
  • 网络Circulation process;distribution process
  1. 这些问题造成了农产品从产地到消费者手中的流通过程成本过高、流通时间过长、流通损耗过大等问题,成为制约农民增收和农业发展的重要因素。

    These problems which cause a high cost distribution process and long circulation time of the agricultural products from the origin to consumers , restrict farmers ' income and agricultural development .

  2. 对过电压过程进行了详细的分析,得出了简单的等效电路图,通过电路图分析了其能量的流通过程,同时对过电压的仿真波形进行了分析。

    The detailed over-voltage process are analyzed , and a simple equivalent circuit is established , through which the energy distribution process and the simulation of over-voltage waveform are detailed analyzed .

  3. 利用RFID技术可以追踪、追溯商品的供应链,确保商品在流通过程中的安全;通过与现有信息安全技术结合,可以大大提高造假难度。

    RFID technology can track , trace back the merchandise supply chain , to ensure the security of the merchandise in circulation ; through the existing information security technologies can greatly enhance the difficulty of counterfeiting .

  4. 同时,在我国整个医药行业中,正面临着对GMP、GSP的认证,它们更需要企业对生产到流通过程进行全面规范化的管理,对药品的生产和经营进行严格的控制。

    At the same time , the whole pharmaceutical industry is facing the GMP and GSP certification , which requests integrated and standardized managements in the processing of production and currency and requires strict control of pharmaceutical production and sale .

  5. 流通过程的物流信息分析处理研究

    Analysis and Treatment Research of Logistical Information in the Circulation

  6. 冲击过载指示器应用在包装件上,能可靠显示商品在流通过程是否经受超过脆值的冲击,便于判定野蛮装卸造成的非正常破损,为索赔提供依据,降低包装系统综合费用,具有较大应用价值。

    The shock - overload indicator is of great value to packaging .

  7. 如何解决国有股流通过程中存在的问题

    How to Tackle the Issues when the State - held Shares Circulate

  8. 对图书流通过程中所涉及到的著作权问题的思考

    Thought on the Copyright Problems Caused by the Process of Books Circulation

  9. 高校学生在书刊流通过程中存在的问题及对策

    Problems and Solutions of Book Circulation for University Students

  10. 品牌文化是商品流通过程的外化,高品位的文化是创建和发展品牌不可或缺的要素。

    Besides , culture grade of commodity is necessary in establishing and developing brand .

  11. 国有股流通过程中两种定价模式的比较

    The Comparison between Two Fixing Price Models during the Circulation Course of State-owned Shares

  12. 仓储作为物资流通过程中的一个重要环节,已经成为企业直接取得利润的重要源泉。

    The storage has already become the important source that enterprises get profit directly .

  13. 情报网络对生产/流通过程中的库存的影响

    The effects on inventory of a production / distribution system by introducing information network

  14. 商流与物流是商品流通过程中不可分割的两个方面。

    Commodity ownership circulation and logistics constitute two inalienable aspects in the commodity circulation process .

  15. 大米真空包装件在流通过程中抵抗外力能力的研究

    Research on the ability of vacuum degree resisting force of package for rice in circulation

  16. 近几年来,发展起来的供应链管理的理念就是为实现上述目的而对产品生产和流通过程各个环节进行的运筹。

    In recently years , the developed supply link management operates its production and circulation .

  17. 包装件流通过程现场测试和记录装置研究

    Research on the Instrument to Measure and Record the Distribution Environment of Package Shanghai University

  18. 电子商务的迅速发展引发了交易方式的创新,这种创新集中体现在商品的流通过程中,并由此引起流通模式的变革。

    The fast development of electronic commerce has brought about the innovation in the transaction ways .

  19. 日本食品流通过程中的安全追踪体系分析及启示

    The Analysis and Inspiration about Safety Tracking System in the Process of Food Circulation in Japan

  20. 在知识产权产品的流通过程中,知识产权人的知识产权与产品所有人的物权会产生某种程度的冲突。

    Intellectual property and real right may come to conflict in the trade of intellectual products .

  21. 并进一步,做条码技术应用于商品生产流通过程可行性、必要性研究。

    Furthermore , study on feasibility and necessity of carrying bar code technology on food supply process .

  22. 然而,随着镁合金应用量的增大,在镁合金生产和流通过程中所产生的废料也大幅增加。

    However , magnesium alloy waste will increase sharply during producing with application of magnesium alloy increasing .

  23. 价格是商品的交换价值在流通过程中所取得的转化形式。

    Price is the exchange value of commodities in the circulation achieved during the transformation of the form .

  24. 为杜绝啤酒产品在生产流通过程中污染大肠菌群,可采用菌落计数法直观、简易地检测啤酒中的大肠菌群,效果良好。

    And group-counting method , simple to operate , was applied to determine coliform group and better effects were achieved .

  25. 间接因素是隐性的,不会在市场中直接表现,而是来自农产品的生产、贮藏、保鲜、加工、流通过程中,对直接因素发生作用,进而影响竞争力。

    Indirect factors are introverted and hidden in the market , which put impact on competitiveness by interacting with direct factors .

  26. 研究产品(电视节目)的生产、流通过程,是研究电视节目市场竞争力的必不可少的步骤。

    The research into TV program production and circulation is a necessary step for the study of its market competitive power .

  27. 加强流通过程评价指标运行的监控,完善多层次的设计和监测体系。

    To enhance monitoring the operation of evaluation criteria for circulation process and to perfect the multi-level designing and monitoring system .

  28. 纸箱在流通过程中,受环境因素的影响很大,如环境湿度、温度等。

    In circulation corrugated carton is greatly influenced by environmental factors , such as ambient humidity , temperature and so on .

  29. 在流通过程中会受到一定程度污损的条码图像,会导致条码识别出现障碍。

    As the barcode image may be polluted in a certain degree in the circulation process which result in barcode recognition obstacles .

  30. 首先,根据企业信息流概念提出中小汽车制造企业信息流通过程。

    First of all , according to corporate information flow concept , flow of information of small and medium-sized auto manufacturers is provided .