
  • 网络United Nations Population Fund;UNFPA;united nations population fund-unfpa;UNPF
  1. 下周,我们将与联合国人口基金执行主任ThorayaObaid讨论我们如何才能在现场与他们及其它方面更密切地开展协调以便把战略转变为实践。

    Next week we will discuss with Thoraya Obaid , Executive Director of UNFPA , how we can coordinate even more closely in the field with them and others to translate the strategy into practice .

  2. 中国与联合国人口基金的合作卓有成效

    United NatiOn The Cooperation Between China and UNFPA is Highly Effective

  3. 联合国人口基金(UNPopulationFund)警告称,撒哈拉以南的非洲地区和南亚的高生育率,正对经济增长和消除贫困构成阻碍。

    High fertility in sub-Saharan Africa and southern Asia is impeding economic development and perpetuating poverty , the UN Population Fund has warned .

  4. 联合国人口基金执行局

    Executive board of the United Nations Population Fund

  5. 慈利县联合国人口基金艾滋病防治项目执行情况终期评估

    Evaluation of AIDS Prevention and Control Project Supported By UNFPA in Cili County of Hunan

  6. 图为人口普查工作会议和联合国人口基金捐助的电脑。

    The pictures show a working meeting of the Third National Census and computers funded by UNFPA .

  7. 联合国人口基金会对印度男女比例的失调进行了批评。

    The United Nations Population Fund has taken India to task over its ratio of females to males .

  8. 图为联合国人口基金援助汶川地震灾区的物资。

    The picture shows the supplies provided by the United Nations Population Fund to the earthquake-stricken area of Wenchuan .

  9. 联合国人口基金会发布了关于世界人口状况的一项新研究。

    The United Nations Population Fund has released a new study on the condition of the world 's population .

  10. 儿童基金会购买的疫苗占全世界产量的一半,联合国人口基金是全世界最大的避孕药具购买者。

    UNICEF buys half the vaccines produced worldwide , while the UN Population Fund is the world 's largest purchaser of contraceptives .

  11. 大会上的主要发言者是挪威首相延斯•斯托尔滕贝格以及联合国人口基金执行主任托若亚•欧拜德。

    Keynote speakers at the Assembly were the Prime Minister of Norway , Jens Stoltenberg , and the Executive Director of UNFPA , Thoraya Obaid .

  12. 在1982年全国人口普查中,联合国人口基金不仅向中国派来专家,而且资助中国每个省一台电脑。

    In the1982 national census , the United Nations Population Fund not only sent experts to China , but funded a computer for each province .

  13. 据估计,每年有2.15亿名妇女寻求计生手段却无法获得。联合国人口基金会为此敦促加倍扩大卫生和教育项目。

    With an estimated 215m women seeking but unable to gain access to family planning each year , it has urged redoubled health and education programmes .

  14. 联合国人口基金执行主任托若亚•欧拜德强调了与世卫组织的合作领域并敦促代表们注重于改善其人民的性和生殖卫生。

    The UNFPA Executive Director Thoraya Obaid underlined the areas of cooperation with WHO and urged delegates to focus on improving the sexual and reproductive health of their populations .

  15. 根据联合国人口基金会的世界人口国家报告,菲律宾是世界上位居第12位的人口大国,拥有9409万人口。

    According to the UN Population Fund ( UNFPA ) State of the World Population Report , the Philippines is the 12th most populous country in the world with 94.9m people .

  16. 联合国人口基金会预测,10月31号世界人口将掀开新的一页。同时预测,2025年将攀升至80亿,2083年将突破100亿。

    The United Nations Population Fund is predicting that the milestone will be hit on October 31 . It also expects the world population to reach eight billion by 2025 and 10 billion by 2083 .

  17. 这就是为什么我很高兴,联合国人口基金赋予这一数字更深的含义,启动了名为“70亿行动”的活动,帮助建设更美好的世界。

    That is why I am pleased that the United Nations Population Fund is giving meaning to the number by launching its campaign for " 7 Billion Actions " to contribute to a better world .

  18. 方法利用联合国人口基金资助的北京老龄化多维纵向研究课题对1992年基线调查的老年人2742例和1994年跟踪随访的有关资料进行对比研究。

    Methods The Multidimentional Longitudinal Study on Aging in Beijing supported by the United Nations Fund of Population ( UNFPA ) provided the relevant data from the baseline survey in 1992 and the follow up study in 1994 for analysis .

  19. 联合国人口基金称,单单为满足未得到满足的计划生育需求,应对在尼日尔和马里等国家尤为突出的高生育率问题,就需要30亿美元。

    International funding and attention to family planning has waned , with the UN agency saying $ 3bn is required simply to support the unmet demand for family planning to tackle high birth rates in countries led by Niger and Mali .

  20. 本研究依托于联合国人口基金会资助的中国基层计划生育服务机构成本效果分析案例研究项目。

    Supported by the United Nation Population Foundation ( UNFPA ), a case study on cost-effectiveness analysis on family planning and reproductive health services at grass root level was conducted in Jimo county of Shangdong Province and Zhanyi county of Yunnan Province .

  21. 作为联合国人口基金生殖健康/计划生育项目试点县,英山县在推行避孕节育知情选择工作中做了一些有益的探索。

    As being a pilot county of family place where the project of propagation health / family planning of UN population funds is implemented , Yingshan County has made some useful explorations in carrying out the know selection of contraception and birth control .

  22. 1971年萨迪克博士进入联合国,成为联合国人口基金会的一名技术顾问,1973年当选为人口基金会下属计划处主管。

    In1971 , she joined the United Nations and became a technical adviser to the United Nations Population Fund ( UNFPA ) and Chief of its Programme Division in1973 .

  23. 联合国开发计划署和联合国人口基金执行局

    Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme and of the United Nations Population Fund

  24. 2005年孕产妇死亡率。由世卫组织、联合国儿童基金会、联合国人口基金和世界银行等共同估计的数字。

    Maternal mortality in2005 : estimates developed by WHO , UNICEF , UNFPA and the World Bank .

  25. 至今,我已会见了联合国艾滋病规划署、抗艾滋病、结核和疟疾全球基金、疫苗和免疫全球联盟、联合国儿童基金会和联合国人口基金的首长以及卸任和新任命的联合国秘书长。

    To date , I have met the heads of UNAIDS , the Global Fund to Fight AIDS , Tuberculosis and Malaria , GAVI , UNICEF , and UNFPA , and both the outgoing and newly appointed Secretaries-General of the UN .