
  • planning department
  1. 此次会议将由企划部负责。

    The Planning Department will be in charge of the meeting .

  2. 你能安排一次和企划部的会议吗?

    Could you arrange a meeting with the Planning Department ?

  3. 重视广告时代,追赶外资对手&访波司登股份有限公司企划部部长嵇万青

    Pay Attention to Ad Age , Chase after the Foreign Rival

  4. 此次会议由企划部负责。

    The Planning Department is in charge of the meeting .

  5. 这位是企划部的约翰·李。

    This is John Lee from the Planning Department .

  6. 我的职务也由资深设师升为企划部主管。

    So I was promoted from senior designer to the supervisor of planning department .

  7. 星期五的会议的联络人是企划部的芭芭拉?威克斯女士。

    The POC for Friday 's meeting is Ms. Barbara Weeks in the Planning Department .

  8. 此次会议的联络人是企划部的芭芭拉.威克斯女士。

    The point of contact for the meeting is Ms. Barbara Weeks in the Planning Department .

  9. 我想,按雇员数平均计算,本部门领用的纸张比任何其他部门都多,也许企划部除外。

    I think we have more paper per employee in this department than in any other , perhaps with the exception of planning .

  10. 山姆:试试去找企划部吧。他们经常做报告,相信一定有影印机适合这种工作。

    Sam : Try the Project Department . They 're always producing reports so I 'm sure they must have a machine that does the job .

  11. 尊敬的先生:我是企划部的汤姆•史密斯,于2007年4月1日开始在这个部门工作,至今已经四年多的时间了。

    Dear Sir , This is Tom Smith from Planning Section . I have worked here for more than 4 years since April 1 , 2007 .

  12. 26岁的肖思思(音译)在北京一家广告外企担任企划部经理,她很期待看到新一轮限娱令的成果。

    Xiao Sisi , 26 , a planning manager at a foreign advertising company in Beijing , looks forward to seeing the effects of the new regulations .

  13. 我们正尽力筹集资金,该公司总部租售企划部经理张敏表示,我们已关闭了很多门店,并退回了租房押金。

    We are doing our best to get cash , says Zhang Min , a planning manager at the company 's headquarters . We have closed many outlets and got the rental deposits back .

  14. 培训部,公关部,办公室和企划部都在这一楼层上。我是公关部的,我对此事有不同的看法。

    On this floor , we have the Training Department , Public Relations , the General Office and the Planning Department . Coming from the PR Department , I look at this issue in a different way .

  15. 系统可实时采集采场、选厂、磨浮、质检站、调度中心、企划部等单位的原始数据,提供远程分布式监控,实时图表,异地上报与动态管理。

    The system can collect in real time the source data of pit , concentrator , grinding - flotation , quality control station , dispatching centre and planning department and provide remote distributed monitoring real - time report , submission from other places and dynamic management .

  16. 韩国企划财政部下属的健康促进基金会(KoreaHealthPromotionFoundation)于2月20-27日进行的这项调查中,超过40%的受访者表示,学业压力和未来的不确定性最令他们担心。

    Over 40 % of the survey respondents in the Feb. 20-27 poll by the Korea Health Promotion Foundation , an affiliate of the finance ministry , said that school pressure and future uncertainty concerned them the most .

  17. 韩国企划财政部长官尹增铉(yoonjeunghyun)已表示,该国经济今年可能会出现增长,这扭转了先前的预测。

    Yoon Jeung-hyun , the finance minister , has said the economy might expand this year , reversing an earlier prediction .

  18. 韩国企划财政部长官金东兖称,5月的就业数据“令人震惊”。

    Finance Minister Kim Dong-yeon said the May jobs data is " shocking . "

  19. 会议的东道主、韩国企划财政部长官尹增铉表示,各国人同意谋求均衡的经济发展。

    South Korean Finance Minister Yoon Jeung-hyun , the host , says leaders have agreed to strike a balance .

  20. 韩国企划财政部的国际事务高级顾问李博士说,政府支出有所帮助,但是今后还有可能出现风险。

    Lee Junkyu , senior advisor in international affairs at the Ministry of Strategy and Finance in Seoul , says government spending has helped , but there could be some risks ahead .