
  • 网络As Dragon
  1. 它被区分为龙技术和凤凰城技术。

    It is divided into Dragon Skill and Phoenix Skill .

  2. 然而现在,我一点不为龙尼担心。

    Today , however , I am not worried for him at all .

  3. 在中国我们称这种蛇为龙或者地龙

    We call this snake Dragon , or Earth Dragon , here in China .

  4. 你会为龙后表演然后赢得你那么重的黄金。

    You 'll ride your dog for the dragon queen and come away with your weight in gold .

  5. 确定本次实验中所用原药材确定为龙血竭药材,并且质量合格。

    Make sure that medicine source is dragon 's blood , and the quality of it is good .

  6. 如果你死后可以转生为龙,你选择哪种颜色的龙?

    If after you died , you could be reincarnated as any color dragon , which would you choose ?

  7. 少林武术、陈氏太极拳等传统武术项目的深厚底蕴为龙狮运动的开展提供先决条件。

    The traditional martial art projects such as taijiquan of Chen , shaolin wushu provide prerequisites for the profundity of the dragon-lion sport .

  8. 流传于陕西、湖南等地的一些民间传说或直称炎帝为龙,或言炎帝死后化为赤龙。

    Folk lores from Shaanxi and Hu'nan say that Yan Di is directly named dragon or Yan Di becomes a red dragon after death .

  9. 即使世世代代的艺术批评把欧里庇德斯化为龙,以示惩罚,可是这样可怜的赔偿能使谁满意呢?

    And though , by way of punishment , Euripides has been turned into a dragon by all later critics , who can really regard this as adequate compensation ?

  10. 韦赛里斯曾告诉她,坦格利安家最后的一条龙大约死于一个半世纪以前,当时是伊耿三世统治时期,他因而被人称为龙祸。

    Viserys had told her that the last Targaryen dragons had died no more than a century and a half ago , during the reign of Aegon III , who was called the Dragonbane .

  11. 根据该慈善组织透露,一位慈善人士计划连续五年每月为龙张欢一家提供2000元的捐助,这样一来他们就可以雇人帮忙从而减轻孩子们身上的负担。

    According to the group , a philanthropist offered to donate 2,000 yuan a month for five years to Long ` s family so they could hire a helper and ease the children ` s burden .

  12. 自远古时代直至中世纪时期,有很多关于巨型爬行动物的传说,人们将此类爬行动物称之为龙。龙被人们刻画成了一个恐怖的形象:拥有一对大的可怕的翅膀,一条有刺的尾巴,会喷火且滥杀无辜。

    In the ancient world and right up through the Middle Ages , people told tales of monstrous giant reptiles called dragons , which sometimes sported bat wings and barbed tails , and wreaked carnage by breathing fire .

  13. 龙,四灵之首,尊贵、吉祥的象征,几千年的发展赋予了其特殊的文化意义,我们被称为龙的传人,我们生长、繁衍的土地被称为龙的故乡。

    Dragon , four spirit , honor and auspicious symbol for thousands of years , the development of the Chinese cultural significance , the special called " descendants of the dragon ", our growth and reproduction of the land is called " dragon hometown " .

  14. 为玖龙纸业服务的公关公司皓天财经(wonderfulsky)称,该集团将“尽快”向香港证交所提交一份声明,作为对标普此举的回应。

    Wonderful sky , a PR agency working for nine dragons , said the group would release a statement to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange " as soon as possible " to respond to the move .

  15. 周二(10月29日)晚间HBO宣布已为“龙家”预定了“10集连续剧”。这部以坦格利安家族为中心的前传剧的时间背景大概设定在《权游》故事300年前。

    HBO announced Tuesday evening that it 's " given a 10-episode , straight-to-series order " for " House of the Dragon " - a Targaryen-centric prequel set about 300 years before the events of " Game of Thrones . "

  16. 城市精神为“龙狮精神”;

    Its spirit is " the vitality of dragon and lion " .

  17. 为提高龙芯上程序的性能,需要为龙芯开发一个编译优化器。

    To improve the performance of the program on godson , we should design an optimizer for it .

  18. 事情是这样的,他们相互偿付一种虚拟的货币,他们称之为弑龙点

    What happened was , they paid each other a virtual currency they called " dragon kill points . "

  19. 委托贷款曾是一项非常赚钱的业务,但现在不像过去那样为浙江龙盛带来巨额回报了。

    Once a money spinner , entrusted loans are no longer generating major returns for Longsheng like they used to .

  20. 皇帝把他们自己称为“龙”,他们的宝座被称为“龙椅”,他们的衣服被称为“龙袍”。

    Emperors entitled themselves exclusively as " dragon " ; their thrones were called " dragon thrones " , their clothes " dragon gowns . "

  21. 10月28日,一家北京的慈善组织来到这里为包括龙张欢在内的贫困家庭儿童捐赠了30双鞋。

    On Oct 28 , a charity group based in Beijing arrived and donated 30 pairs of shoes to kids in disadvantaged households , including Long .

  22. 在智者布罗姆的指引下,伊拉贡手握一把古剑作为唯一的武器,意识到自己身为“龙骑士”的命运。

    Guided by a wise man named Brom , with only an ancient sword for a weapon Eragon learns of his destiny as a Dragon Rider .

  23. 明代哲学家王阳明早年因反对朝廷宦官,一度被贬为贵州龙场驿丞。

    Wang Yangming , a philosopher in the Ming Dynasty , was once demoted to be a minor official in Longchang , Guizhou Province for opposing the eunuchs .

  24. 我们正走向展览的中心,一个将支撑三个霸王龙的巨大平台,我们称之为霸王龙系列。

    We are approaching the centre piece of the exhibit , a large platform that will support three Tyrannosaurus rex , what we call a gross series of the Tyrannosaurus rex .

  25. 重建老庙不仅使地方性知识获得复活与再造,也实现了与炮龙文化的连接,为炮龙文化生产划上了一个圆满的句号。

    The reconstruction of the Old Temples not only revives and rebuilds the local knowledge , but also realizes the linkage of the Firecracker Dragon Culture and puts an end to the Firecracker Dragon Culture production .

  26. 他们请求中央政府把遇龙河周边地区定为遇龙国家地质公园。申报材料称,这么做是为了“更好地对这些大自然馈赠的地质遗迹进行保护”。

    They have asked the central government to designate the area around the Yulong River as the Yulong National Geological Park in order , the proposal says , " to better protect these geological relics gifted by nature . "

  27. 该剧将讲述在维斯特洛大陆发生的一次被称为“魔龙的狂舞”的坦格利安内战。

    That show will document the buildup to the Targaryen civil war in Westeros that is known as the Dance of Dragons .

  28. 目的:为控制仙龙抗癌胶囊质量。

    Objective : To control the quality of Xianlong Kangan Capsules .

  29. 第一条本会定名为江西省龙狮运动协会。

    Jiang Xi Province dragon and Lion Dance Sports association .

  30. 洛斯阿莫斯国家实验室的物理学家们可能会称之为“给龙的尾巴挠痒痒”。

    Los Alamos physicists might call this " tickling the dragon 's tail . "