
  • 网络underwater salvage
  1. 使用证明,打捞机械手性能良好,完全能满足水下打捞作业的要求。

    It can meet the requirements of underwater salvage successfully .

  2. 水下打捞队可能很快就会打捞史上最严重的法航坠机事故遇难乘客的遗体,如果这样,这也是死者家属所希望的。

    Underwater salvage teams could soon recover the remains of passengers from the worst ever Air France plane crash , if that is what the families want .

  3. WeeksMarine也将负责水下打捞工作及拆除上层码头的工作。

    Weeks Marine will also handle under water salvages as well as demolishing of the upper deck of the pier .

  4. 超声成像已经在医学上、无损检测、海底地形勘探、水下沉船打捞等领域有较为广泛的应用。

    Ultrasound Imaging has extensive applications in medicine , non-destructive testing , mapping of submarine topography , wreck salvage underwater .

  5. 可用于航道测量、地形/地貌测绘、水下考古、打捞和石油工业以及识别水雷等,研究干涉SAS对于我国国民经济建设和国防具有重要意义。

    So it will be significant to the economic construction and national defense of our country to research the InSAS .

  6. 它可用于航道测量、地形/地貌测绘、水下考古、打捞和石油工业等。

    It can be used in sea-route measurement , terrain mapping , underwater archeology , salvage and oil industry etc.

  7. 水下半埋雷打捞装置

    A Salvaging Apparatus for Underwater Half-buried Torpedo

  8. 由于多波束测深系统具有实时监测功能,可以现场监视水下地物地貌的细微变化,因而在堤防安全、溃口、崩岸监测及水下物体摸探打捞等方面具有重要作用。

    The multi-beam echo sounder system is useful in measuring underwater topography and monitoring safety of dyke .