
  • 网络greek fire
  1. 火药是希腊火的直接衍生物。

    Gunpowder was the lineal successor of the Greek fire .

  2. 奥利佛大人在等你给他希腊火呢。

    Lord Oliver awaits his Greek fire .

  3. 希腊火这个曾经被搁置的研发项目,加上一个Zippo打火机,堪比战术核武器。

    A previously shuttered RD program , wildfire is a tactical nuke crossed with a Zippo lighter .

  4. 燃烧剂极易点燃的材料,如希腊火,过去曾用于战争。

    A highly flammable material , such as Greek fire , once used in warfare .

  5. 他大刀阔斧地革故鼎新,特别是创造性地运用了希腊火。

    He is a master of radical adaptation , particularly in his creative deployment of wildfire .

  6. 你答应为他造希腊火?

    You promised him Greek fire ?

  7. 在10日到12世纪拜占庭的希腊火的手榴弹就在雅典国立博物馆展出。

    Byzantine hand grenades with Greek fire in the10th to12th centuries are on display in the National Museum at Athens .