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  • thermostat
  1. 电子恒温器,准确性高。

    The temperature is controlled by electronic thermostat with high accuracy .

  2. 调了恒温器?煮饭放了芫荽叶?还是说often的时候发了“t”的音?

    Adjust the thermostat , cook with cilantro , pronounce the " t " in often ?

  3. 调查发现,对于健康监测、智能恒温器和联网家庭摄像机的需求也是持平的。

    And the survey found flat demand for fitness monitors , smart thermostats and connected home cameras , as well .

  4. 像该公司的恒温器一样,Protect的设计也是简约风格。

    Like its thermostat sibling , the Protect is designed with clean lines .

  5. 看一看NestLabs生产的Nest恒温器吧,它简单易用,让人觉得舒心。

    Look at the disarmingly simple nest thermostat from nest labs .

  6. 我觉得(Nest恒温器)只是冰山一角。

    I think [ the thermostat ] is just scratching the surface .

  7. Nest恒温器缘起于法德尔对现有设备的失望。

    The idea for nest came out of frustration .

  8. Nest精巧的恒温器给乏味的家居设备市场带来了新意。

    The slick thermostat promises glitzy changes in the mostly stale market for such household devices .

  9. Nest烟雾报警器受到的追捧就比自动恒温器少得多。

    Customers of Nest 's smoke alarms talk far less enthusiastically than those of its thermostats .

  10. 调整Nest恒温器的温度非常容易:只需将恒温器的外圈向上或向下旋转即可。

    Adjusting the nest thermostat is easy : you simply rotate the outer ring up or down .

  11. 带光学窗口的ICF低温冷冻靶用低温恒温器

    A cryostat with optical windows designed for fabricating the ICF cryogenics target

  12. 温度控制:Nest恒温器(249美元)/霍尼韦尔无线智能恒温器(249美元)

    Temperature Control : Nest Thermostat ( $ 249 ) / Honeywell Wifi Smart Thermostat ( $ 249 )

  13. 法德尔称只需要大概一年,Nest恒温器就能让购买者从节能费用上收回购机成本。

    Fadell says that energy savings will help buyers recoup the cost of device in about a year .

  14. Nest创造的一款设备利用了接入互联网的软件,进而转变了过去古板的家用恒温器市场。

    Nest transformed the previously staid market for home thermostats by creating a model that leverages software connected to the Internet .

  15. 同步辐射加速器超导Wiggler磁体系统低温恒温器

    Cryostat of Superconducting Wiggler Magnet System for synchrotron radiation accelerator

  16. 《财富》:你创建了Nest,开发了公司的第一款产品——恒温器。说说你当时灵光一现的顿悟时刻吧。

    Fortune : Tell me your ' Aha ! moment " in starting Nest , with its first product being a thermostat .

  17. 虽然Nest恒温器的市场定位瞄准以iPhone为代表的新生代早期采用者,但法德尔称潜在市场非常宽广。

    While the nest thermostat is clearly aimed at early adopters in the iPhone generation , fadell says the potential market is large .

  18. 结论EN液恒温器能保证EN液的恒定温度,避免EN并发症的发生,提高EN辅助治疗效果。

    Conclusion The thermostat could maintain the constant temperature of EN fluid and prevent the occurrence of complications caused by EN fluid .

  19. 带G-M机闭式循环恒温器流程计算电子计算机程序设计

    A computer procedure for proceeding calculation of closed cycle cryostat

  20. 例如,行业先驱者汤尼•法德尔重新思考了控制室内温度的方法,设计出一款与iPod外观类似的恒温器Nest。

    Trailblazer Tony fadell rethought the method for controlling home temperatures with nest , a thermostat that looks more like an iPod .

  21. Preact公司CEO迈克尔o盖勒把Preact的自动化流程比作一个Nest智能恒温器(译注:Nest是一家从事智能家居业务的公司)。

    Michael Geller , Preact 's chief executive , compares Preact 's automation to a Nest thermostat .

  22. Nest恒温器的外包装盒非常精美,安装起来也很容易。它的售价为249美元,将由百思买(BestBuy)等电子产品零售店直接出售给消费者。

    The device , which will be sold directly to consumers at electronic stores like Best Buy ( BBY ) for $ 249 , comes in an elegant box and is easy to install .

  23. 我们最近搬到了一幢非常大的房子里,这台新买的Protect也改善了我们已有的Nest恒温器的性能。而那台恒温器正是安装在走廊里。

    We recently moved into a fairly large house , and the added detector improves the performance of our existing Nest thermostat , which is mounted in you guessed it the hallway .

  24. Nest的自动恒温器能利用在线天气预报和其自身传感器获取的用户移动信息,来推测应设定的最佳温度。

    A Nest thermostat taps into online weather forecasts and information from its own sensors about a user 's movements to guess the best temperature to set .

  25. 自2K至室温的直接导冷式真空绝热恒温器

    Cold mountain a high vacuum insulated thermostat controlled by a thermoswitch from 2K to room temperature

  26. 其中最有名的就是NestLabsInc.,该公司生产配备Wi-Fi的恒温器和烟雾探测器,其领导者是苹果公司(AppleInc.)前高管法德尔(TonyFadell)。

    The best-known is Nest Labs Inc. , a maker of Wi-Fi-equipped thermostats and smoke detectors led by former Apple Inc. executive Tony Fadell .

  27. 要弄明白谷歌(Google)为何刚刚斥资32亿美元收购了一家生产自动恒温器和烟雾报警器的公司,你有必要考察一下它早些时候在发明“智能家居”(smarthome)方面所做的一些努力。

    To understand why Google has just paid $ 3.2bn for a company that makes thermostats and smoke detectors , you need to look at some of its earlier attempts to invent the " smart home . "

  28. 法代尔随后将他在iPod上取得的经验融入到Nest的自动恒温器中,就连后者的编程界面也沿用了前者的那种环状控制器。

    Mr Fadell went on to embed his iPod lessons in Nest 's thermostat , right down to the wheel-like control for programming the unit .

  29. 2011年,这家总部位于加州帕洛阿尔托市的公司推出了一款精巧的学习型恒温器(LearningThermostat),引起媒体广泛关注。今年年初,这家公司被谷歌(google)收购。

    The Palo Alto , Calif. - based company made headlines when it released its slick Learning Thermostat in 2011 , and gained enough buzz to convince Google to acquire it earlier this year .

  30. 本周早些时候,技术巨头霍尼韦尔公司(Honeywell)对硅谷新创企业NestLabs提起诉讼,称后者广受欢迎的NestLearning智能恒温器设计侵犯了自己的专利。

    Earlier this week , the technology giant Honeywell filed a lawsuit against Silicon Valley startup nest labs for allegedly infringing on Honeywell patents in designing its acclaimed nest learning thermostat .