
  • contact information;Contact Us;QQ
  1. 联系方式:KathyMichalove,SeaboardProperties,(860)535-8364;

    CONTACT : Kathy Michalove , Seaboard Properties , ( 860 ) 535-8364 ;

  2. 联系方式:DebbieMcNally,LakesSotheby’sInternationalRealty,(612)388-1790;

    CONTACT : Debbie McNally , Lakes Sotheby 's International Realty , ( 612 ) 388-1790 ;

  3. 红十字会是作为前线士兵和后方家人的一种联系方式而创立起来的。

    The Red Cross was created to provide a link between soldiers in battle and their families at home

  4. 其它的项目管理人员的联系方式请参考附录C。

    Contact details for the people who manage your programme are given in Appendix C.

  5. 在你的emaillist里是否有你客户的联系方式?

    Do you keep your clients on an email list ?

  6. 首先,选择Repetitionelementrequired,因为输入文档包含多个联系方式元素。

    First , select Repetition element required , as the input documents contain multiple contact elements .

  7. 这个查询指示DB2检索不同公司联系方式的元素。

    This query instructs DB2 to retrieve the element of contacts for various companies .

  8. 如果VC经常使用TWITTER,那这里也是很好的联系方式。

    If the VC uses Twitter regularly then this is a perfect place to connect .

  9. 当我想要加载一个联系方式到Outlook上时,至少这个在我的戴尔桌面上很好用。

    At least they work well on my Dell desktop when I want to load a contact into Outlook .

  10. 如果客户的首选联系方式是电话,则运行Notifycustomerbyphone操作。

    If the customer â™ s preferred contact method is phone , then run the Notify customer by phone action .

  11. 一旦你提供了基本联系方式和信用卡信息,就会跳出一张谷歌(Google)地图,显示出你所在的地点及周边环境。

    Once you provide basic contact and credit card information , a Google map pops up displaying your nearby surroundings .

  12. 下面的查询检索所有具有“Gold”状态的客户的ID、姓名和联系方式。

    The following query retrieves the IDs , names , and contact information for all customers with a " Gold " status .

  13. 示例2是前面XML发布示例的反向过程,它将XML文档装载到客户表和联系方式表中。

    Sample 2 is the reverse process of the former XML publishing sample , loading XML documents to the customer table and the contact table .

  14. 在这里,e-mail元素被选作键,因为它惟一对应一个联系方式。

    Here , the e-mail element is chosen to be the key since it is unique for a contact .

  15. 在这个示例中,假设每个联系方式记录都有一个惟一的e-mail地址,作为“Key”列。

    In this sample , it is assumed that every contact record has a unique e-mail address that is used as the " Key " column .

  16. 该查询导致DB2返回它在每个符合条件的XML文档(客户联系方式记录)中找到的第一个电子邮件元素。

    This query causes DB2 to return the first e-mail element it finds within each qualifying XML document ( customer contact record ) .

  17. qq是手机之外最好的联系方式!

    QQ is the best way for relation except mobile telephone .

  18. 可以将你的IM资料专业化,将公司的图标以及联系方式都补充上去。

    Consider sprucing up your IM with a business-savvy profile , complete with company logo and contact information .

  19. 注:在目标XML结构中,每个客户可以有多个联系方式,所以需要聚合每个客户的联系方式信息,以减少冗余。

    Note : Each customer can own multiple contacts in the target XML structure , so you need to aggregate the contact information for each customer to reduce redundancy .

  20. 现在,Facebook获知了我们大部分的社交网图(我们的联系人和他们的联系方式如email地址),Facebook正经历着越来越多的压力去把这些信息变得便携。

    Right now our social graph ( whom we are connected to and their key information like email addresses ) is mostly held captive by Facebook .

  21. 记录联系方式对所有商务应用程序都非常重要,通过有效的XML结构来捕获这些信息可以简化此类数据的处理。

    Recording contact information is a vital part of nearly all business applications , and the capture of that information in an effective XML structure can make working with the data much easier .

  22. INFO列包含雇员信息,比如在XML文档中列出的姓名、职责、薪水、入职日期、部门和联系方式。

    The INFO column contains employee information such as name , designation , salary , date of joining , department and contact details represented in an XML document .

  23. 它现在可以将Facebook、推特和LinkedIn与我的联系方式整合在一起,让我更轻松地与其他人保持联系,了解他们的最新动向。

    It currently integrates Facebook , Twitter and LinkedIn with my contact profile , so I can reach out and follow up with folks easier .

  24. 例如,如果要发出一条UPDATE语句来更改某个特定客户的联系方式信息中的Email地址,就必须在XML列中提供全部联系方式信息,而不仅仅是新的Email元素值。

    For example , if you want to issue an UPDATE statement to change the e-mail address of a particular client 's contact information , you simply have to supply the new e-mail address .

  25. 安装这款名为EnemyGraph的应用后,Facebook用户就可以列出自己不喜欢的人、地点或者事情,与有同样想法的“憎恶者”共享,并作为一种联系方式。

    The app , EnemyGraph , encourages Facebook users to list people or places or things they dislike , then share them with like-minded haters as a way of bonding .

  26. 给我们留言,尽量留下邮箱、QQ或其他联系方式,我们会尽快给您反馈。

    Leave us a message , try to leave mail , QQ , or other contact information , we will feedback to you as soon as possible .

  27. IMA中国核实学生付款情况,并汇总后将信息提交至总部,信息内容需包括:学生姓名、USERID、联系方式、邮箱、学校名称及汇款金额和时间;

    After confirm the payment , IMA China will send the names to HQ including the information of student name , USER ID , contact , email address , name of University , paid amount and paid date ;

  28. 对于联系方式表,没有选择“CNTNUM”列,因为它是一个自动增加的id列,它的值是在插入新记录时自动生成的。

    For contact table , column " CNT_NUM " is not selected because it is an auto incremental id column and its value will be generated automatically when the new record is inserted .

  29. MaribelPayton的记录使用指定的公司名称空间声明,但她的联系方式数据不属于任何名称空间。

    Maribel Payton 's record shares the specific company namespace declaration , but her contact data doesn 't belong to any namespace .

  30. 对于没有在通讯录上记录彼此联系方式的Addappt用户,可以通过发送请求来建立联系。

    Addappt users who aren 't in each others ' address books can ask for permission to connect .