
pínɡ miàn shè jì shī
  • graphic designer
  1. 她请做平面设计师的儿子设计了信头和信笺。

    She asked her son , a graphic designer , to create letterheads and stationery .

  2. 德国平面设计师维丽娜眠腭(VerenaHennig)创作的Roll铝合金座椅是其二维空间艺术观的延伸。

    German graphic designer Verena Hennig 's powder-coated aluminium Roll seating is an extension of her two-dimensional art .

  3. 几星期前,一名来自香港的42岁产品及平面设计师推出了一款名为“Mark1”的价值5万美元的女性机器人。

    A few weeks ago a 42-year-old product and graphic designer from Hong Kong revealed " Mark 1 , " a $ 50000 female robot .

  4. 普林斯顿的爸爸赛·罗伯茨(SaiRoberts)今年40岁,是一位平面设计师,他的愿望更朴实。

    Princeton 's dad , Sai Roberts , 40 , a graphic designer , has more modest aspirations .

  5. 平面设计师伊丽莎白•凯莉•史密斯(ElizabethCareySmith)在她怀孕的最后四个月里追踪记录下了自己的乘车经历。

    Elizabeth Carey Smith , a graphic designer , kept track of the final four months of her pregnancy and documented the results .

  6. 最有趣的提名作品之一是平面设计师NomaBar的图画一张图片中藏着一张图片。

    One of the most amusing nominees is graphic artist Noma Bar 's prints - all hiding a picture within a picture .

  7. 我要是去墨西哥的话,就想去水上玩,但是那套房子太惊艳了。弗里斯克说。她是一名平面设计师兼设计顾问,住在芝加哥的西镇(WestTown)社区。

    If I was going to Mexico , I wanted to be on the water , but that house is completely amazing , said Ms. Frisk , a graphic designer and design consultant in the West Town neighborhood of Chicago .

  8. 平面设计师NomaBar表示:我喜欢二次阅读的想法,所以你可以看到一些东西,它将带你进入另一个故事。

    Noma Bar , graphic artist , said , I like the idea of second reading so you will see something and it will take you to another story .

  9. 关于印刷术的博客,由PedroSerrão,来自葡萄牙波尔图平面设计师。

    A blog on typography , by Pedro Serr ã o , a graphic designer from Porto , Portugal .

  10. Behomm的创始人是伊娃·卡尔杜奇(EvaCalduch)和奥古斯特·胡斯特(AgustJuste)都是西班牙巴塞罗那的平面设计师,现年48岁。

    Behomm was created by Eva Calduch and Agust Juste , both 48-year-old graphic designers in Barcelona , Spain .

  11. 我们家的世交格雷格(Greg)在一家杂志担任平面设计师,他告诉我,他的习惯是,为重视他的编辑做设计时会做得好一点。

    Greg , a graphic designer at a magazine and a family friend , told me that he habitually did better layouts for editors who took a personal interest in him .

  12. 鲁索开车把我从特里卡塞波尔图的岩石海岸送到了这里。在特里卡塞波尔图,我曾驻足与平面设计师安娜·瓜里尼(AnnaGuarini)闲聊。

    Russo has driven me here from the rockier coast of Tricase Porto , where I stopped to chat with the graphic artist Anna Guarini .

  13. 平面设计师阿米特·班达里(AmitBhandari)在南城的一座地铁站耐心地等车。

    Amit Bhandari , a graphic designer , waited patiently for the Metro in a South Delhi station .

  14. 平面设计师,伦敦中央圣马丁平面设计在读硕士,ISTD和CSD成员。现居伦敦。

    Graphic Designer , currently studying at the Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design , member of ISTD & CSD , based in London .

  15. 现在的标识和最初的大鸟拉里几乎没有相似之处,最初版本是英国平面设计师西蒙·奥克斯利(SimonOxley)创作,他后来为很多网络公司设计了吉祥物。

    The original Larry , to which the present icon bears little resemblance , was created by Simon Oxley , a British graphic designer who has since produced many mascots for online companies .

  16. 威尔金森(SarahWilkinson)当设计副总裁,又聘请曾为NicholasKirkwood和PeterPilotto效力的劳伦?麦卡尔蒙特(LaurenMcCalmont)当平面设计师。

    To spearhead the in-house label , she poached her vice president of design , Sarah Wilkinson , from Asos and hired a print designer , Lauren McCalmont , who had worked for Nicholas Kirkwood and Peter Pilotto .

  17. 设计产品设计师丽娜梅耶尔和平面设计师莎拉凯雷宁-格拉姆纳,谁是创意工作室Yra两人后面。

    Designed by product designer Lina Meier and graphic designer Sara Keranen-Gramner , who are the creative duo behind Studio Yra .

  18. 最近,几位在布鲁克林生活了五年的平面设计师在海伦娜创办了一家叫“兴盛”(Thrive)的公司。联合创办者特伦斯·克拉克(TerranceClark)说,在布鲁克林,“大概有20万人试图要做我想做的事。”

    Recently , graphic designers opened a firm called Thrive in Helena after living for five years in Brooklyn , where " about 200000 people were trying to do what I wanted to do , " said a co-owner , Terrance Clark .

  19. 是一个设计小组-一个平面设计师博客,于2004年3月创造的阿德里安汉夫特和贝内特Holzworth。

    Be A Design Group – a blog for graphic designers , created in March of2004 by Adrian Hanft and Bennett Holzworth .

  20. 33岁的凡妮莎·麦克丹尼尔(VanessaMcDaniel)是一个在世界各地工作的平面设计师。她从2012年11月开始跟着泽斯勒训练。她对此很有热情,打算也成为Soteria教练。

    Vanessa McDaniel , 33 , a graphics designer who is traveling around the world , is so enthusiastic about training with Ms. Zeisler , which she has done since November 2012 , that she plans to become a Soteria instructor .

  21. 彩通是总部位于华盛顿的丹纳赫公司(DanaherCorp.)的子公司,每一年它都会调查世界各地的平面设计师、工业设计师、时装设计师及其他设计师以及制造商和零售商,询问他们计划在未来几季采用什么色彩。

    Pantone , owned by Washington , D.C. - based Danaher Corp. , each year polls graphic , industrial , fashion and other designers around the world , as well as manufacturers and retailers , asking what colors they plan to use in coming seasons .

  22. 但你可能会问,什么是平面设计师?

    But you may ask , what is a graphic designer ?

  23. 我们平面设计师有着丰富的图文制作经验。

    Our graphic team have rich experiences on the work .

  24. 外资印刷公司平面设计师;

    Graphic Designer required for foreign owned & operated print management company .

  25. 我是一个平面设计师,我热爱设计和摄影。

    I am a graphic designer , I love design and photography .

  26. 这个木工平面设计师每天都要用卷尺或直尺。

    This woodworker-graphic designer uses a tape measure or ruler almost every day .

  27. 未来平面设计师扮演着视觉文化建设者的角色。

    In future plane designers will play the role of visual culture builders .

  28. 东京平面设计师迫田容満作品。

    Works by Tokyo based graphic artist Yoshimitsu Sakoda .

  29. 艺术家和平面设计师有自己的战功走向印刷及平面设计。

    Artists and graphic designers have their own exploits towards printing and graphic design .

  30. 一名平面设计师和视觉艺术家,现居于北京和香港。

    A graphic designer and visual artist who lives in Beijing & Hong Kong .