
kù cún liànɡ
  • inventory;storage;amount of stock
  1. 本文通过对海河流域土壤中氮及其形态含量的研究分析结果,得出该流域土壤中氮的库存量为5.96×10 ̄(10)kg。

    He inventory of nitrogen in soil in the Haihe River Basin was estimated at 5.96 × 10  ̄( 10 ) kg , based on the analytical results available for each of the possible species of nitrogen pre-sent .

  2. 据NPR新闻的YukiNoguchi报道,销售额缩水的原因是库存量不足和更严格的抵押贷款标准。

    NPR 's Yuki Noguchi reports sales are curtailed by low inventory and stricter mortgage underwriting standards .

  3. 本文主要论述应用多变量CAR模型预报南方集体林区贮木场原木库存量动态变化,并用计算机模拟。

    The paper uses CAR model of multi-variables to predict dynamic change of dog deposit in southern wood yard , and uses computer to simulate .

  4. 结论:就采供血机构而言,A、B、O、AB各型血液的库存量以保持在4~8×日平均量为宜。

    Conclusion : The advisable limit of each type of blood reserved should be 4 to 8 times the daily requirement average .

  5. LPG储罐库存量的准确计算

    Calculate Storage in LPG Tank Accurately

  6. 全球经济正面临着第二轮的食品价格通胀,此前,美国农业部(usagriculturedepartment)昨日警告,玉米、小麦与大豆的库存量将大幅下降,同时需求将十分强劲。

    The global economy is facing a second wave of food inflation after the US Agriculture Department yesterday warned of significant falls in stocks of corn , wheat and soyabean and heavy demand .

  7. Levi蓝色牛仔裤(他的库存量超过100条)

    Levi blue jeans ( he owns over 100 )

  8. 国际能源署(iea)表示,经合组织(oecd)太平洋燃料油库存量远低于五年均值。

    The International Energy Agency says OECD Pacific fuel oil stocks are well below the five-year average .

  9. 第三步则根据产品ABC分类的结果,对现有库存量和存储容器进行测算,计算出需要的各类产品的储位总量。

    The third step according to the ABC classification results , the writer estimated the storage container and the existing inventory to calculate the amount of storage required .

  10. 私人机构预计美国2010/2011小麦结转库存量高于USDA的预期,是因为最终出口量预计较低。

    Private est of US2010 / 11 wheat carryout are higher than USDA due to lower est of final exports .

  11. 其主生产计划(MasterProductionSchedule,MPS)模块是ERP的核心部分,主要涉及生产计划的制定和排产,整个生产计划的驱动和库存量的控制,从而保证生产的流畅和优化。

    Master Production Schedule ( MPS ) is the core of ERP . MPS focuses on production plan and schedule , plan drive and storage control so that it can guarantee the fluency and optimization of the production .

  12. 货栈容量有限且库存量影响需求的供应链协调模型VMI系统下考虑订货提前期的集中运输与库存订货问题(英文)

    Supply Chain Coordination Model with Limited Warehouse and Inventory-Dependent Demand ; Quantity-based shipment consolidation and stock replenishment policy with lead time in vendor-managed inventory system ;

  13. 由于添气寒寒,加丄甲型H1N1流感疫情白勺法铺,前去街头流动献血砗白勺入曰趋减少,北京市血库库存量巨幅吓滑。

    Beijing 's blood bank has seen dramatic decline in storage as fewer people visit the street blood donation buses due to the cold weather and A / H1N1 flu epidemic .

  14. 同时应用MRP算法,构造了产品的结构树模型,根据生产计划确定了采购提前期,有效地控制了库存量,降低了库存资金的占用。

    Meanwhile by applying arithmetic of MRP , the program constructs the frame tree model and determines the purchasing date , thus controlling the inventory effectively and decreasing the fund tied by inventory .

