
  • 网络Strategic Planning
  1. 埃克森美孚负责企业战略规划的副总裁比尔•科尔顿(BillColton)表示,从经济逻辑来看,美国将在今后几年放开原油出口限制,因为如果美国政府阻止这些出口销售,就会抑制北美产量的增长。

    Bill Colton , vice-president of strategic planning , said economic logic pointed to US crude exports being liberalised in the next few years , and if the government blocked those sales it would hold back growth of North American production .

  2. 这正是企业战略规划所要达到的最终目标。

    That is why many enterprises introduce strategic planning into own businesses .

  3. 但是,在W公司的经营管理过程中还是存在着一些难以克服的困难阻碍了其企业战略规划的实施。

    But there are still some obstacles that blocked the realization of the company strategy .

  4. SWOT量化模型在钢结构企业战略规划中的应用

    Application of a SWOT Quantitative Model in the Stratagem Programming of Steel Structure Enterprises

  5. YL博士后工作站研制的产品得到市场的普遍认可,为企业战略规划发展提供了重要的技术保障。

    The products developed by YL post-doctoral workstations have been commonly acknowledged by the sales market , which have brought in significant technical guarantee for the development of enterprise strategy plan .

  6. 然后对XT公司所面临的内外部环境,利用相关分析工具进行了细致地分析,在此基础上,提出了XT公司的发展目标以及包括总体战略、业务战略、职能战略三个层次的企业战略规划。

    In the article , several popular strategic planning analysis tools were introduced as well . Through a detailed analysis on the internal and external environment which XT is facing , a strategic plan including objectives , overall strategy , business strategy and functional strategy was developed .

  7. 人力资源战略规划是企业战略规划的核心组成部分。

    Human resource strategy is nuclear part of corporation strategy plan .

  8. 第三部分:企业战略规划。

    Part three : The strategic plan for the enterprise .

  9. 中国企业战略规划系统的研究

    Study on Strategic Planning System of the Chinese Enterprises

  10. 以顾客资产为核心的企业战略规划

    Enterprise Strategic Planning Focused on Customer Equity

  11. 现代的企业家们认为,制定企业战略规划对现代企业家来说是最重要,最为困难的事。

    The modern entrepreneurs think that drawing up a strategy is very important and difficult .

  12. 因此,企业战略规划中项目管理这一环就越发重要。

    As a result , the importance of corporate strategic planning turns to significantly obvious in project management .

  13. 正确分析和制定企业战略规划对于企业长远发展非常重要。

    It is very important for the long-term development of enterprises to analyze and formulate strategic business planning correctly .

  14. 于是,人力资源管理部门也开始从传统的职能部门向企业战略规划部门转变。

    Hence , the human resources administration departments also began from traditional functional departments to enterprise strategic planning department transition .

  15. 本文引入了平衡计分卡及全面预算管理理论相结合的管理模式,用于指导企业战略规划的有效实施和顺利执行。

    In this paper , the combination theory of Balanced ScoreCard and Comprehensive Budget is introduced to instruct the practice of the strategic planning .

  16. 人力资源管理●解释如何人力资源与企业战略规划●讨论重视人力资源职能,和经理。

    Human Resources Management ● Explain how human resource staffing is connected to corporate strategic planning ● Discuss the importance of the HR function , and managers .

  17. 本文在对沧州供电公司的内部环境和外部环境进行细致分析的基础上,对供电企业战略规划和企业如何改进管理进行相关的探讨。

    On base of analysis the internal and external circumstances of Cangzhou Power Supply Company , the strategy plan and management improvement of power industry are studied in this article .

  18. 但是传统的全面预算管理由于没有信息技术的支持,缺少统一的数据共享平台,全面预算管理的作用不能有效发挥,阻碍了企业战略规划向执行力的转化。

    However , the lack of IT support and the unified data & haring platform lead traditional comprehensive budget management have ill capability for transforming the corporate strategic planning to execution .

