
pínɡ fānɡ yīnɡ cùn
  • square inches
  1. 应该把被HF烧伤面积大于8平方英寸的人马上送入加护病房,小心监护24到48小时。

    The person with HF burns covering greater than eight ( 8 ) square inches should be admitted immediately to an intensive care unit and monitored carefully for 24 to 48 hours .

  2. 型硅碳棒有两段,总辐射面积则为75平方英寸。

    This U has two legs , for a total surface area of75 square inches .

  3. HD抗风暴飓风门能承受高达每平方英寸80镑的风压。

    The HD-Storm hurricane-rated door system withstands wind pressures of up to80 pounds per square inch .

  4. n.压力;压迫,压强海平面上的大气压力每平方英寸大约有15磅。vt.使……成功;

    pressure The air pressure at sea level is nearly 15 pounds for each square inch .

  5. 储存在68°F(20°C)的钢瓶内的液体的蒸气压是816磅每平方英寸(psig)。

    The vapor pressure of the liquid stored in the cylinder @ 68 f ( 20 c ) is 816 pounds per square inch gauge ( psig ) .

  6. DOT-4L,随后是以磅每平方英寸为单位的额定工作压力。

    DOT-4L followed by the service pressure rating in pounds per square inch .

  7. 零售商们利用精密的系统来最大化每个平方英寸的回报。

    Retailers use sophisticated systems to maximise return per square foot .

  8. 磅/平方英寸(压力标志,如轮胎上的字样)。

    Pounds ( pressure ) per square inch ( eg on tyres )

  9. 每平方英寸6磅的压力

    A pressure of 6 lb to the square inch

  10. 在每平方英寸的拉斯维加斯,你会发现一个赌场。

    In every square inch of Las Vegas , you will find a casino .

  11. 海平面上的大气压力每平方英寸有15磅。

    The air pressure at sea level is nearly 15 pounds for each square inch .

  12. 亚利桑那大学一项研究发现,普通电脑桌面每平方英寸有21000个细菌。

    A University of Arizona study found the average desktop had 21000 germs per square inch ;

  13. 就在此时此刻,你皮肤上的每平方英寸就有3200万个细菌!

    Every square inch of your skin has 32 million bacteria on it , right now !

  14. 之后机器用150磅每平方英寸的压力冲压母模。

    The machine then presses the stampers together with 150 pounds per square inch of pressure .

  15. 型或者是Y型,有三段,则辐射面积为113平方英寸。

    The W or Y , with three legs , have a total surface area of113 square inches .

  16. 我把衣服做好以后,只剩下几平方英寸布料了。

    When I finished making the dress , I had only a few square inches of material left over .

  17. 你们能看到这个双端闸床破裂,压力大约是在20到25磅每平方英寸。

    You can see in this double ended guillotine break the pressure was around twenty two to twenty five psi .

  18. 压缩天然气天然气储存在气缸内的压力高达3600磅每平方英寸。

    Compressed Natural Gas is natural gas that is stored in cylinders with pressures of up to3600 pounds per square inch .

  19. 球体,由塞奇柴郡航天在兰卡斯特,加利福尼亚州,将加压至8磅每平方英寸。

    The sphere , made by Sage Cheshire Aerospace in Lancaster , Calif. , will be pressurized to8 pounds per square inch .

  20. 如果轮胎少冲2磅/平方英寸的气,耗油量就会上升百分之一。

    If one of your tyres is under-inflated by just two pounds per square inch , fuel consumption goes up by 1 % .

  21. 一只手表的屏幕只有一至二平方英寸,能显示的信息非常有限。

    The amount of information that one can get from a watch screen that is one to two square inches is pretty limited .

  22. 高压加工法还被用于保存牛油果沙拉酱和熟肉制品,这种方法会使食品承受每平方英寸几千镑的压力。

    HPP , also used to preserve guacamole and ready-to-eat meats , subjects the food to intense pressure of thousands of pounds a square inch .

  23. (计算机科学)计算机显示器每平方英寸的像素的数目;分辨率越高,图像的质量越好。

    ( computer science ) the number of pixels per square inch on a computer-generated display ; the greater the resolution , the better the picture .

  24. 它们的屏幕很小-也许只有几平方英寸或者只能显示几行文本信息,它们常常是单色的而不是彩色的。

    Their screens are small perhaps a few inches square or able to display only a few lines of text and they 're often monochrome instead of color .

  25. 城镇所需水压在50-100磅/平方英寸之间,简单换算一下就知道水塔需要建多高。

    Towns usually keep their water pressure between fifty and one-hundred pounds per square inch , so a simple equation tells them how high to build the tower .

  26. 近场光盘记录是近年来光盘存储技术发展的主要方向,存储密度每平方英寸可达20-250G。

    Near Field Optical Disc Recording Technology ( NFOD ) is one of main fields of optical storage technology , and storage density can up to 20-250 per square inch .

  27. 基于近扬光学方法的最小信息记录单元尺寸突破了经典光学分辨率的衍射极限,理论存储密度高达1000Gb/平方英寸,受到了研究人员和工业界的广泛关注。

    It has the advantage that the minimum light spot size is beyond the classic optical diffraction limit . Theoretical recording density of 1000 Gb / in 2 can be achieved .

  28. 几乎所有的饼干都是一口大小的小块儿(1平方英寸甚至更小),不像那些典型的美国大饼干,直径往往达到4至5英寸。

    Almost all the cookies are tiny bite-size morsels ( 1 inch square or smaller ), never like those typical gigantic American cookies that often reach a diameter of4 to5 inches .

  29. •他的每周调查显示,高清电视的单位平方英寸均价本月同比下降23.4%,跌幅高于2010年6月的18%。

    • his weekly survey shows the average price per square inch of HDTVs down 23.4 % year over year so far this month vs. the 18 % decline he recorded in June 2010 .

  30. 钻石结晶所需的温度和压力是超乎想象的,温度必须超过2000华氏度,每平方英寸压力必须至少达到69万磅。

    The temperature and pressure necessary for diamonds to crystallize are mind boggling : the temperature must be over 2000 degrees Fahrenheit , and the pressure must be at least 690000 pounds per square inch .