
  • 网络underwater;The Underwater World
  1. 应采用温和的方法来观察水下世界,不要造成不利影响。

    Employ gentle techniques to observe - rather than adversely affect - the underwater world .

  2. 沉没的宝藏,海洋动物和人造结构的所有组成的水下世界的神秘深处。

    Sunken treasures , marine animals and man-made structures all make up the mysterious depths of the underwater world .

  3. 然而,我觉得水下世界却是迄今为止最为神奇的地方。

    Yet it was under water that I found by far the more magical world .

  4. 水下世界矿石:天青石天青石持有光之语中水下世界的振动。

    UNDERWATER WORLDS Mineral : Celestite Celestite holds the vibration of underwater worlds in the language of light .

  5. 在水族箱之间漫步,感受那水下世界,但要小心那到处游荡的鲨鱼啊!

    Wander through the tanks , taking in the underwater life , but watch out for the sharks !

  6. 他在年轻时已成为雅克‧库斯多的水下世界的纪录片的忠实的观众。

    At a young age , he became a faithful follower of Jacques Cousteau 's documentaries of the underwater world .

  7. 而生活在陆地和海洋之间的我们,是每一条我们所在海岸线的守护者,并调整了在水下世界与陆地世界之间的能量流。

    We in living between the land and the sea are guardians of each coastline that we exist in relation to , and modulate the energy movement between underwater life and worlds upon the land .

  8. 两名潜水员随后进入水箱,松开绑住布莱恩脚跟的链子,并将他解救了出来。根据直播这次表演的美国ABC电视网网站说,目前的水下屏息世界纪录是8分58秒。

    According to the Web site for the ABC television network , which broadcast the stunt live , the world record for holding one 's breath underwater is eight minutes , 58 seconds .

  9. 你可以通过许多方式进入水下摄影世界。

    You can jump into underwater photography in a number of ways .

  10. 水下的世界真是引人入胜。

    The underwater world is really fascinating .

  11. 生产是在意想不到时间,刚好在其中一次每日游览(通过水下的世界水族馆)中间发生。

    The birth was unexpected and happened in the middle of one of the daily tours through the UnderWater World aquarium .

  12. 去观看水下奇妙的世界,我们包租了一只小船出海一个小时,到达了世界著名的帕兰卡礁区。

    To view the underwater wonders , we boarded a much smaller boat and motored an hour out to sea to reach the world-famous Palancar Reef .

  13. 一旦建成,这条隧道就将成为中国最长水下隧道、世界第一条水下真空隧道,使得往来福建、台北(相距180公里)两地的时间缩短到13分钟。

    Once built , it would become China 's longest underwater tunnel , as well as the world 's first underwater vacuum tunnel , cutting the travel time between Fujian and Taipei - located 180 kilometers apart - to just 13 minutes .

  14. 这是世界上最大的水下望远镜,潜入世界上最深的水域,探索人类已知的最小微粒。

    This is the world 's biggest underwater telescope – plunging1 into the world 's deepest waters to discover some of the tiniest particles known to man .

  15. 如何解决对水下潜艇通信成为世界各国军事科学家共同关心的课题之一。

    How to solve the communication problem to the submarine has turned into one of the subjects that the militarists of all over the world commonly concern .

  16. 在岩石,腐蚀性盐层之下极深的水下发现了一些世界上最大的石油储备区。这片地下水域被叫做盐下区域。

    Some of the world 's largest oil deposits have been found there in extremely deep water under layers of rock and salt in what 's called the pre-salt region .

  17. 魔术师大卫?布莱恩今晨结束了一周在水下的风靡一时的戏剧性表演,没有创造新的水下憋气世界记录,却被送进了医院。

    Illusionist David Blaine is in the hospital this morning after his week underwater ended in dramatic fashion , but without a world record for holding his breath .

  18. 布兰森爵士豪迈地表示,他希望有一天“水精灵&内克尔”能够带着游客潜到1万米的水下,尽览水底世界。

    Sir Richard Branson proudly said that he hopes one day to " Water Wizard & Necker " can bring potential visitors to1 m of water , overlooking the underwater world .

  19. 33岁的露西成立里一家新公司——“海星水下摄影公司”,专门为那些自信的水下宝宝摄影,捕捉他们在水下世界中探索冒险的美好瞬间。

    Lucy , 33 , who founded her brand new company Starfish Underwater Photography , takes pictures of the confident waterbabies , capturing a brief moment as they explore an underwater world .