  15. 在计算过程中涉及到销售量的预测,本文综合运用双指数平滑法模块及BP神经网络两种方法进行预测,保证了预测的准确性,从而确保设计出的关键零部件的安全库存量接近实际。

    It relates to sales forecasting in the calculation process . this paper uses two kinds of method to calculate including exponential smoothing method and BP neural network , which ensures the design of key parts of the safety stock is close to the actual .

  16. 傅嘉思表示,为此次促销活动准备的Office家庭版的拷贝份数大致相当于以往售价半年的库存量。然而仅一天的销售情况就显示,一些零售商的断货速度比他们预期的还要快。

    Mr Fort said the number of copies of the Office home edition prepared for the promotion was equivalent to roughly half a year 's inventory at its previous prices , but just one day of sales had shown that some retailers would run out faster than they had expected .

  17. 英国国家医疗服务部门(NHS)表示,为了今年夏天的女王钻石庆典以及夏季奥运会,英国血库库存量需要比平时增加30%。

    Britain 's blood stocks need to rise 30 per cent above normal levels in time for the Queen 's Jubilee and the Olympic Games this summer , according to the NHS .

  18. 全球基准的西德克萨斯中质原油(WestTexasIntermediate)升至每桶98.62美元的名义创纪录高点,自1月份以来涨幅近60%,原因是供应紧张、需求强劲、库存量不断下降以及投资者押注美元进一步走软。

    West Texas Intermediate crude , the global benchmark , rose to a nominal record of $ 98.62 a barrel - up almost 60 per cent since January - propelled by tight supply , robust demand and falling inventories , as well as investors betting on more dollar weakness .

  19. 同时运用定量分析和定性分析法,使用TOPSIS模糊评估模型,通过对供应商库存量、交易价格、货品优良率、交货提前期等供应商考核指标,对供应商进行评价。

    At the same time , the use of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis , Assessment of the use of fuzzy TOPSIS model , through the inventory supplier , trade price , a good rate of goods , delivery lead-time suppliers , such as assessment indicators to evaluate suppliers .

  20. Zillow首席经济师斯坦o汉弗莱斯告诉美国全国广播公司消费者新闻与财经频道(CNBC),他相信这正是市场上房屋库存量低的原因,而低库存在近几个月延缓了房地产市场的复苏。

    Zillow 's Chief Economist Stan Humphries told CNBC that he believes this is partly why the inventory of homes on the market is so low , a dynamic that has held back the real estate recovery in recent months .

  21. 他们在展示身上画的“血管图”,唤起大家现在献血的意识。英国国家医疗服务部门(NHS)表示,为了今年夏天的女王“钻石庆典”以及夏季奥运会,英国血库库存量需要比平时增加30%。

    They were showing off their " body art-ry " to raise awareness of the need for people to donate now . Britain 's blood stocks need to rise 30 per cent above normal levels in time for the Queen 's Jubilee and the Olympic Games this summer , according to the NHS .

  22. 基于泊松分布的航材周转件库存量数学模型

    Store Model Analysis of Aerial Material Rotatables Based on Poisson Distribution

  23. 2007年9月,其库存量为36天。

    Its inventory stood at 36 days supply in September 2007 .

  24. 巨大的荒料库存量确保我司的产品供应不间断。

    Big Stock of blocks to ensure the production any time .

  25. 提供在货品到达最低库存量时自动建立采购单。

    Allow automatic create purchase order when item over limit storage .

  26. 血站最佳血液库存量设定方法探析

    Study on method of setting the best stockpile quantity in blood station

  27. 提供当前库存量和最低存储警报。

    Easily to check current inventory quantity storage and minimum storage alarm .

  28. 即便与去年六月份相比,库存量也增加了44%。

    Even compared to last June , inventory is up 44 % .

  29. 其库存量取决于临床对血液的需求量。

    The stockpile quantity is based on need of the clinical request .

  30. 浅谈降低企业物资库存量水平的途径

    Talking about the Paths for Reducing the Inventory Level of Enterprise Materials