
  • 网络years a slave
  1. 最佳女配角:露皮塔-尼永奥《为奴十二年》

    Best supporting actress : Lupita Nyong'o , 12 Years a Slave

  2. 最佳改编剧本:约翰-里德利《为奴十二年》

    Best adapted screenplay : John Ridley , 12 Years a Slave

  3. 历史剧情片《为奴十二年》(12YearsaSlave)虽在另外六个竞赛单元中失利,但最终斩获了最佳剧情片奖。

    And despite missing out in the other six categories it was nominated in , the unflinching historical drama ' 12 Years a Slave ' concluded the night as best film drama .

  4. 《地心引力》、《美国骗局》和《为奴十二年》均有可能成为今年奥斯卡奖(AcademyAwards)的夺奖热门,本周四将公布今年奥斯卡奖提名名单。

    The film will likely join ' American Hustle ' and ' 12 Years a Slave ' as an Oscar front-runner on Thursday , when Academy Awards nominations are announced .

  5. 《为奴十二年》将于2013年12月27日上映。

    12 Years A Slave releases on December 27th , 2013 .

  6. 最佳影片奖可能归属史诗影片《为奴十二年》。

    The Best Picture Oscar could go to the saga ' 12 Years A Slave ' .

  7. 2013到2014年间我最喜欢的电影绝对是《为奴十二年》。

    My absolute favourite film so far in 2013 / 2014 is 12 Years a Slave .

  8. 《为奴十二年》根据所罗门诺瑟普的回忆录改编,讲述了一个来自纽约北部的自由黑人被诱拐并卖为奴隶的故事。

    12 Years A Slave is based on the memoirs of Solomon Northup , a free black man from upstate New York , is abducted and sold into slavery .

  9. 美国时间上周日晚,在贝弗利希尔顿酒店举办的金球奖颁奖典礼后的派对上,这两位《为奴十二年》的主演显得心情很好。

    The two actors , who both star in 12 Years a Slave , were in the mood to party after the ceremony held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday .

  10. 《为奴十二年》虽在提名数量上与《美国骗局》打平,参与了七个奖项的角逐,但当晚只摘得最佳剧情片一个奖项。

    Best picture was the only award for ' 12 Years a Slave , ' which came in with seven nominations , tied for the most with ' American Hustle . '

  11. 《寡妇》是《为奴十二年》导演史蒂夫·麦奎因五年来的第一部作品,麦奎因是首位赢得奥斯卡最佳影片奖的黑人导演。

    Widows is the first film in five years from 12 Years a Slave director Steve McQueen , who became the first black film-maker to win the Oscar for best picture .