
xiàn dài wǔ
  • modern dance
  1. 这个芭蕾舞团采取的是介于古典芭蕾舞和现代舞之间的风格。

    The ballet company now occupies the middle ground between classical ballet and modern dance .

  2. 我在学校学跳现代舞。

    I am learning modern dance in school .

  3. 他从芭蕾和现代舞中得到极大的快乐。

    He gets huge pleasure from ballet and contemporary dance .

  4. 近日在接受《财富》杂志(Fortune)采访时,巴托讲述了他让一家现代舞公司持续保持先锋地位的种种挑战和收获。

    He speaks with fortune about the challenges and the payoff of keeping a modern dance company modern .

  5. 每套现代舞中有十五个动作。

    There are 15 moves that are in every contemporary dance .

  6. 学生:是什么使现代舞出现这样极端呢?

    Student : Um ... what made modern dance so radical ?

  7. 1992年广东实验现代舞团正式成立。

    In1992 , the Guangdong experimental modern dance troupe was established .

  8. 加之现代舞的训练提倡舞者的即兴创造。

    In addition , because modern dance encourages improvisation from the dancers .

  9. 源自身体的创造以现代舞教育塑造学生的创造性人格

    Modern Dance Education : Modeling University Students ' Creative Personality

  10. 现代舞的表达与观众的烦恼&从兰伯特舞团的演出谈起

    The expression of modern dance and the vexation of audience

  11. 你能不能找到一位通晓现代舞的人?

    Can you mind someone who relates to modern dance ?

  12. 开放的中国,现代舞方兴未艾。

    In an opening China , modern dance has a bright future .

  13. 那么,现代舞与古典芭蕾有什么不同呢?

    So how was this modern dance so different from classical ballet ?

  14. 论默斯·坎宁汉对中国现代舞发展的启示

    On Influence of Merce Cunningham on Modern Dance in China

  15. 对现代舞和当代舞从概念定义和内涵上作了追溯和分析。

    The paper defines modern dance and contemporary dance .

  16. 论象征性艺术观念在现代舞教学中的培养

    The Symbolic Art Ideas Training in Modern Dance Teaching

  17. 现代舞就是玩玩的,没事的时候。

    The modern gig is just for fun while I 'm on sabbatical .

  18. 您认为我应该喜欢现代舞?

    Do you think I should like modern dances ?

  19. 那就是你怎么跳现代舞。

    And that 's how you do contemporary dance .

  20. 1987年广东省开办第一个现代舞实验班;

    In1987 , the first experimental modern dance class opened in Guangdong province ;

  21. 哦,与其说霹雳舞是一种现代舞,还不如说它是一种健身舞。

    Well , break dancing is more a physical exercise than a dance .

  22. 2005年,成为上海后现代舞团&“组合嬲”的音乐制作人。

    He started to make music and sound design for Zuhe Niao In2005 .

  23. 关于现代舞和当代舞的概念核心与理论走向

    Conceptual Core of the Modern and Contemporary Dance

  24. 现代舞正确肌肉用力感觉的形成

    Formation of proper muscle perception in modern dance

  25. 现代舞在中国有着宽泛的定义和曲折的发展过程。

    Development of the modern Chinese dance has followed a long and tortuous road .

  26. 空间的舞蹈&伦敦拉班现代舞中心赏析

    Dance of space : the review of Laban Centre for contemporary dance in London

  27. 我从来没看过这么好看的现代舞-太棒了!

    It was the best performance I ever saw of modern dance – fantastic !

  28. 我最喜欢现代舞拉!

    Comtemporary dance interested me most , haha .

  29. 中国观众&特别是青年人,对现代舞表示出浓厚的兴趣。

    Chinese audiences , especially the young , have shown great interest in modern dance .

  30. 我不喜欢任何形式的现代舞。

    Neither do I. I don t like any kind of modern dance at all .