
  • 网络modern property right system;modern system of property rights
  1. 试论现代产权制度下的建筑企业会计体系

    A Discussion on Accountant System of Construction Corporation under Modern Property Right System

  2. 要依法保护财产所有权,保障现代产权制度健康运行。

    Property rights should be guaranteed and duly protected according to relevant laws in order to ensure the healthy operation of modern property right system .

  3. 现代产权制度与农村土地制度改革

    The modern property system and the reform of the rural land system

  4. 现代产权制度及其内在演进力量

    Modern System of Property Right and Its Internal Evolvement Force

  5. 国有企业现代产权制度研究

    Study on Modern Property Right System of State-owned Enterprise

  6. 罗马法与现代产权制度的建立

    Roman Law and the Establishment of Property Right System

  7. 马克思产权理论创新与我国现代产权制度建设

    Propery Rights Theory Creation of Marx and Construction of Modern Property Rights System

  8. 关于建立现代产权制度的思考

    The thinking of setting up modern property system

  9. 现代产权制度是构建和谐社会的经济基础。

    Modern system of property rights is the economic foundation for constructing harmonious society .

  10. 现代产权制度与产权市场发展的若干思考

    Some Thoughts on Modern Property Rights Institution and the Development of Property Rights Market

  11. 浅议现代产权制度与地勘行业产权制度改革

    Modern Property Right System and Reform of Geological and Prospecting Industry Property Right System

  12. 现代产权制度是现代经济发展的基础,核心是产权市场。

    Modern property rights institution provides the foundation for the development of modern economy .

  13. 市场经济与现代产权制度

    Market economy and modern property right system

  14. 建立现代产权制度与现代医院制度的思考

    Reflection on the adoption of a modern property right system and a modern hospital system

  15. 其次要建立现代产权制度,明确产权的归属;

    Establish the system of modern property rights , clear the belongs of property rights ;

  16. 现代产权制度与社会信用体系

    Modern Property Right and Social Credit System

  17. 建立健全现代产权制度是我国当前改革发展的关键

    Establishing and Perfecting the Modern Equity System Is the Key to Developing Reform in China

  18. 最后在前面分析的基础上,阐述了现代产权制度的基本特点。

    Finally , the basic features of modern property rights system are offered after above analysis .

  19. 民营企业则需要从古典产权制度向现代产权制度转变。

    Private enterprises need change property rights institution from the classical form to the modern form .

  20. 以现代产权制度为基础,发展混合所有制经济。

    We will develop the economic sector of mixed ownership based on the modern system of property rights .

  21. 现代产权制度下的企业人力资本产权理论研究

    Study of the Theory of Enterprise Human Capital Property Right on the Basis of Modern Property Rights System

  22. 罗马物权法的发展趋向蕴含了现代产权制度的若干要素。

    The trend of Rome Law relating to rights over things embodies many factors of modern property right system .

  23. 公立高校投资主体的多元化要求建立与之相适应的现代产权制度。

    With the diversification of investors of public higher education institutions it needs set up modern property right system .

  24. 因此,明晰人力资本产权是建立现代产权制度的重要前提条件。

    Therefore , defining the property right of human capital is the important precondition of setting up modem property rights system .

  25. 本文对如何理解现代产权制度及其重大作用、意义和如何操作等问题进行了探讨。

    This text discusses about how to understand modern equity system , its great function and meaning and how to operate .

  26. 产权制度经历了从古典产权制度到现代产权制度的演进。

    The system of property rights experienced the evolution from classic system of property rights to modern system of property rights .

  27. 产权交易市场的规制与完善,建立现代产权制度,是市场经济改革的一项重要任务。

    One of the important missions for market economic reform is to regulate property rights dealing market and create modern property relations .

  28. 同时以产权理论为依据探讨了农业院校产业的产权问题,在产权制度方面提出了校办产业建立现代产权制度条件;

    At the same time , through the property right theoretics , the problems of property right of college enterprises were discussed .

  29. 现代产权制度作为资源配置的基本制度,具有激励、约束、配置功能。

    The modern property right system is the basic system of resources distribution , has the function of driving , restraint and distribution .

  30. 第一章包括产权的概念、产权制度和现代产权制度的内涵两个部分。

    Chapter one include the concept of the property right , two parts of the intension of property relations and modern property relations .