
shī zi tóu
  • Lion's head;large meatball
狮子头 [shī zi tóu]
  • [large meatball]用剁碎的肉或肉糜做的一种大肉圆

狮子头[shī zi tóu]
  1. 日本牡丹的一个普遍规律是,花名中含“ji”的品种通常有着皱起的双瓣,如同狮子头一样。

    As a general rule , a bo-tan with the letters " Ji " in its name tends to have ruffled double flowers , like a lion in the Japanese word for them .

  2. 马的头好象狮子头。

    The heads of the horses resembled the heads of lions .

  3. 他把那狮子头挂起来作为狩猎纪念品。

    He hung the lion 's head as a trophy .

  4. 这狮子头又香又嫩。

    The lion 's head is tender and tasty .

  5. 一次我给他狮子头打电话,他一点都不在乎。

    I called him Lionfart once , he did not care for that .

  6. 要找个大狮子头出来?

    You 're looking fora lion 's head ?

  7. 手镯的两端是是狮子头形状的。

    The two ends of the bracelet are in the shape of lions heads .

  8. 这是春笋焖狮子头。

    Braised lion 's head with bamboo shoots .

  9. 清炖蟹粉狮子头—这道菜的名字是形象的说法。

    Lion 's head braised with crab-powder there is a metaphor in the dish name .

  10. 清汤狮子头、响油鳝糊、大煮干丝、法式锔蜗牛都受欢迎。

    Broth lion head , ring oil eel paste , large cooking kan-ssu , snails are popular French curium .

  11. 哥切尔称,此情此景让他想起非洲狩猎人将一只脚一头被猎杀狮子头上的画面。

    Goetschel , was reminiscent of a safari hunter with his foot perched on the head of a dead lion .

  12. 狮子头不是真真的狮子头,现在我知道,它是个肉肉丸。

    The lion 's head is not really a lion 's head & now I know . It 's a meatball !

  13. 实际上,这个狮子头是用肉聚在一起做成向日葵的外形,而且这和狮子头十分相似。

    In actual fact the Lion 's head is a conglomeration of meat that is shaped like a sunflower and resembles a lion 's head .

  14. 此次开卖的“国宴”年夜饭套餐中包括佛跳墙、狮子头和油焖大虾等名菜。

    On the menu of the state-level New Year package meal , there are famous dishes such as Buddha Jumps Over the Wall , Lion 's Head and Braised Prawns .

  15. 艾伯特生活在犹他州盐湖城艾蒿美术馆,它有着灰白色的绒毛,因此人们以著名物理学家艾伯特爱因斯坦的名字给他命名(爱因斯坦经典发型:银白色狮子头)。

    Due to his white-grey colour , Albert , who lives in Sagebrush Fine Art in Salt Lake City , Utah , was named after the famous physicist , who was known for his wild , grey hair .

  16. 在那以后,这个标志只在1949年改变了一次去掉了狮子头上的冠冕以区别于英格兰板球队。

    Since then , the design has only been changed once , in 1949 - when the crown that was on top of the lions was removed to differentiate the badge from that of the English cricket team .

  17. 它的风味形成是一个复杂的物理和化学的过程,并且各种因素之间进一步互相影响,相辅相成,从而最终形成淮扬名菜&扬州狮子头独特的风味。

    The formation of its flavor is a complicated chemical and physical process , and all kinds of its factors interact , thus creating a special flavor of the lion 's head ( the meatball ) in Yangzhou style .

  18. 狮子头姜产量提高18.2%~46.9%,平均增产28.7%。

    The output increased by 18.2 % ~ 46.9 % with the average rate of growth 28.7 % for Chai ginger , and 18.2 ~ 46.9 % and 35.8 % for lion head ginger compared ginger yield of treatments which applied with potassium with that of the control .

  19. 她在射击比赛中获得银奖。猎人把狮子的头挂在墙上当纪念品。

    The hunter put the lion 's head on the wall as a trophy .

  20. 她走到了狮子的头上去了。

    And she walked onto his head .

  21. 曾被译成把狮子的头红烧了的红烧狮子头如今被规范译为用棕色调味料炖猪肉丸。

    The delicacy ( Hong Shao Shi Zi Tou ) which used to be translated as red burned lion head , is now called braised pork ball in brown sauce in the book .

  22. 曾被译成“把狮子的头红烧了”的“红烧狮子头”如今被规范译为“用棕色调味料炖猪肉丸”。

    The delicacy ( Hong Shao Shi Zi Tou ) which used to be translated as " red burned lion head , " is now called " braised pork ball in brown sauce " in the book .

  23. 一只狮子看见一头肥壮的公牛正在吃草,一想到这是一顿美味佳肴,口水不禁就流了出来,可是他又畏惧公牛的尖角,不敢轻易发起进攻。

    A lion watched a fat bull feeding in a meadow , and his mouth watered when he thought of the royal feast he would make , but he did not dare to attack him , for he was afraid of his sharp horns .

  24. 如果你遇到一只狮子或一头大象,我想你会逃跑;

    If you meet a lion or an elephant , I suppose you would run away ;

  25. 正当这些想法掠过脑海时,狮子碰见一头大象,于是,走近大象,和他聊聊。

    As these thoughts passed through his mind , he met an elephant , and came near to hold a conversation with him .

  26. 历史学家们打开了一个小铜盒,发现一本精装书隐藏在狮子雕像的头里面。

    Historians opened a small copper box , hidden in the head of the lion statue , and found a hard-cover book inside .

  27. 其中一个例子,参与者进行一个虚拟的科学考察,观察一群狮子攻击一头水牛,对此大多数人都不喜欢。

    In one instance , participants went on a virtual safari and observed a pride of lions attacking a water buffalo , which most people did not enjoy .

  28. 这猎人保存狮子的皮和头作为纪念品。

    The hunter kept the lion 's skin and head as trophies .

  29. 拿破仑说过,中国是一头沉睡的狮子,当这头睡狮醒来时,世界都会为之发抖。

    Napoleon Bonaparte once compared China to a sleeping lion and observed that when she wakes she will shake the world .

  30. 一个经典战斗场面的变奏:牛头人和英雄一起刺杀两头狮子中的一头,这两头狮子正在攻击一只长着人头的公牛。

    A variation on a classic combat scene : bull-man and hero stabbing one of two lions , which in tum are attacking a human-headed bull .