
  • 网络Balance theory;Equilibrium theory;eqilibrium theory
  1. 不平衡说是针对庸俗经济学和庸俗社会学的。

    Disequilibrium theory aims at vulgar economics and vulgar sociology .

  2. 对于不平衡说的几点新思考

    New reflections on the Imbalance Theory

  3. 马列文论中的不平衡说,讲的是经济基础与上层建筑关系中的特殊规律而不是普遍规律。

    In Marxist Leninist literature , a well known viewpoint disequilibrium theory interprets the special laws concerning the relationship between economic basis and superstructure instead of its universal laws .

  4. 他表示:我更愿意把(性别平衡)说成是一种偶然情况,而不是一种围绕性别有意进行的组织设计。

    I 'd call [ the gender balance ] more of an accident than a conscious organisational design around gender , he says .

  5. 工作生活的平衡点就是说在假期之前,你不用再为完成任务赶得火急火燎。

    Having a good work-life balance means there is less risk of you burning out before the holidays .

  6. 当经济开始回升时,联邦预算就恢复平衡,或者说应该恢复平衡。

    As economic expansion takes hold , the result over time is , or should be , a balanced federal budget .

  7. 这儿有一些隐藏的平衡,比如说这个1摩尔,我并没有在前面写了一个。

    And , just to show some of the hidden balance here , 1 here we have one mole . I don 't put a one in front .

  8. 由于农民会调整农作物的种植比例,以利用价格上涨之机获利,因此我们很容易把粮食供需平衡的波动说成是一种短期现象。

    Since farmers adjust crop allocations to take advantage of higher prices , it is easy to dismiss swings in the supply and demand balance of grains as short-lived phenomena .

  9. 如果有机会,我会挽着他的胳膊使他保持身体平衡,并且说,“你先走吧,我想法儿跟上你。”

    At such times I put my hand on his arm to regain my balance , and say ," You set the pace , I will try to adjust to you . "

  10. 此时,我会挽着他的胳膊保持身体平衡,并且说,“你走你的,我想法儿跟上你。”

    At such times I put my hand on his arm to regain my balance , and say , " You set the pace , I will try to adjust to you . "

  11. 缠足使妇女以不自然的方式行走,左右蹒跚,因此她们要竭力保持平衡。柯基生说,这样会使缠足的女性看起来更加性感迷人。

    While footbinding forced women to walk in an unnatural way , tottering from side to side as they struggled to maintain balance , Ko said he believes it made them more attractive and sexy .

  12. 在你下山的时候,不要走交叉步,因为如果你像这样走路,一抬脚,你就会失去平衡,或者说有失去平衡的可能。

    And then as you 're walking down , you don 't want to cross over , because if you walk like this , as soon as your foot goes up , you 're gonna lose your balance , or potentially lose your balance .

  13. 从理论上来讲,这一规定是适当的,因为它既允许了一人公司的设立同时又防止了一人公司的滥设,作到了非常好的平衡,可以说是立法技术的成功运用。

    Theoretically speaking , this requirement is appropriate , because it allows a company at the same time prevent the establishment of a company of overcharging for , done a very good balance , can be said that the successful use of technology legislation .

  14. 文章就《合同法》中的约定解除展开讨论,提出了对合同约定解除的权利优先说、目的优先说、平衡利益优先说三种观点,并分析了这些观点的理论依据。

    The article discusses rescinding contract by agreement stipulated in the Contract Law of PRC , puts forward three views on the cancellation of contract : right of priority , purpose of priority , and balancing of interests , and analyzes their theoretical basis .

  15. 在开始调优一个系统之前,应该确保使用的计算机已针对调优任务良好平衡;也就是说,可用CPU和I/O拥有适当的关系。

    Before starting to tune a system , you should ensure that the computers used are well-balanced for the task ; that is , that the available CPU , memory and I / O have the right relationship .

  16. Franleeway是标准普尔公司汽车行业资产平衡分析家。他说,实际上,政府给通用和克莱斯特为其三年的贷款是有条件的,比如,要求他们在明年3月31号之前必须自力更生,重新盈利。

    In fact , the three-year loans to GM and Chrysler come with conditions , such as requiring the companies to prove by March 31st , that they can become viable , Fran leeway of equity auto industry analyst at Standard & Poor 's.

  17. 如果友谊失去了平衡,就要说出来。

    If a friendship is out of balance , talk the situation through .

  18. 去年,公司的中国业务没能达到收支平衡,他们报告说。

    Last year , the company 's China businesses failed to reach break-even , they report .

  19. 细胞凋亡的异常将扰乱细胞数量及状态的生理性平衡,因此应该说肿瘤不仅是增殖和分化异常的疾病,也是细胞凋亡异常的疾病。

    So cancer is not only the disease of abnormal growth and differentiation , but also the disease of abnormal apoptosis .

  20. 这样的技巧可以帮助学生在课业、兼职和参与社团、义工团体间取得平衡,史默说。

    Those management skills helped students balance classes , part-time work and involvement in volunteer or professional groups , Small said .

  21. 葡萄酒有着独特的香味,它能够破坏或带走食物的平衡感,她说。

    Wine comes with unique flavours . It can intrude or take away from the balance of the food , she says .

  22. “过热的经济发展使人们纠缠于物质生活而失去了内心的平衡,”她说。

    " The overheated economic development has made people obsessed with material things at the expense of inner balance ," she says .

  23. 然而,中国在发展过程中极具不平衡性,可以说,中国本身就是一个发展不平衡的发展中大国。

    Nevertheless , There exists some disequilibria following the development , and in fact , China is a great developing country with disequilibria .

  24. 近期内与其说世界经济是在寻找平衡,还不如说是在债台高筑的西方和节俭的东方之间发展得更加偏斜。

    Rather than rebalancing , the world economy in the immediate future will skew even more between a debt-ridden West and thrifty East .

  25. 河床演变的结果是力图恢复水流输沙平衡,也就是说河床变形总是朝着使变形终止的方向发展。

    The result of bed evolution is to reach balance between scouring and silting , and the bed deformation is developed along the direction of deformation termination .

  26. 平衡期按定义说为稳定期,区域内人口的短期变动都是由于当地各种情况所造成。

    Say , by definition , a balanced view for the stability period , the region 's population because of the short-term changes are caused by local circumstances .

  27. 对于欧米加正好等于平均数的情形,宇宙微妙地在二种情形之间平衡,就被说成是“扁平”。

    For the case where Omega is exactly equal to one , the Universe is delicately balanced between the two states , and is said to be flat .

  28. 你也应该保持热量输入和输出的平衡&也就是说不要吃超过您身体所需的食物。

    You should also try to maintain a balance between calorie intake and calorie expenditure & that is , don 't eat more food than your body can utilize .

  29. 阐明女性经验可以使历史上主要为男性利益服务的文化价值体系具有人性并得到平衡,也就是说,它能够带来男女文化上的双性。

    Describing females ' experience can add humanism and balance to the cultural value system that mainly serves male interest in history . That is to say , it can bring about double sexes in terms of male and female cultures .

  30. 通过在各个国家的实践来看,电影分级制度可以在多方利益中找到一个平衡点,可以说它是电影管理制度的大趋势,是平衡多方权益的上善之举。

    Through the practice in various countries , we can find a balance point of film graduation system in multiple parties , which is the great tendency towards improving film management system , and also the best measures to the interests of multiple parties .