  19. 接着探讨了IT战略规划要解决的问题、规划模型、IT战略规划与企业战略规划结合方式及规划过程;

    Secondly in the process of IT strategic planning , what problems were solved , the development of planning model and procedure , and how to align between IT and strategy are formulated .

  20. 对企业战略规划部门的职能进行了定位,认为战略规划部门的主要责任不是制定战略,而是为战略制定工作提供一个平台,更好地发挥战略决策者和其他人的作用。

    The functions of a strategic planning department are explored , and a major objective is not to formulate a strategy , but to offer an arena so as to exert the roles of strategic decision-makers and other potential contributors .

  21. 本文从企业战略规划的一般逻辑出发,比照菲利普.科特勒的以产品、业务为核心的企业战略计划,提出以顾客资产为核心的企业战略规划框架。

    Conforming to the common logic of the enterprise strategic planning , this thesis points out the enterprise strategic planning that focuses on the customer equity , comparing with the enterprise strategy plan focused on the products produced by Roller .

  22. 该章论述了四川省烟草公司全面预算管理的模式,即以企业战略规划为指导,目标利润为导向,成本费用控制为基础,现金流量为核心的全面预算管理模式。

    This chapter brings forward a feasible mode of implement CBM upon Sichuan Tobacco , which is directed by enterprise strategic layout , guided by target profit , based on control of cost & charge and focus on cash flow optimization .

  23. 事实上,预算不准等问题只是表面现象,其深层的原因是没有将预算管理与企业战略规划联系起来,没有落实企业的战略目标以及运营计划。

    In fact ," the budget allowed " wait for a problem is only the superficial phenomenon , its deep-seated reason is not the budget management and enterprise strategic planning link , did not fulfill the strategic goal of the enterprise and operation plan .

  24. 在此背景下,面对外部节能环保要求的约束,如何在业务布局、产品选择、技术研发、管理体系等方面采取有针对性的措施,是铅酸蓄电池企业战略规划的关键。

    In the face of external energy saving and environmental protection requirements of the constraint , how the business layout , product selection , technical research and development , management system and so on to take targeted measures , lead-acid batteries are the strategic planning of enterprise key .

  25. 平衡计分卡作为战略管理工具,从四个维度(财务维度、客户维度、内部经营维度、学习与发展维度)出发,设置一系列的评价指标,使员工岗位目标向组织的企业战略规划靠拢。

    As strategic management tool , the Balanced of Scorecard ( BSC ) from four dimensions ( Financial 、 Customer 、 Internal Business Process 、 Learning and Innovation ) to set up a series of evaluation indexes , making the goal of staff job close to the enterprise strategic planning .

  26. 内蒙古民航机场集团公司成立以后,绩效管理成为达成企业战略规划和远景目标,提高员工自我管理意识和绩效水平,规范企业管理行为和提升企业竞争力的主要手段。

    Since Inner Mongolia Civil Aviation Airport Group Company was established , the performance management has been the main means to reach enterprise strategic planning and distant view goal , improve staff 's self-management consciousness and performance level , standardize the administration behaviors of enterprise , and promote enterprise competitiveness .

  27. 6年后,她转投摩托罗拉(motorola),担任副总裁和负责企业战略和规划的主管。

    She was there for six years before joining Motorola , working as vice-president and director of corporate strategy and planning .

  28. 根据ZF企业的战略规划,建立风险管理决策过程的流程后建立风险管理体系,根据ZF公司特点,建立风险管理体系的五要素。

    According to the government enterprise strategic planning , establishing risk management decision-making process to establish risk management system , based on the characteristics of ZF company , establish risk management system of the five elements .

  29. 项目导向的企业创新战略规划方法研究

    The Study on Plan Method of Project Oriented Corporation Innovation Strategy

  30. 要有企业的战略规划,不折不扣地强调市场营销。

    Do develop a strategic business plan , solidly emphasizing marketing .