
  • 网络Lowestcost;the lowest cost;minimize cost
  1. 其APP是在愿意提供服务的司机和愿意购买服务的乘客之间牵线搭桥的手段,以最低成本提供了无缝服务。

    Its app is the means for connecting willing drivers and willing passengers , delivering a seamless service at the lowest cost .

  2. 工程最低成本工期计算

    The Calculation of the Lowest Cost Construction Period for Project

  3. 这些改革的目的之一就是以最低成本实现有效的防御。

    One aim of these reforms is effective defence with minimal expenditure .

  4. 经济论证表明,对每个国家来说,最低成本的方法是对碳排放收费。

    Economic   reasoning   shows   that   the   least   expensive   way   for   each   country   is   to put   a   price   on   carbon   emissions .

  5. 原因是当碳被定价时,最低成本的减排措施会首先实施。

    The   reason   is   that   when   carbon   is   priced ,   those   emissions reductions   that   are   least   costly   to   implement   will   happen   first .

  6. 最低成本Internet实验室的建设

    Internet laboratory construction of minimum cost

  7. 通过这种嵌入式CMOS工艺技术,可以实现具备最小体积、最低成本的MEMS器件。

    MEMS devices with minimum volume and cost were realized by the embedded CMOS process .

  8. 保持相当质量下的最低成本成为SN企业成本控制体系的方向。

    Keep quite quality under the condition of minimum cost become Shanghai SN company cost control system change direction .

  9. 用Java语言基于线性规划的理论开发了一个冲天炉的最低成本配料系统,并且采用B/S模式实现。

    The least-cost cupola furnace system based on linear programming has been developed by using Java and we can use the system which be built in B / S module .

  10. 网络计划最低成本日程的一种新算法

    A New Algorithm for the Least Cost Scheduling in Network Project

  11. 公路工程项目最低成本与投标报价

    The Bottom Price and Tender Offer of Highway Engineering Project

  12. 网络计划的最低成本日程研究

    Study on Agent of the Lowest Budget of Network Project

  13. 考虑养分变异性的最低成本饲料配方模型

    Models of least cost ration formulation dealing with nutrient variability

  14. 总时差定理与最低成本压缩工期问题的一种新方法

    Total Float Theorem and a Solution to Duration Compression with Minimum Cost

  15. 配制最低成本的加酶家禽日粮:酶的表观能量值

    Strategy for least cost poultry formulatlons : apparent energy value of enzymes

  16. 以最低成本获得高品质高输出功率

    How to Get High Quality Output Power in a Budget - Constrained Design

  17. 基于最低成本的装配尺寸链求解方法

    Solution of Assembled Dimensional Chain Based on Minimum Cost

  18. 用电子计算机实现冲天炉最低成本配料法

    Low Cost of the Cupola Burden Achieved by Computer

  19. 用线性规划方法求网络计划的最低成本日程

    Search the Agent of the Lowest Budget of Network Project with Linear Programming

  20. 产销平衡运输最低成本的表上作业法

    Chart Show of the lowest Transportation Cost when Production is Balanced to Sale

  21. 船体分段制造最低成本的二次规划模型及其求解

    The quadratic programming model and its solution for the minimum cost of body section

  22. 我们预期河北泛亚龙腾将为中国市场上包括运费在内的最低成本。

    HPLC is expected to have the lowest delivered cost to the Chinese market .

  23. 产品最低成本的计算机辅助设计

    Computer Aided Design on Lowest Cost of Product

  24. 用Excel2000线性规划最低成本法设计饲料配方

    Applying Excel 2000 the Lowest Cost Method of Linear Designing to Design Animal Feed Ingredients

  25. 市场细分化的最低成本法

    Lowest Cost of Market Segment at ion

  26. 探讨最低成本的景观水体、绿地过滤水量的关系。

    Discussion on the minimum cost of landscape water , the relationship between green water filtration .

  27. 通过优化合金设计和工艺参数实现了以最低成本生产最轻的产品。

    Highest reducing potential at lowest cost is achieved by optimizing alloy design and processing parameters .

  28. 阿斯顿的一位发言人表示,公司将以最低成本进行召回。

    A spokesperson for Aston said the recall would result in minimal costs for the company .

  29. 最低成本估算与调度法基本最低限度应有设备表

    Least cost estimating and scheduling system

  30. 项目管理中最低成本加快方法的人机对话模型及算法设计

    AMan-Machine Interaction Model and Its Algorithm for Compression of Time at Least Cost in Project Management