
  • 网络heathrow airport;London Heathrow Airport;LHR
  1. 他们将在希思罗机场的五角饭店碰面。

    Their rendezvous would be the Penta Hotel at Heathrow Airport .

  2. 正在制定在希思罗机场修建第5航站楼的计划。

    Plans are underway for a fifth terminal at Heathrow airport .

  3. 所有由希思罗机场起飞的飞机均因罢工而停飞。

    All planes out of Heathrow have been grounded by the strikes .

  4. 飞机开始向希思罗机场降落。

    The plane began its descent to Heathrow .

  5. 飞机于12:35在希思罗机场起飞。

    The plane leaves Heathrow at 12.35 .

  6. 她从希思罗机场坐豪华轿车到酒店。

    She was driven from Heathrow by limo to the hotel .

  7. 飞机从希思罗机场起飞后坠毁在一个水库里。

    The aircraft crashed after takeoff from Heathrow in a reservoir

  8. 国泰航空公司每天都有从希思罗机场直飞香港的航班。

    Cathay Pacific flies daily non-stop to Hong Kong from Heathrow

  9. 我们这次旅行于3月31号从希思罗机场出发,4月16号返回。

    Our tour departs from Heathrow Airport on 31 March and returns 16 April

  10. 我刚从希思罗机场回到办公室。

    I returned to the office , fresh from Heathrow

  11. 这座城市地理位置优越,到伦敦和希思罗机场都很方便。

    The town is well placed for easy access to London and convenient for Heathrow Airport

  12. 如果他觉得在卢顿机场停车一天收费5.40英镑太高的话,他应该在希思罗机场停车试试。

    If he thinks £ 5.40 a day for parking at Luton Airport is a rip-off , he should try Heathrow .

  13. 这趟航班将于上午10点在希思罗机场起飞。

    The flight will depart Heathrow Airport at 10 o'clock .

  14. 为了集合这5个国家的精华,希思罗机场同DesigninScent机构合作,利用与这些国家相关的材料制作出了这些量身定制的香味

    To conjure up the essence of the five nations , Heathrow worked with Design inScent , to produce tailor-made scents from ingredients associated with thedesignated country .

  15. 任何从希思罗机场(heathrowairport)驾车驶入伦敦的人都会注意到一张肌肉发达的半裸男性巨幅海报。

    Anyone driving into London from Heathrow Airport will have noticed the gigantic poster of a muscular , semi-naked male .

  16. 这与伦敦希思罗机场(Heathrow)增加第三条跑道的计划有一些有趣的相似之处。

    There are interesting parallels with the plans to add a third runway at Heathrow .

  17. 袁宏伟一到希思罗机场(HeathrowAirport)就遭到了逮捕。三周以后,在他的两份护照被扣押后,他被保释出狱。

    Mr Yuan was arrested on arrival at Heathrow Airport and released on bail three weeks later after his two passports were seized .

  18. 他举了一个聪明的例子(如果现在看来有点过时的话):假设一位高管乘坐英国维珍航空公司(VirginAtlantic)的航班抵达希思罗机场(HeathrowAirport)。

    He offered this clever ( if now slightly dated ) example : think of an executive arriving at Heathrow airport on a Virgin Atlantic flight .

  19. 它很可能会建议在希思罗机场建第三条跑道,或在盖特威克机场(Gatwick)建第二条跑道。

    It will probably recommend a third Heathrow runway or a second at Gatwick .

  20. 约翰逊强烈反对希思罗机场建第三条跑道,他长久以来一直倡导采用香港的解决办法:在泰晤士河口(ThamesEstuary)建一座新机场。

    A fierce opponent of a third Heathrow runway , Mr Johnson has long championed a Hong Kong solution : a new airport in the Thames Estuary .

  21. 这并不意外:保守党(Conservative)、工党(Labour)和自由民主党(LiberalDemocrat)在这个问题上各有各的主张,在希思罗机场(Heathrow)是否该建第三条跑道的问题上分歧尤其大。

    That is no surprise : the Conservatives , Labour and Liberal Democrats are all riven on the issue , particularly over whether Heathrow should have a third runway .

  22. 如果你在伦敦希思罗机场,会惊奇地发现唯一可用的WiFi登录点位于商务舱乘客的休息室内,短短两小时的上网费竟然要15美元。

    I was shocked to find the only WiFi available in Heathrow 's business-class lounges costs a princely $ 15 for a couple of hours .

  23. 该消息也佐证了一个日益明显的迹象,即中国人在英国的商业影响力正变得越来越大——中国人在希思罗机场(Heathrow)、曼彻斯特机场“空港城”以及泰晤士水务(ThamesWater)都拥有权益。

    It also supports growing evidence that the Chinese are becoming a stronger business influence in the UK , with stakes in Heathrow , Manchester 's " Airport City " and in Thames Water .

  24. 那些天真的人可能曾想,伦敦希思罗机场(Heathrow)的混乱只不过再一次表明,卡梅伦政府显然能力有限。

    Innocents may have thought that the chaos at Heathrow has been no more than another example of the manifest incompetence of Mr Cameron 's government .

  25. 在第二个订阅场景中,希思罗机场(LHR)显示其航班抵达和起飞的信息。

    In the second subscription scenario , Heathrow airport ( LHR ) displays its arrival and departure information to airport patrons .

  26. BaggageReclaim?他们在希思罗机场(Heathrow)问道,你是认真的吗?这个,嗯,嗯(以英国人的方式稍微清清嗓子,好帮他们适应新状况),是的。

    Baggage REclaim ? they asked at Heathrow . Are you serious ? Well , um , um ( a little British throat-clearing to get them used to the new scene ), yeah .

  27. 空中客车(airbus)在其媒体宣传广告中宣称,其a380“比迄今飞抵希思罗机场体积最大的大型客机更省燃料,每位乘客二氧化碳排放量更小”。

    Airbus is claiming in its press campaign that its A380 " will use less fuel and produce less carbon dioxide per passenger than the largest passenger aircraft flying into Heathrow today " .

  28. 英国最大的机场运营商BAA表示,在旅客对希思罗机场航班延误和安检问题议论纷纷多达一年后,公司行政总裁将要离职。

    BAA , Britain 's biggest airport operator , said its chief executive was going , after a year of grumbling from travellers about flight delays and security queues at Heathrow .

  29. 是的,我们知道,英国也有一个乐lego酒店,在温莎,从希思罗机场到那大约只要20分钟。但它跟美国的不太一样,因为你可以躺在佛罗里达的太阳池沐浴,不是吗?

    And yes , we know there is a Lego hotel at Legoland Windsor but being 20 minutes from Heathrow isn 't quite the same as lying by the pool in the Florida sun , is it ?

  30. 希思罗机场(heathrow)最近被伦敦市长肯利文斯通(kenlivingstone)点名批评,虽然私人飞机和商务飞机的使用日益增多,表明商务旅行者和富人已经找到了一个解决办法。

    Heathrow airport was recently singled out for criticism by Ken Livingstone , the London mayor , though the increase in the use of private and business-only jets shows business travellers and the wealthy have found a way around this .