
  • 网络Warehouse management system;WMS
  1. 库存管理是仓储管理系统重点组成部分。自动化物流设备及无线手持终端系统在仓储管理中的应用越来越广泛。

    Storage management is important part of WMS while automatic logistics equipments and wireless terminal-handed devices have been become more and more popular in the application of WMS .

  2. 系统运行表明:该系统运行可靠、稳定、操作方便,达到了预期目标,能够为一般物流配送企业仓储管理系统的规划设计和运行控制提供参考。

    The system is proved to be reliable , stable and can be operated easily . The research achievements can provide certain reference for planning , design and operational control of WMS of general logistics distribution enterprise .

  3. 基于Web服装企业仓储管理系统研究与实现

    Research and realization of storage management system of apparel enterprises based on Web

  4. SqlServer在小型企业仓储管理系统中的应用

    Application of SQL Server in Storage Information Management System of Small Sized Enterprise

  5. 然后构建一个基于WEBService的分布式仓储管理系统。分布式库存系统中的仓储技术

    Then we construct a Service Management system that is based on SOAP / Web service . Warehousing technology in a distributed warehouse

  6. 基于RFID技术的物流仓储管理系统的设计

    Design of the Logistic Store Manage System Based on RFID Technology

  7. 基于RFID的立体仓库仓储管理系统的研究

    Research on Warehouse Management System of AS / RS Based on RFID

  8. 基于RFID的车辆器材仓储管理系统开发

    How to Develop a Vehicle Equipment Warehousing Management System Based on RFID

  9. 基于RFID仓储管理系统关键技术的研究

    Research on the major technology of warehouse management system based on RFID

  10. JSP环境下基于Struts的MVC模式在仓储管理系统中的应用

    JSP-Based Application of Struts to Build MVC Mode for Warehouse Management System

  11. TS公司图书仓储管理系统流程改进研究

    TS Company Library Storage Management System in Process Improvement

  12. 胜利油田物资总库仓储管理系统(SLOFZK)是一个Web应用系统,主要担负物资总库的生产管理和库存管理的职能。

    The system SLOF_ZK is a Web application , mainly serving the purpose of managing production and storage .

  13. RFID(射频识别)技术是仓储管理系统中的新技术,在智能仓储管理系统中将逐步得到更为广泛的应用。

    RFID is a kind of new technologies for warehouse management system , which is being widely applied in warehouse management system .

  14. 他的专长领域包括在银行、金融、编目行业以及订单和仓储管理系统等领域设计和开发独立的和n层分布式系统。

    His areas of expertise include designing and developing stand-alone and n-tier distributed applications in the field of banking , finance , catalog industry , and order and warehouse management systems .

  15. 将RFID技术应用到仓储管理系统中,有助于企业仓储管理系统的整体管理和优化。

    The application of RFID in warehouse management system will help to largely realize enterprise overall management on warehouse management system , and optimize the whole storage management system .

  16. 本文尝试将RFID技术引入远港物流中心的仓储管理系统,目的是借此对连云港远港物流中心仓储管理系统的合理性和有效性起到一定的指导及促进作用。

    This article attempts to RFID technology into the far port logistics warehouse management system , the purpose is far from Lianyungang port logistics warehouse management system , reasonable and effective to play a guiding and facilitating role .

  17. 使用UML对仓储管理系统进行分析与建模的优点在于,UML提供了图形化的可视模型,使得系统建模更加便捷,也方便了系统开发人员之间、开发人员与用户之间的交流。

    The advantage of UML is that UML provides a graphical visualization model . Using UML for system modeling can greatly shorten the development cycle . Moreover , in the system development process , the communication between developers and users is easier .

  18. 本文以贵州商储公司物流业务管理系统建设为背景,针对该公司信息管理的现状、特点及需求,结合面向对象的统一建模语言UML,对仓储管理系统的分析和设计过程进行描述。

    The thesis is based on Guizhou Commercial Storage Group logistics industry management system , aims at the current situation , character and need ; combines object-oriented united module language UML , it describes the design and analyzing process of storage management system .

  19. 设计了一个高效、便捷的自动化仓储管理系统。

    Design of an efficient and convenient automated warehouse management system .

  20. 物流配送中心仓储管理系统的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Warehouse Management System for Logistics Distribution Center

  21. 确定仓储管理系统的系统架构。

    Determine the system structure of warehouse management system . 4 .

  22. 远程通信技术在无人职守仓储管理系统中的应用

    Application of Remote Communication Technology in No Man Guard Storage System

  23. 基于条码和无线局域网技术的物流仓储管理系统研究

    Study on the Warehouse Management System Based on Barcode and Wireless

  24. 基于B/S模式物流仓储管理系统开发

    Solution to Logistics Storage Management System Based on B / S

  25. 基于组态技术的医药仓储管理系统设计

    Design of Medical Storage Management System Based on Control Configuration Art

  26. 确定仓储管理系统的功能模块组成。

    Determine the functional modules of the warehouse management system .

  27. 计算机条形码仓储管理系统的开发及应用

    Computer development for form code warehouse managing system and application

  28. 嵌入式智能高级仓储管理系统的设计

    The Design of The Advanced Embedded Intelligent Storage Management System

  29. 仓储管理系统核心模块的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Key Modules in Warehouse Management System

  30. 物资仓储管理系统中的待验收问题

    Wait for Checking and Accepting Problem in Material Storage and Management System