
  • 网络glasgow airport
  1. 巴卡尔丁城堡距离格拉斯哥机场(Glasgowairport)90英里,每晚客房费用为185英镑。

    Barcaldine Castle is 90 miles from Glasgow airport . £ 185 for one night .

  2. 哈尼夫是本月驾驶燃烧的汽车闯入格拉斯哥机场嫌犯的表兄。

    Haneef is a cousin of one of the men suspected of crashing a burning car into Glasgow airport earlier this month .

  3. 驾驶吉普闯入格拉斯哥机场的司机把汽油浇到自己身上并将其点燃,最后消防人员将其身上的火再次扑灭。

    The driver of the Glasgow jeep doused himself in petrol only to be put out again by the fire brigade .

  4. 一名伊拉克医生在伦敦法院提堂,他被控与另一名男子开车撞入格拉斯哥机场的一个候车室。

    An Iraqi doctor has appeared in a London courtroom on charges that he and another man crashed a car into a terminal at Glasgow Airport .

  5. 伦敦人已经被上周五的汽车炸弹事件和周六的格拉斯哥机场事件搅得心神不宁了,本周四报道的地铁脱轨再次绷紧了他们的神经。

    Londoners , rocked by last Friday 's car bomb discoveries and Saturday 's attack on the airport in Glasgow , are on edge again , with a subway train derailment reported Thursday morning .

  6. 目前,苏格兰格拉斯哥机场的官员正在测试一种新的安检设备。这种设备叫做“电子嗅探犬”,这是嗅探技术领域最新的进展之一。

    Now , officials at the Glasgow airport in Scotland are testing a new security device called an " electronic sniffer dog . " The electronic sniffer dog represents one of the latest developments in the area of smell technology .

  7. 欢迎来到格拉斯哥国际机场

    Welcome to Glasgow International Airport .