
  • 网络Stevedorage;loading and unloading fee
  1. 把这些采买的东西加以记在我的帐上。船上装卸费用,须由买方负责并记帐。

    Charge the purchases to my account . Stevedore buyer ' responsibility and account .

  2. 这些特性和这种组合最终导致大幅减少包装,储存和装卸费用。

    These features and this combination culminate in significantly reduced Packaging , Storage and Handling costs .

  3. GB/T15420-1994国际航运货物装卸费用和船舶租赁方式条款代码已卸下所装货物的货船。

    Codes of stevedorage and chartering mode terms for international shipping a freighter relieved of its charge of cargo .

  4. 装卸费用高、物资质量差和损耗严重是仓储管理中的重要问题;

    High loading cost ? poor quality of material and serious waste are the great problems in the storage management .

  5. 不负担装卸货车费用兑换货币承担的费用。

    Free in and out of trucks a fee charged for exchanging currencies .

  6. 装卸的费用(特别是包装费和定单邮寄费)。

    The cost of handling ( especially the cost of packaging and mailing an order ) .

  7. 不负担装卸货车费用

    Free in and out of trucks

  8. 尤其在码头、航道和浮吊调遣都有困难的情况下,采用该技术可以大幅度降低装卸船费用。

    Especially where terminals , waterway and floating crane can not be used , it can be applied to reduce shipment cost greatly .

  9. 通过调查研究建立了港口装卸机械的费用分解结构,为以后设备的日常费用数据收集打下了基础。

    The structure of life cycle cost departure will been established through investing and analysis for the collecting of equipment running data in future .

  10. 将发送单元放到上并卡扣到位。所得价款在扣除运输、装卸、储存等费用后,上缴国库。

    Position sending unit to pump module and snap into place . The money thus obtained shall be turned over to the State Treasury after the costs of transport , loading , unloading and storage are deducted .

  11. 最后,将装卸工人数最少转化为装卸费用最小将该模型进行了推广。

    Transform minimum number of loaders into minimum loading and unloading cost , this paper extended the model finally .

  12. 第一层次认为现行分货种分操作过程装卸成本计算办法对装卸直接费用(人工费、机械费、工具费等)基本上查找了成本动因,是作业成本法思想的体现。

    The cost factors have been checked out for basic direct loading & unloading fees , which include labor fees , machineries equipment fees and tool fees .