5. 古墓丽影2:生命之源

    Lara Croft and the Cradle of Life : Tomb Raider 2

  6. 《古墓丽影》是迄今为止销量最好的游戏之一。

    Tomb Raider was one of the best selling games ever .

  7. 01年的《古墓丽影》将茱莉捧为国际巨星!

    S Lara Croft : Tomb Raider made Jolie an international superstar .

  8. 古墓丽影初代在日后整个系列中处于怎样一个地位呢?

    What represented Tomb Raider first name in all that ?

  9. 看!那是你一直想要的新古墓丽影电子游戏。

    Look ! There 's the new Tomb Raider video game you 've been wanting .

  10. 我从来不玩“古墓丽影”。

    I never play Tomb Raides .

  11. 曾出演《古墓丽影》的茱丽与其男友、即安妮斯顿的前夫布拉德•皮特坐在一起。

    The Tomb Raider actress was seated with her partner and Aniston 's ex-husband , Brad Pitt .

  12. 比如《超级玛丽》(1993)和《古墓丽影》(2001)都是备受关注的尝试,却均以失败告终。

    Notable attempts like Super Mario Bros ( 1993 ) and Tomb Raider ( 2001 ) have all flopped .

  13. 古墓丽影:黑暗天使的第一部分是什么样子的呢?请继续阅读。

    What about the first section of tomb raider : the angel of darkness ? Read on to find out .

  14. 公司位于上海,由著名游戏《古墓丽影》系列的前制作人特洛伊·霍顿创立。

    Pearl Digital Entertainment is founded in Shanghai by Troy Horton , the ex-producer of " Tomb Raider " series .

  15. 而该系列的第二代《古墓丽影:西安匕首》至今仍是该系列中最为成功的一代。

    The second game in the series " tomb raider : the dagger of xian " is still today the most successful of the series .

  16. 获胜的参赛作品将被张贴在《古墓丽影:周年纪念》的论坛上,奖品会在《古墓丽影:周年纪念》上市时送到获奖者手中。

    Winning entries will posted in the Tomb Raider : Anniversary forum , and prizes will be mailed to the winners when the TRA games become available .

  17. 在拍摄《古墓丽影》时,她为能亲身完成众多特技动作而进行了高强度的健身训练。

    She went through an intensive training regime for her role as Lara Croft in the Tomb Raider movies to ensure she could perform her own stunts .

  18. 2002年,安吉莉娜在柬埔寨拍摄电影《古墓丽影》时,访问了当地的一家孤儿院,之后,她便收养了当时只有七个月大的马德克斯。

    Angelina adopted Maddox when he was just seven months old , after she visited a Cambodian orphanage while shooting her film Lara Croft : Tomb Raider in2002 .

  19. 第三行是这位《古墓丽影》的女主角的亲生女儿&10个月大的夏伊洛的出生国纳米比亚的座标。夏伊洛在希伯莱语中的意思是“和平”。

    Third on the list is Namibia , where the Tomb Raider star gave birth to her ten-month-old biological daughter , Shiloh , whose name in Hebrew means " the peaceful one " .

  20. 不论“礼物”是关于虚拟的劳拉生日,亦或关于劳拉和《古墓丽影》游戏系列的十岁生日,每一份提交作品都应以劳拉·劳馥的生日为主题。

    Each submission should focus on the theme of Lara Croft 's birthday , either as a virtual person having a birthday or , on her tenth birthday as a game character and game series .

  21. 《夺宝奇兵》已经和印地安纳·琼斯挖出的宝藏一样古老,《古墓丽影》系列也早就成了过去式,现在是时候让更年轻的盗墓者出场了,她就是爱探险的朵拉。

    Now that Indiana Jones is as ancient as the relics he unearths , and it 's game over for the Lara Croft franchise , the time is right for a younger tomb raider , namely Dora the Explorer .