
qǐ yè sù zhì
  • adaptive capacity of an enterprise
  1. 应用AHP法优化企业素质

    Optimization of enterprise quality by applying AHP method

  2. Fisher判别法在邮电企业素质综合评估中的应用

    An application of Fisher discrimination for comprehensive evaluation of the post and telecommunication enterprises

  3. 培养工业工程人才,提高企业素质和效益

    Training Industrial Engineering Personnel and Improving Quality and Efficiency of Enterprises

  4. 坚持十个结合提高企业素质

    Persist in the ten combinations and enhance the quality of enterprises

  5. 高校后勤实体的企业素质和目标

    The Qualifications and Goals of the Logistic Enterprises in Universities and Colleges

  6. 提高中小企业素质和管理水平。

    Improve quality of medium and small businesses and level of management .

  7. 建筑企业素质及综合评价模型研究

    Quality of Building Enterprises and the Comprehensive Evaluation Models

  8. 企业素质的高低直接受到其所拥有的员工素质的影响。

    The quality of enterprises directly is affected by the quality of its employees .

  9. 全面提高企业素质增强市场竞争能力

    Improve the Enterprise Quatity Totaly , Enhance the Ability of Market Competition general corrosion

  10. 运用灰色和马尔柯夫模型预测企业素质要素

    Using Grey-Markov Model Forecasting Quality Elements of Enterprises

  11. 班组素质的高低在很大程度上影响企业素质。

    The quality of teams and groups influences that of enterprises to a large extent .

  12. 模糊综合评判企业素质优劣的研究

    Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method for Enterprise Qualities

  13. 企业素质明显提高;

    Improve the quality of enterprises obviously ;

  14. 企业素质包括企业的人文素质、管理素质和服务素质;

    The qualifications of the logistic enterprises include quality of human culture , management and service .

  15. 为此,我们加紧建设人才高地,进行体制改革和管理创新,全面提高企业素质。

    Therefore , we are intensifying the establishment of talent center in order to reform the management system and enhance overall enterprise quality .

  16. 战略性人力资源管理的职能在本文被界定为:人力资源战略管理职能、组织管理职能、战略性人力资源价值管理职能和企业素质管理职能。

    Functions of SHRM are defined as : human resource strategy management , organization management , human resource value management and enterprise quality management .

  17. 这主要是由于浙江产业结构层次较低、自主创新能力不强、产品附加值低和企业素质总体不高等问题所造成的。

    This is mainly due to the low level of economy structure , weak capacity of independent innovation and low added value of products .

  18. 质量是企业素质的标志,质量是企业效益的保证,质量是企业进步的体现,总之,产品质量是企业的生命线。

    Quality is the sign of quality of enterprise , quality is the guarantee of enterprise benefits , and quality is the embodiment of enterprise advance .

  19. 工程质量是企业素质的综合反映,是项目管理水平的重要标志,质量是企业的生命线。

    Engineering quality is a comprehensive reflection of corporation diathesis and it is a important mark of project management level . Quality is very important for corporation .

  20. 同时,对从投资成本、企业素质、产品质量、市场监管等方面剖析节能行业所面临的困难扣挑战。

    The difficulty and challenge faced by China construction energy conservation industry were analyzed from the aspects of investment , quality of enterprise , quality of products and market supervising .

  21. 因此,迫切需要寻求有效之道,加强管理、提高施工企业素质,以适应市场竞争和现代建筑业发展的需要。

    Therefore , it is urgent to seek the effective method , enhance management , improve quality of construction enterprise in order to adapt to market competitiveness and demand of modern construction development .

  22. 通过转变观念、优化政策环境、转变政府职能、提高企业素质走新型工业化道路,实现河北民营经济的跨越式发展。

    Changing the idea , improving policy environment , changing government function , improving business quality to walk the new industrialization road are the necessary conditions to , realize thel economy'g development of Hebei private capita .

  23. 总之,抓住薪酬管理这一人力资源管理的灵魂,全面提升南京民营企业素质,促进南京民营经济健康发展,实现政府、民企员工、民企自身多赢是本文研究目的之所在。

    In general , the objective of study is to grasp the salary and reward to promote the progress of Nanjing non-government enterprise , and achieving the multiply-winning among the government , the staff and the employer .

  24. 本文提出的简单易行的企业素质模型建立方法以及设计的有效的招聘测试体系,对中小企业如何将素质模型应用到招聘实践中提供了一种新的尝试。

    The simple enterprise competency model establish method and the design of effective recruit test system proposed by this paper provides a new attempt to how can minor enterprise apply competency model into the practice of recruitment .

  25. 铸造工艺的经济管理必须把工艺、品质、成本、管理结合起来,重视产品的试制和反馈,提高企业素质。

    Technology , quality , cost , management must be combined together . In the meanwhile , attention should be paid to the trial production and reflective feeding , so that it could improve the enterprise quality .

  26. 公关战略,其基本特征是以竞争为中心,全面强化企业素质并实施有效的信息传播,是买方市场发展条件下的新一代企业发展战略。

    " Public Relations Strategy " whose basic characteristic is focused on competition and strengthens enterprises ' whole quality and puts effective information dissemination into practice is a development strategy of a new generation of enterprises under the situation of buyers ' market .

  27. 实行全面质量管理对保证和提高产品质量、改善经营管理,提高企业素质和经济效益,促进企业现代化管理具有十分重要的意义。

    Practising an total quality management to an enterprise is significant to assuring and improving the quality of products , to amending the management , to improving the diathesis of an enterprise and economic benefit and to promoting the modern management of an enterprise .

  28. 本文应用随机过程理论,结合最优化方法.给出一个企业雇员素质管理的Markov决策模型。

    This paper applies the theories of Stochastic Processes and Optimization method to a Markov decision model of employee quality management .

  29. 只有提高企业人员素质,加强ERP项目实施的管理,才能促进ERP的有效实施,提高企业管理质量。

    So improving personnel quality and strengthening the management of ERP project are important for the effective implementation of ERP and the improvement of business administration .

  30. 然后综合运用了多种方法构建企业能力素质模型,包括3P研讨法、BEI访谈法和工作流程分析法等。

    Various methods , including 3P discussions , BEI interviews and work flow analysis , are used comprehensively .