
  • 网络gregory;Michael Gregory
  1. 格雷戈里仍为香农的朝气、快乐和美丽着迷。

    Gregory was still enchanted with Shannon 's youth and joy and beauty

  2. 格雷戈里的父亲早就向他灌输了要接受教育的志向。

    Gregory 's father had implanted in him an ambition to obtain an education

  3. 格雷戈里会采访他们,并会挑动他们彼此相斗。

    Gregory would interview them , and would play one off against the other .

  4. 格雷戈里又倒了一杯白葡萄酒后回到了卧室。

    Gregory poured another glass of white wine and went back to his bedroom .

  5. 格雷戈里和卡门说了知心话。

    Gregory shared confidences with Carmen .

  6. 以普通工会会员为例,他们很可能会有政治动机,习惯于集体行动,就像埃里卡·格雷戈里一样。

    Take your average trade union member , chances are they will be politically motivated and be used to collective action — much like Erica Gregory .

  7. 格雷戈里将寻找有用的非编码DNA片段比作使用金属探测器搜索埋在沙滩里的黄金。

    Gregory likens the search for useful pieces of noncoding DNA to using a metal detector to find gold buried at the beach .

  8. 格雷戈里认为,虽然某些非编码DNA是必不可少的,但大部分很可能没有任何用处。直到最近,大多数生物学家都同意他的意见。

    Gregory believes that while some noncoding DNA is essential , most probably does nothing for us at all , and until recently , most biologists agreed with him .

  9. 这些生物并不比我们人类复杂,所以格雷戈里不认为这些多出来的DNA的作用是完善它们的机能。

    These organisms don 't appear to be more complex than we are , so Gregory rejects the idea that they 're accomplishing more with all their extra DNA .

  10. NPR新闻,格雷戈里·华纳内罗毕报道。

    Gregory Warner , NPR News , Nairobi .

  11. 格雷戈里等研究人员认为,虔诚的创世论者不约而同地利用“垃圾DNA”观念中的最新变化,这绝非偶然,他们这是试图让时间倒退回达尔文时代之前。

    It 's no coincidence , researchers like Gregory argue , that bona fide creationists have used recent changes in the thinking about junk DNA to try to turn back the clock to the days before Darwin .

  12. 人们普遍认为Godblessyou这一短语起源于六世纪黑死病泛滥时期,出自罗马教皇格雷戈里之口。(打喷嚏是这种瘟疫的一种明显征兆)。

    The phrase God bless you is attributed to Pope Gregory the Great , who uttered it in the sixth century during a bubonic plague epidemic ( sneezing is an obvious symptom of one form of the plague ) .

  13. 她给13岁的儿子格雷戈里买了一部iPhone手机做圣诞礼物,但同时又跟儿子签订了一共18条的手机使用合同,合同中明确规定了格雷戈里使用手机时的种种规则。

    She gave her 13-year-old son Gregory an iPhone for Christmas . But it came with a catch -- namely , an 18-point contract outlining how Gregory 's new toy can and can 't be used .

  14. 2000年6月,时任南非驻香港高级专员公署(SouthAfricanHighCommissioninHongKong)外交官的格雷戈里•迪耶布(GregDe'Eb)参加了由香港贸易发展局组织的会议,主题是探讨香港能否成为亚洲的葡萄酒贸易中心。

    It was in June 2000 when Greg De'Eb , a diplomat at the South African High Commission in Hong Kong , attended a conference organized by the territory 's trade-development council asking whether the region could become the wine-trading center of Asia .

  15. 格雷戈里•弗莱明(GregoryFleming),44岁,投资银行家,以过去10年为美国金融服务领域一些最大规模的交易提供咨询而闻名。

    Gregory Fleming , 44 , made his name as an investment banker advising on some of the biggest US financial services deals of the past 10 years .

  16. 为此,格雷戈里的研究生尼克·杰弗里(NickJeffery)从大学的温室里采了一棵小洋葱拿到实验室,然后递给我一把单刃安全剃须刀,和我一起在培养皿中把洋葱茎切碎。

    To run the test , Gregory 's graduate student Nick Jeffery brought a young onion plant to the lab from the university greenhouse . He handed me a single-edged safety razor , and then the two of us chopped up onion stems in petri dishes .

  17. 戴维・斯科特・耶格尔(DavidScottYeager)与格雷戈里・沃尔顿(GregoryWalton)撰写的综述论文指出,该干预方法吸收了以往数十年的研究,传递出“有说服力又让人不知不觉的”心理信息来消除极其有害的焦虑感和质疑。

    Drawing on decades of research , the interventions deliver ' persuasive yet stealthy ' psychological messages to neutralize crippling anxieties and doubts , according to a 2011 research review authored by David Scott Yeager , an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin , and Gregory Walton ,

  18. 蛮族习气和宗教的胜利时代的真实记叙&都尔主教格雷戈里《法兰克人史》的文学分析

    On Gregory of Tours ' The History of the Franks

  19. 当格雷戈里最终于1929年向她求婚时,阿尔玛答应了。

    When Gregory finally proposed to her in 1929 , Alma accepted .

  20. 格雷戈里开始大声抗议起来。

    Gregory began to raise his voice in protest .

  21. 他的接任者将是长期担任公司首席财务官的格雷戈里o海耶斯。

    His replacement : his long-time CFO Gregory Hayes .

  22. 例如在2012年发表的一篇论文中,格雷戈里分析了瑞典的名门望族。

    In a 2012 paper , for instance , Mr Clark examines prosperous Swedes .

  23. 不过格雷戈里并不是家庭主夫。

    Though Gregory is no stay-at-home spouse .

  24. 为了解决可靠数据不足的问题,格雷戈里选择从罕见姓氏中收集信息。

    Mr Clark confronts the lack of good data by gleaning information from rare surnames .

  25. 服务员:我是格雷戈里,夫人,我是您今晚的服务员。

    WAITER : I 'm Gregory , madam , and I 'm your waiter this evening .

  26. 我们可能需要从美国引回一些椋鸟。格雷戈里打趣说。

    " We may need some of the American starlings to be returned ," Gregory jokes .

  27. 但是格雷戈里和其他人表示这种想法不过是潘格罗士博士那样的盲目乐观罢了。

    But to Gregory and others , that is a blinkered optimism worthy of Dr. Pangloss .

  28. 马修认为他在汽车里,格雷戈里则以为他在盒子中。

    Michaei thinks he 's in a car , Geoffrey just thinks he 's in a box .

  29. 格雷戈里等研究人员认为这是远远超出了实际证据的浮夸之辞。

    Researchers like Gregory consider this sort of rhetoric to be leaping far beyond the actual evidence .

  30. 但格雷戈里认为,基因组恰好体现了达尔文的初衷:适应性和随意性的混合体。

    But Gregory argues that genomes embody the very mix of adaptation and arbitrariness that Darwin had in mind .