
pínɡ bǎn bō li
  • flat glass;plate glass
  1. 参观者隔着平板玻璃橱窗欣赏那幅画。

    Visitors see the painting from behind a plate glass window

  2. 微量添加物P2O5对平板玻璃某些相变的影响

    The effect of minor addition of p_2o_5 on some phase transformation of plate glass

  3. 基于8253芯片的平板玻璃折射率CCD测量系统

    Refractivity of Flat Glass CCD Measuring System Based on 8253

  4. 基于CCD的航空相机平板玻璃厚度测量系统

    Thickness measuring system of flat glass based on CCD aero-camera

  5. 基于ANSYS的真空平板玻璃静态有限元分析

    Static finite element analysis of vacuum glazing based on ANSYS

  6. 我国已加入WTO,未来的竞争将更加激烈,如何提高我国平板玻璃工业的整体竞争力,就显得尤为重要。

    Due to entry into WTO , how to improve our flat glass industry is very important .

  7. 本文主要介绍了在平板玻璃生产过程中,是如何把传统的用测量密度来控制平板玻璃的质量的方法,改进为用R值方法控制其质量的。

    In the process of plane glass production , traditional control quality method for testing its density is changed into measuring its R value .

  8. 在初晶相为鳞石英的平板玻璃中加入千分之几的P2O5后对析晶性能的影响与初晶相为硅灰石的平板玻璃是不同的。

    The effect of addition of P_2O_5 in a few thousandths on the devitrification behavior of plate glass with primary phase of tridymite is different from that with primary phase of wollastonite .

  9. 作者对平板玻璃的析晶霓石结石进行了光学显微镜岩相分析、X射线衍射结构分析和扫描电镜化学成分分布的形态观察。

    For Aegirine stone of sheet glass the author has made a petrographic analysis by optical microscope , X-ray differaction structure analysis and shape observation of chemical component distribution by scanning electron microscope .

  10. 当用两块平板玻璃制作出的空气劈尖顶角发生变化时,应用CCD可观察到劈尖表面移动的干涉条纹。

    When the angle of an air wedge which is formed by two flat glass plates is changed , the moving interference fringes would be observed by means of CCD .

  11. 本文根据稳态下落卡计法,采用铜卡计比热仪研究了国内生产的三大类Na2OCaOSiO2系统玻璃产品平板玻璃,瓶罐玻璃和器皿玻璃的比热行为。

    By the Steady Drop Method the specific heat behaviors of three kinds of Na_2O-CaO-SiO_2 glass products , flat glass , container glass and ware glass , are measured with the copper block calorimeter .

  12. 分别测量了TiBa玻璃微球和TiBa平板玻璃的拉曼光谱,发现TiBa玻璃微球的拉曼光谱上有明显的结构共振。

    The Raman spectra of TiBa glass plate and TiBa glass microsphere were measured and the structural resonance in Raman spectrum of glass microsphere was found .

  13. 对硅酸盐平板玻璃进行恒温恒湿培养,采用原子吸收分光光度计法测定了玻璃的MgO和Na2O的析出量,采用荧光X-射线分光计法测定了玻璃风化后的表面成分。

    By keeping the flat silicate glass at thermostat and humidistat , the amount of MgO and Na_2O dissolved out from glass surface was determined by atomic absorption spectrometer , and the remained MgO and Na_2O on the glass surface was measured by fluorescent X-ray spectrometer .

  14. 清单分析和影响评价的结果表明,1t水泥、钢材、平板玻璃和PVC管材物化的环境影响负荷分别为0.24、191、1.24和13.0,资源耗竭系数分别为0.032、0.65、0.030和0.030。

    The results of inventory analysis and impact assessment show that the potential environmental impact burden of cement , steel glass and PVC are 0.24 , 194 , 1.24 , 13 respectively , and that the resource consuming indicator are 0.032 , 0.64 , 0.030 , 0.030 per ton respectively .

  15. 本文对制备光盘的各种材料的性能做了比较,叙述了采用白冕平板玻璃研制直径为133.35mm可擦除光盘基片的工艺过程,以及产品达到的性能指标。

    The properties of all kinds of material of which the floor plates of optical disk are made are compared . The process of a 133.35mm cleanable floor plate of optical disk made of crown plate glass and the characteristics that products reached are presented .

  16. 石灰石粒度对平板玻璃熔制的影响

    Influence of Limestone ′ s Particle Size on Flat Glass Melting

  17. 平板玻璃镀银新工艺的研究

    A Study of New Technology for Plating Glass Plate With Silver

  18. 集装箱平板玻璃冲击应力分析

    Stress Analysis of Plate Glass in Container under Rectangular Wave Impact

  19. 多连杆机构在立式平板玻璃堆垛机中的应用分析

    Analysis on Application of Multi-link Mechanism to Vertical Flat Glass Stacker

  20. 求购各种颜色及厚度的平板玻璃,欢迎与我们联系!

    We looking for flat glass assorted in colour & thickness .

  21. 平板玻璃生产监控及质量缺陷诊断专家系统

    Supervision and Expert System of Quality Defect for Plate Glass Production

  22. 我国平板玻璃包装的现状与发展

    Status Quo and Development of The China Flat Glass Package

  23. 我国平板玻璃竞争力现状与提升对策

    Current Situation and Development Strategy of China Flat Glass Industry

  24. 平板玻璃防霉技术研究

    Study on Anti - mould Technology of the Flat Glass

  25. 控制平板玻璃质量的密度测试方法的改进

    Improvement of Method of Plane Glass Quality Controlled by Testing its Density

  26. 用马蹄焰流液洞池窑生产平板玻璃的实践

    Practice of Producing Sheet Glass in End-port Furnace with Throat

  27. 澄清剂对高硼硅平板玻璃结构与性能的影响研究

    Effect of Fining Agents on Structure and Property of Pyrex Flat Glass

  28. 真空平板玻璃是目前隔热性能最好的材料之一。

    Vacuum glass is one of the best transmitting thermal insulation materials .

  29. 真空平板玻璃传热理论分析及试验

    Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Study on Heat Transfer in Vacuum Plate Glass

  30. 平板玻璃工厂供电的安全性和可靠性

    Safety and Reliability of Power Supply in Sheet Glass Factory