
  • 网络horizontal structure;Level Structural;horizontal construction
  1. 结果表明:准两年振荡是线性海气耦合系统中的最不稳定模态,且只有该模态类似于ENSO水平结构。

    Results show that the quasi biennial ( QB ) oscillation is the most unstable mode of the linear coupled air sea system and only the QB mode displays ENSO-like horizontal structure .

  2. 第一个是垂直对齐,其中既含有一个带有水平结构的LinearLayout和一个ScrollView。

    The first is a vertical alignment , and it contains both a LinearLayout with a horizontal structure and a ScrollView .

  3. ENSO循环的数值模拟&Ⅰ:水平结构演变

    Numerical simulation of the ENSO cycle ──ⅰ: evolution of horizontal structures

  4. HBT预埋法解决高层筒体相连水平结构插筋施工的新方法

    Application of New HBT Embedding Method to Joint Bar Construction in Tube-connecting Structure

  5. 基流水平结构变化在定常Rossby波列传播及正压能量转换中的作用

    Effects of horizental structure variations of basic flow on propagation of stationay Rossby wave train and barotropic energy conver SCNS

  6. 本文引入植物群落叶片投影盖度(FPC)的概念,其含义是植物群落叶片覆盖地表的百分率,它具有生态意义明确、适于描述植物群落水平结构的特点。

    A useful concept , Foliage Projective Cover ( FPC ) that means the percentage of the land covered by foliage , was introduced , it had some ecological significances and was suitable for describing horizontal character of plant community .

  7. 因此,认为FPC是描述干旱区植物群落水平结构的有效方法,并可用于所有植物群落叶片投影盖度的度量。

    Compared with the measured data , we thought that FPC was a useful and an effective method and theory to describe the horizontal structure of plant community in arid area , and it may be used for measuring FPC for all plant communities .

  8. 在统计与分析调查数据的基础上,本文运用多维尺度分析法(PROXSCAL)从水平结构方向上建立中层管理者胜任力层级结构模型的基础维度结构。

    On the basis of statistical analysis of survey data , this paper used the multidimensional scaling analysis ( PROXSCAL ) from the horizontal direction constructing the base dimension structures of the competency level model .

  9. 泵送混凝土水平结构表面裂缝原因及防治

    Causes of surface cracks of pump concrete level structure and its prevention

  10. 北半球夏季遥相关型的水平结构和能量特征

    Horizontal structure and energetics of northern hemisphere summertime teleconnection patterns

  11. 北半球30hPa大气低频变化水平结构&遥相关的研究

    Teleconnections in the horizontal structure of 30-hpa low-frequency oscillation in the Northern Hemisphere

  12. 动物的水平结构也就有相应的变化。

    Animal 's horizontal structure also had relevant changes .

  13. 草原蝗虫的栖境选择:栖境选择与水平结构的关系

    Habitat selection in grasshoppers in Typical Steppe : relationship between habitat selection and horizontal structure

  14. 最终的模型提供了被研究分子平均时间上的三维原子水平结构。

    The final model provides a time-averaged three-dimensional atomic-resolution structure of the molecule under study .

  15. 此时就是一个3水平结构资料,其中社区为3水平、家庭为2水平、个体为1水平。

    The hierarchical structure is a 3-level , community level , family level and individual level .

  16. 由坝体混凝土中的硅碱反应实验表明在其水平结构的上表面无粘聚力。

    The structure was completed in1930.It has experienced alkali-silica reactions within the concrete and exhibited no bond across horizontal construction lift surfaces .

  17. 作者就1992年4月19日上午通过台湾省中南部地区的急行冷锋,利用雷达资料分析其垂直结构和水平结构。

    The structure of vertical and horizontal active front was analysed preliminarily by using radar information and weather data on 19 April 1992 .

  18. 结果发现,有限面积源的噪声场结构无论是水平结构,还是垂直结构均是不均匀的,都依赖于接收场点的绝对位置。

    It shows that the the structure of noise field is inhomogeneous in both horizontal and vertical direction and dependent on the absolute location .

  19. 群落水平结构角度分析物种多样性,得出物种多样性整体随着植物种数的增多而上升。

    It is concluded from community level structure perspective that the diversity of species increases with the increasing of the number of plant species .

  20. 一般情况下,只有知道生物大分子的原子水平结构才能更好地了解其功能。

    In general , only with a good understanding of the structure of the macromolecular complexes at atomic resolution level , can its function be better understood .

  21. 多数遥感系统虽然可以提供植被水平结构的图像,但是不能提供植被成分垂直分布的信息。

    Most remote sensing systems , although providing images of the horizontal organization of canopies , do not provide direct information on the vertical distribution of canopy elements .

  22. 如果社会投资者是理性的,只有控制性家族的掏空行为和支持行为同时发生,并且在法律对社会投资者保护薄弱以及金字塔结构比水平结构更好地实施掏空行为的条件下,金字塔结构才可能长期存在。

    If the outer stockholders are rational , only if the interweaving of tunneling and propping with weak legal to the outer stockholder , pyramid-controlling structure can exist permanently .

  23. 不同集流场地,水分在水平结构和垂直结构上的变化均有显著差异,影响强度和范围随集流面积的增加而增强。

    The distribution of soil-water in level structure and plumb structure has obvious difference among the different areas , the intensity and rang of soil-water increase with the increasing of collecting area .

  24. 随着势能的变化,形成了不同的水热分布带,因而也产生了不同的土壤、植物、动物的环型水平结构和垂直结构的特点。

    Along with the change of potential energy , different water temperature distribution zones were formed . In these areas , the soil vegetation animal system has its features of horizontal and vertical structure .

  25. 植物群落在水平结构上纯林群落较少、多以混交群落为主,且由针叶植物组成的油松、白杄纯林等长势较差,景观效果一般。

    Plant communities with pure forests are lower than mixed forests in terms of horizontal structure , and the growing and landscape effects of the forest consisting of coniferous , such as Pinus tabulaeformis and Picea meyeri , is poor .

  26. 火干扰后,整个林分的水平结构是一个由不同树种组成和不同红松径阶结构的树木群团构成的镶嵌体,各树木群团的演替趋势不同。

    After fire disturbance , the horizontal community structure was a mosaic of different patches , which were made up of different deciduous species or different sizes of Korean pines , and the succession trend of each patch was also different .

  27. 通过对地面温度场水平结构分析后发现,该气旋经历了3个阶段:暖涡旋基本对称结构、半冷半热非对称结构、冷涡旋基本对称结构。

    It shows from the horizontal structural long-axis analysis of surface of temperature field that the cyclone goes through three stages : the basic symmetric struture of warm vortex , the non-symmetric structure of half cold and half hot and the basic symmetric structure of cold vortex .

  28. 而近年来,采用在框架-核心筒结构中适当的位置加大水平结构的刚度(称为框架-核心筒-伸臂结构)来提高结构的整体侧向刚度的方法得到广泛应用。

    In recent years , in order to improve the overall lateral stiffness of structure , the use of increasing the level of structural lateral stiffness in places of the frame-corewall structure , which could be generally called the frame-corewall-outrigger structure , has got a wide range of applications .

  29. 基于HRLE水平集结构的运动界面追踪研究

    Research on dynamic interface tracking based on H_RLE level set structure

  30. 兰州市大学生体育消费水平及结构的调查研究

    Study on Sports Consumption and Consumption Structure of College Students in Lanzhou