
  • 网络average rate;Average Speed;average velocity;kbps
  1. 体内法测定结果表明,小鼠在24h内每小时的透皮吸收平均速率为10.5μg/cm~2。

    The average rate of percutaneous absorption in vivo is 10.5 μ g / h / cm ~ 2 for 24h in mise .

  2. 乐山大佛基岩,在最近30a酸雨的作用下,风化剥蚀作用强烈,平均速率在(0.2g/h·m2)左右,被剥蚀厚度约2cm,并提出了相应的防治对策。

    The bedrock of the GREAT BUDDHA , under the acid rain , received strong weathering at the average rate of 0.2 gr / h · m ~ 2 and has been disintegrated about 2 cm thickness .

  3. 平均速率受限条件下OFDM系统联合自适应分配策略

    Margin adaptive allocation algorithm with average data rate constraint in multiuser OFDM systems

  4. 在复合材料DSC加热曲线上吸热峰所在的逆相变温度区间内,马氏体逆相变的平均速率较大;

    In the temperature span of the endothermic peak of the DSC heating curve , the average transformation rate is relatively large .

  5. 基于网络法,本文对不同燃烧室进行了由简单到复杂的关于燃烧温度和NOx生成或平均速率的模拟。

    Network based simulation of different combustors about flame temperatures and NOx or mean velocities is developed from simple models to complex models .

  6. 而纳米ZnO对氨氮消耗却有一定的浓度促进效应,但氨氧化平均速率只与amoA基因丰度呈显著负相关。

    Additionally , nano-ZnO could also cause slight concentration-dependant-promotion upon the consumption of ammonia nitrogen , but the average ammoxidation rate was negative related to the abundance of amoA gene .

  7. 在平均速率和时间效率上有显著提高。

    It has higher time efficiency and average speed .

  8. 碰壁分子的平均速率和平均能量

    Average velocity and average energy of the meeting molecule

  9. 与嵝土相比,砂土水分入渗平均速率更快。

    Averaged water infiltration rate of sandy soil is greater as compared with Lou Soil .

  10. 价格费用该公司的海外投资以每年20%的平均速率增长。

    eg.The company 's overseas investment grew at a mean annual rate of 20 % .

  11. 但这个参数只是一个平均速率,并不包括体积因素。

    However , it is only an average rate and does not include the volume factor .

  12. 自晚更新世以来,该区地壳抬升平均速率为0.45mm/a。

    The average rate of crustal uplift since the Late Pleistocene is 0 . 4mm / a.

  13. 现在我要给你们看的是,0到4秒间的,平均速率。

    And I will show you now what is the average speed between time zero and four .

  14. 在逆相变开始阶段,逆马氏体相变的平均速率较大;

    In the beginning of the reverse martensitic transformation , the average reverse transformation ratio is larger .

  15. 我一直想知道子弹到底有多快,它的平均速率或者说平均速度是多少?

    I have always wondered what the average speed or the average velocity is of a bullet .

  16. 平均速率的定义是,移动距离除以移动这段距离时,所需要的时间。

    The average speed is defined as the distance traveled divided by the time that it takes to travel that distance .

  17. 结果表明,华北地区现今断层活动水平较低,平均速率为0.17mm/a;

    The results show that the recent fault movement rate is small in North China and the average rate is 0.17mm/a .

  18. 令牌桶具有限制流的突发量和平均速率的特点,广泛用于流量整形。

    The Token Bucket Filter ( TBF ) is widely used for traffic shaping to curb the traffic burst and average rate .

  19. 因此,在公路和铁路的设计中,弯曲部分的倾斜角按行车的平均速率来确定。

    Hence in the design of highways and railroads , curves are banked for the average speed of the traffic over them .

  20. 在不同维数下用麦克斯韦分布律求平均速率、方均根速率和最概然速率

    Discussion on the average speed , the root-mean-square-speed and the most probable speed in different dimensions by using maxwell 's distribution law

  21. 群落中1年生和多年生植物地上生物量分别以8.8%的年平均速率减少或增加,豆科植物地上生物量及所占比例上升。

    The aboveground biomass of annual species reduced by 8.8 % annually , while the perennial species increased with the similar rate .

  22. 1987年之后断层活动平均速率上升到0.40mm/年,应力场处于加强过程;

    The average velocity of the fault activity rises to 0.40mm/year after 1987 , and the stress field is in the intensive process .

  23. 提出了利用平均速率、时延抖动和辅助系数η这三个参数进行缓冲区长度估算的简化算法;

    The simplified method of estimating buffer length was proposed with the help of mean transmission rate , delay jitter , assistant parameter .

  24. 此外,蒸腾速率与耗水速率的最大速率与平均速率的比值均非常一致。

    However , the respiration rate accord with water consuming rate in aspect of the ratio of the maximum rate and the average rate .

  25. 另一种含义是物体的平均速率,即物体运动所经过的全部路程除以所经过的时间。

    In another sense , the average speed of a body means the total length of path covered , divided by the elapsed time .

  26. 论述了蒸发温度和蒸发速率对薄膜形成的影响,绘制出太安蒸发速率与温度的关系曲线,计算出太安蒸发分子的平均速率与平均动能。

    Curves between the rate of evaporation and temperature are obtained . The average velocity and kinetic energy of molecules on evaporation are calculated .

  27. 但是这些遗传基因的估算还都没确定,因为就遗传基因变异一段时间内的平均速率问题还在进行着争论,有可能会搞错时间。

    These genetic estimations are also still in limbo because of ongoing debate about the average rate of genetic mutations over time , which could skew the age .

  28. 要求平均速率,就必须得准确知道,这一段的移动距离,加上这一段的距离,加上这个距离,还有这个距离。

    And in order to find the average speed you would now have to know exactly what this distance is add up this distance add up this distance and this distance .

  29. 文中所建立的模型不仅摈弃了一般所采用的内可逆热机的假设,也避免了对不可逆热机活塞平均速率过于简化的描述。

    The cycle model established here discards not only the usual hypotheses of endoreversible cycles but also the over simple description of the piston mean velocity for the irreversible heat engines .

  30. 在分析研究延时抖动、平均速率和丢包率等网络参数的基础上,给出客户端接收缓冲区长度估算公式。根据客户端反馈网络参数在服务器端实现流量控制。

    A formula for calculating receiving buffer length was proposed , based on the analysis and research on network parameters , such as jitter , average speed and packet loss fraction .