
  • 网络Made for China
  1. 中国未来的经济增长轨迹应当降低对出口(中国制造)的依赖,而更加依仗国内消费(为中国制造)。

    The future growth trajectory for the Chinese economy should be less dependent on exports ( Made in China ) and more dependent on domestic consumption ( Made for China ) .

  2. 外国品牌想说:我们来自国外,上海中国市场研究集团(ChinaMarketResearch)的雷小山(ShaunRein)表示,他指出大多数消费者不想要为中国制造的产品。

    Foreign brands want to say : we are foreign , said Shaun Rein of China Market Research group in Shanghai , noting that most consumers do not want made-for-China products .

  3. 把创新当成快乐,让混沌变得清澈,他为中国制造了催化剂。

    Regards joyfully the innovation , lets the chaos becomes limpid , he has made the catalyst for China .

  4. 近来,豪华家具公司达·芬奇被曝出售的家具为中国制造而非意大利生产。

    Recently , luxury furniture company Da Vinci was found to be peddling goods that were Made in China instead of Made in Italy .

  5. 位于北京的中国欧盟商会(EuropeanChamberofCommerceinChina)周二发布了一份长达70页、题为《中国制造2025:产业政策对弈市场力量》(ChinaManufacturing2025)的报告,批评中国的产业政策。

    The EU Chamber of Commerce in Beijing on Tuesday released a 70-page critique of China 's industrial policy , known as China Manufacturing 2025 .

  6. 为中国市场制造的怀表被称为中国品质(Chinesecaliber),意思是这种怀表的表盘和表带设计符合中国收藏者的品味,也就是说具有装饰性,比如上面雕刻有叶子图案。

    The watches that were made for the Chinese market were called Chinese caliber , meaning that the mechanism of the watch consists of plates and bridges fashioned in a manner that would appeal to Chinese collectors and tastes , namely decorative with engravings such as foliate designs .

  7. 为中国市场制造的怀表被称为“中国品质”(Chinesecaliber),意思是这种怀表的表盘和表带设计符合中国收藏者的品味,也就是说具有装饰性,比如上面雕刻有叶子图案。

    The watches that were made for the Chinese market were called " Chinese caliber , " meaning that the mechanism of the watch consists of plates and bridges fashioned in a manner that would appeal to Chinese collectors and tastes , namely decorative with engravings such as foliate designs .

  8. 例如,我们曾有一个罕见的无盖怀表,大约是1860年左右路易斯·奥德马尔、布拉苏斯与热纳瓦公司(LouisAudemars,Brassus&Geneva)为中国市场制造的,上面有独具特色的狩猎场面,绘有大象、狮子、马和狩猎者。

    For example , we had a rare open-faced watch made for the Chinese market from about 1860 by Louis Audemars , Brassus & Geneva , with specialized hunting scenes depicting an elephant , lion , horse and hunters .

  9. 江先生说这样的情况将为中国政府制造更多问题。

    Kiang says the situation could create more problems for the Chinese government .

  10. 第三部分为中国东部制造业基地发展研究。

    The third part is the research of the development of manufacturing base of the east of China .

  11. 随着国内汽车市场的不断增长,海外资本、技术和管理经验的不断输入,为中国汽车制造业整体水平的提高提供了得天独厚的优势。

    China automotive industry is benefited from the constant growth of the domestic automobile market , input of foreign capital , technology and management experience .

  12. 作者希望通过对此案例的研究,为增强中国制造企业的竞争力提供一点参考。

    The author would be much gratified if the research could do a bit help to the amelioration of China 's enterprises ' competition confidence .

  13. 现今全球医药品市场快速增长和国际贸易环境的改善,为中国医药制造业提供了良好的发展机遇。

    There is a good developing opporunity for Chinese medical and pharmaceutical manufacture industry because of nowadays rapidly growing global medical products and the improvement of international trade environment .

  14. 最后指出激光加工技术显现出传统加工工艺无法比拟的优势,应该向制造业提供成套的激光加工技术,为中国成为制造强国作出贡献。

    Compared with traditional technique , the laser processing emerge indisputable advantages . Sets of laser processing technology are provided for manufacture to make China become a powerful manufacturing nation .

  15. 现在,中国人正在买回很多十八至十九世纪专为中国市场制造的怀表。

    Right now , the Chinese are buying back many of the watches that were made for their market in an earlier time period , the 18th and 19th centuries .

  16. 近年来,数以万计的农民被赶出土地,为中国的制造业热潮让路,酿成了一个危险的不满情绪源泉。中国最高领导层已承诺解决这个问题。

    Tens of thousands of farmers have been elbowed off their land in recent years to make way for the country 's manufacturing boom , creating a dangerous well of resentment that China 's top leaders have pledged to address .

  17. 咨询结果强调,所有外资企业都受到公平对待,它们生产的所有产品都被视为“中国制造”,同时,它们所适用的原产地规定也与中国产品一样。

    The results emphasised that all foreign enterprises are given equal treatment and that all their products are considered to be " made in China " , while the same rules of origin are applied to them as to Chinese products .

  18. 本文的研究将为中国的汽车制造企业在实施精益生产和信息化建设的过程中起到一定的指导作用,这也是整个论文的核心工作。

    This study provides a guide for the Chinese automobile manufacturer in the implementation of lean production and process of information construction , which is the core innovation of the paper .

  19. 为中国高铁机车制造专业配套的激光企业。

    The enterprise manufactures professional cutting equipment for the development of express railway in China .

  20. 这家在线零售商表示,它“为传统的‘中国制造’标签感到自豪”。

    The online retailer said it also felt " proud of its traditional ' made in China ' label " .

  21. 该公司还为中国多数大型银行制造卡片,同时也为在欧洲、南美、非洲和亚洲的电信业务制造卡片。

    It manufactures cards for most of the big Chinese banks , as well as for telecommunications operations in Europe , South America , Africa and Asia .