
  • 网络guernica
  1. 毕加索的《格尔尼卡》就悬挂在那里。

    Picasso 's " Guernica " hangs there .

  2. 尽管《格尔尼卡》创作于1937年,但作品反映的普遍真理早已超越了时间,超越了国界。

    Although Guernica was created in1937 , the universal truth of the work transcends decades and borders .

  3. 文章共分六个部分,第一部分主要概述了壁画《格尔尼卡》创作的背景、原因和一些序幕性作品。

    Article divide into six a piece of parts altogether . The first part sums up background , reason and prelude quality works .

  4. 尤其是德国,它用空军轰炸不设防的小城镇格尔尼卡,进行试验性的恐怖空袭。

    Germany in particular used her air power to commit such experimental horrors as the bombing of the defenceless little township of guernica .

  5. 在这幅名为《格尔尼卡》的绘画中我清楚的表达了我对将西班牙变成痛苦与死亡的军人阵营的痛恨。

    In the painting which named'Guernica'I express it clearly that I very hate the soldier camps who changing Spain to agony and death .

  6. 开始欣赏毕加索的画,尤其对《格尔尼卡》印象深刻;阅读陀思妥耶夫斯基的《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》,和大家讨论“宗教大法官”的意义。

    experienced Picasso 's paintings , especially Guernica , and debated the meaning of the " Grand Inquisitor " in Dostoyevsky 's Brothers Karamazov .

  7. 今天,北约在苏尔特的轰炸机就和希特勒的神鹰轰炸机一样,夷平了在困境中的西班牙巴斯克地区的格尔尼卡镇。

    Today , the NATO jets that pound Sirte are the equivalent of the Hilter 's Condor bombers , which leveled the beleaguered Spanish Basque town of Guernica .

  8. 几何图形概念、摄影技术等作为现代元素对于《格尔尼卡》的视觉建构和意义的生成有着不可忽略的重要作用。

    Geometry concepts and modern elements such as photography technology for the construction of the visual guernica meaning and should not be neglected in the formation of a role .

  9. 他于1937年创作的壁画《格尔尼卡》更是他艺术生涯中一件独特的代表性巨作,它不但在美术史上具有重大的影响,而且也具有重大的社会意义。

    At mural painting named " Guernica " that create 1937 huge to act as he , It not only has great influence on the history of art but also have great social effects .

  10. 对格尔尼卡的袭击激发了巴勃罗•毕加索的创作热情和天赋,让他挥笔揭露战争的真相:战争无关权力和荣誉,它带来的是痛苦和死亡。

    The attack on Guernica inspired the passion and genius of Pablo Picasso to reveal his truth about war : war is not about power and glory , war is about pain , suffering , and death .

  11. 本文运用形式分析的方法,透过对毕加索的壁画《格尔尼卡》完整的分析,从各个方面揭示了《格尔尼卡》意蕴的产生和所放射出的光芒。

    This text use form analytic approach , through at Picasso and his " Guernica " intact to analyse their works , have announced the production that purpose accumulates of " Guernica " in store and brilliant rays radiated from all respects .