
  • 网络Logistics;modern times Logistics;modern logistics;Modernlogistics;logistic
  1. 基于Internet环境下的现代物流企业配送信息网络平台研究

    A study of logistics enterprise distribution information network platform based on Internet

  2. 3G技术与现代物流管理技术的集成模式研究

    Research on the integration models of 3G techniques and modern logistics management

  3. 合肥市现代物流业发展的SWOT分析

    Analysis of Modern Logistics Industry Development in Hefei City with SWOT

  4. 我国加入了WTO,为我国港口企业发展现代物流业提供了一个前所未有的发展机遇。

    China 's entry into WTO has come up with unprecedented opportunities for developing modern logistics of those port enterprises in our country .

  5. 基于J2ME技术的现代物流信息管理软件的开发研究

    A Development Research on J2ME Based Software Application for Modern Logistics Management

  6. RFID即无线射频识别已成为现代物流的热点技术,其对物流管理向信息化发展的作用十分显著。

    Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ) has been a key technology of modern logistics , and it has great effect to logistics'development .

  7. 现代物流及其管理是当代经济发展的热点问题,同时是中国加入WTO之后,企业为保持竞争力而必须考虑的问题。

    A.ObjectiveModern Logistics & The Management is the top hot topic to the development of modern economics , and also an unavoidable challenge to all the Chinese enterprises after joining WTO .

  8. 其次,通过SWOT分析,提出了该站发展现代物流的战略。

    Second , through the SWOT analysis of D Station , the author presented the strategy of developing modern logistics for the station .

  9. 3G技术能够对现代物流作业与管理进行有效地监督和控制,3G技术与现代物流管理技术的集成是物流业发展的客观需要。

    G techniques can efficiently monitor and control the operation of modern logistics , so it is necessary to integrate 3G with modern logistics technology .

  10. 在供应链一体化管理发展趋势下,ERP作为现代物流企业管理的重要手段,在物流企业中的运用越来越多,但是企业在实际实施ERP过程中存在着诸多问题。

    With the trend of supply chain integration , ERP system-an important means of managing modern logistics enterprises , is applied more and more in the logistics enterprises .

  11. 社会经济的快速发展和WTO的加入对铁路货运提出了更多更高的要求,铁路货运能力的严重不足制约经济和现代物流的发展。

    The rapid development of social economy and the entrance into WTO bring forward much more and higher demands on railway freight transport . The severe lack of traffic capacity has restricted the development of economy and modern logistics .

  12. WTO以后,港口不仅仅是货物转运中心和工业生产基地,同时也是现代物流网络体系的重要组成部分,在现代综合物流中的地位十分重要。

    After WTO , the port is not only a transportation center of goods and industrial production base , but also the very important component of logistics service network system , the position in the modern comprehensive logistics is very important .

  13. 车辆调度问题(VRP)作为现代物流配送过程中的一个重要环节,一直是学术界研究的前沿和热点。

    Vehicle routing problem ( VPR ) is a front and research focus in academics , as a crucial link in modern logistics and distribution processing .

  14. 以物流业发展定量预测常用的灰色预测GM(1,1)模型为例,介绍了现代物流业发展定量预测通用软件系统的内容、结构、设计、功能以及该设计与实现的关键技术。

    Grey model used by logistics development quantitative forecast is presented as an example . The content , structure , design , function and key technology of design and implementation of system are introduced , which is modern logistics development planning forecast .

  15. 本文从阐述交通运输与物流的不同特点和关系出发,提出了交通运输企业发展现代物流的双E推模式,并探讨了双E推模式下交通运输融入现代物流的策略。

    This article puts forward the Double E Push Model to develop modern logistics based on the explanation of the difference and relationship between transportation and modern logistics as well as some strategies on how to incorporate transportation into modern logistics under the Double E Push Model .

  16. 并针对SD公司食盐物流系统存在的问题,运用业务流程再造和现代物流管理理论,提出实施物流管理流程再造的概念。

    To solve the problems existing in the salt logistics systems of SD Company , this paper puts forward to the practical ways to carry out the process reengineering of logistics management by using business process reengineering and modern logistics management theories .

  17. 从分析JIT生产的内涵入手,阐述了JIT生产模式的相关活动,并探讨了JIT生产模式对现代物流的基本要求,及JIT生产模式的应用对现代物流业的推动作用。

    This article intends to start with the meaning on JIT mode production , and states actions related to JIT production mode . Then , lags emphasis apron the relationship between JIT mode production and modern logistics .

  18. 设计以现代物流中自动化仓库管理系统为基础,结合自动导引车系统AGVS的一般组成和功能,并且提出了AGVS的开放性设计思想。

    The design is on the base of the constitutions , functions of normal AGV and AGVS and characteristics of WMS . The open thought is introduced in design process of AGVS .

  19. 本文在分析电子商务环境与现代物流管理模式关系的基础上,应用现代物流理论与方法探讨了B2C和B2B电子商务环境下物流管理模式的改进和创新问题。

    In this paper , we analyze the relationship between E business circumstance and modernization enterprise Logistic . Furthermore , by using modern Logistic theory and method , we discuss some problems in B2C and B2B that could be improved and innovated for enterprise in E-business model .

  20. 讨论了现代物流管理中比较重要、复杂的战术层随机库存/运输联合优化问题的一种求解思路,并根据求解约束集中器选址问题(CCLP)的方法和禁忌搜索算法设计了一个启发式算法。

    A way for solving the important and complicated problem of the inventory / transportation integrated optimization in the modern logistics tactics plan was discussed , and a heuristic algorithm based on the method for soling the capacitated concentrator location problem and the tabu search algorithm was discussed .

  21. 关于发展天津现代物流的战略思考

    The Strategic Consideration on Development of Tianjin 's Modern Logistic Industry

  22. 现代物流发展对道路货运业的启示

    The Inspiration of the Developing Modern Logistics to the Viatic Freight

  23. 上海现代物流业的发展与专业化网络化建设

    Development of Modern Logistics in Shanghai and Professional and Network Construction

  24. 论徐州地区传统货代向现代物流转化问题

    Conversion from Traditional Freight Consignment to Modern Commodity Flow in Xuzhou

  25. 拓展铁路货运站职能构建现代物流中心

    Stretching Railway Freight Station Function for Constructing Modern Logistics Center

  26. 现代物流配送路线优化研究

    Research on the Optimization of Modern Logistics Distribution Routing Problem

  27. 现代物流产业概念内涵和外延的理论研究

    Research on Connotation and Extension of Modern Logistic Industry Concept

  28. 传统物流向现代物流转化模型研究

    On the Transformation Model of Traditional MF to Modern MF

  29. 烟草供应链现代物流发展战略分析

    The Analysis on the Modern Logistics Developing Strategy of Anhui Tobacco Group

  30. 阐述了现代物流业演进的相关问题。

    The evaluative question about modern logistics industry is stated .