
lián hé ɡuó mì shū zhǎnɡ
  • Secretary-General of the United Nations;secretary general of UN
  1. 如果亚洲国家想控制该地区的艾滋病疫情,就必须迅速采取行动,联合国秘书长科菲·安南(KofiAnnan)说。

    Asian countries must act quickly if they are to keep the region 's Aids epidemic in check , says Kofi Annan , secretary-general of the United Nations .

  2. 并有联合国秘书长在场

    In the presence of the Secretary-General of the United Nations

  3. 联合国秘书长呼吁各方要表现出克制。

    The United Nations Secretary General called on all parties to show moderation .

  4. 联合国秘书长抵达东京竭力为国际维和争取支持。

    The UN secretary-general arrived in Tokyo to drum up support for international peacekeeping

  5. 在新一任联合国秘书长的角逐中,他的胜算很小。

    He was an outsider in the race to be the new UN Secretary-General .

  6. 根据联合国秘书长的要求,正在组织撤退。

    The evacuation is being organised at the request of the United Nations Secretary General .

  7. 联合国秘书长近期为和平所作出的努力得到了积极的回应。

    There 's been a positive response to the UN Secretary-General 's recent peace efforts .

  8. 联合国秘书长潘基文(BanKi-Moon)将此次灾难称之为“数十年来最严重的人道主义危机”之一。

    U.N.President Ban Ki-Moon described the tragedy as one of the'most serious humanitarian crises in decades .

  9. 联合国秘书长潘基文(BanKi-moon)一直劝说各国政府在哥本哈根签署协议。

    Ban Ki-moon , secretary-general , has been exhorting governments to seal the deal at Copenhagen .

  10. 其他候选人还包括南非总统雅各布·祖玛(JacobZuma)和前联合国秘书长科菲·安南(KofiAnnan)。

    Other candidates include South African President Jacob Zuma and former UN chief Kofi Annan .

  11. 联合国秘书长潘基文(BanKi-Moon)称,他怀着沉重的心情将报告呈交给联合国安理会(UNsecuritycouncil)。他还表示,这次袭击是可耻的犯罪。

    Ban Ki-Moon , the UN secretary-general , said he was presenting the report to the UN Security Council with a heavy heart and described the attack as a despicable crime .

  12. 据NPR新闻的米歇尔·凯莱门报道,今天,联合国秘书长与联合国小组在纽约会面。

    NPR 's Michele Kelemen reports the secretary general met with the UN team in New York today .

  13. 这项新的测试进行于联合国秘书长KofiAnnan于伊朗总统会晤后的第二天。

    The new test came just one day after UN Secretary General Kofi Annan met with Iran 's president .

  14. 联合国秘书长潘基文当地时间周二晚上晚上在纽约的联合国总部接见了老乡-目前全球最火的《江南STYLE》的PSY,一起跳骑马舞。

    United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon met fellow countryman and global popstar PSY for some ' Gangnam Style ' dancing at the UN headquarters in New York last night .

  15. 联合国秘书长潘基文(banki-moon)昨日表示,中国与印度应该和富裕国家一起,在应对气候变化方面担负起更多的责任。

    Ban Ki-moon , the UN Secretary-General , signalled yesterday that China and India should take on more responsibility for tackling climate change , alongside rich countries .

  16. 她还安排了与联合国秘书长潘基文(BanKi-moon)共进午餐,并将会晤克罗地亚、厄瓜多尔、加纳和巴拉圭的国家元首。

    She was scheduled to have lunch with Ban Ki-moon , UN secretary-general , and would meet heads of state from Croatia , Ecuador , Ghana and Paraguay .

  17. 旨在终结这场冲突的外交努力仍在继续,联合国秘书长潘基文(BanKi-moon)将乘机前往多哈,与阿巴斯和卡塔尔的官员进行会谈。

    Diplomatic efforts to end the conflict continued , with Ban Ki-moon , UN secretary-general , set to fly to Doha to hold talks with Mr Abbas and Qatari officials .

  18. 非洲绿色革命联盟的副主席AkinAdesina于今年6月被联合国秘书长潘基文任命为千年发展目标倡导组织的负责人,该组织的目标是动员人们实现MDG。

    Was appointed in June by UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon to the MDG Advocacy Group , which aims to mobilise people towards meeting the MDGs .

  19. 联合国秘书长潘基文(BanKi-Moon)本周邀请世界各国领导人访问纽约,以期打破全球在应对气候变化问题上的谈判僵局。

    UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon this week invites World Leaders to New York to break the deadlock on negotiating what to do about the international challenge of climate change .

  20. 在哥本哈根周日上午为公布报告举行的新闻发布会上,联合国秘书长潘基文(BanKi-moon)对在利马采取强有力的行动发出紧急呼吁。

    Appearing at a news conference in Copenhagen Sunday morning to unveil the report , the United Nations secretary general , Ban Ki-moon , issued an urgent appeal for strong action in Lima .

  21. 联合国秘书长特别顾问杰弗里萨克斯(jeffreysachs)表示,在减轻非洲的贫困方面,亿万富翁慈善家有可能比八国集团(g8)做得更多。

    Billionaire philanthropists have the potential to do more to ease poverty in Africa than the group of eight leading industrial nations , according to Jeffrey Sachs , special adviser to the United Nations Secretary-General .

  22. 印度是在联合国秘书长潘基文(BanKi-moon)昨日召集的会议上转变其立场的。近100位国家元首及政府首脑参加了此次会议,共同探讨气候变化问题。

    The shift in India 's position came before a meeting yesterday called by Ban Ki-moon , the United Nations secretary-general , in which nearly 100 heads of state and government gathered to focus on climate change .

  23. 以色列官员表示,进行国际调查的提议来自联合国秘书长潘基文。他认为,国际调查应该由新西兰前总理杰弗里·帕尔默(GeoffreyPalmer)领导。

    Israeli officials say the proposal for an international inquiry came from the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon who said it should be led by a former New Zealand Prime Minister Geoffrey Palmer .

  24. 这次气候峰会由联合国秘书长潘基文(BanKi-moon)组织召开,为期一天。会议显示出气候变化怎样变成了一个真正全球化的重要议题,但也强化了发达国家和发展中国家之间的分歧。

    The daylong climate summit meeting , organized by the United Nations secretary general , Ban Ki-moon , showcased how climate change has become a genuinely global preoccupation , but also reinforced the divides between developed and developing countries .

  25. Ouattara先生已经宣布自己为新政府的首领。并且已经获得了联合国秘书长的支持。BarbaraPlett报道。

    Mr Ouattara has declared himself the new head of state , and he 's been backed by the UN secretary general , as Barbara Plett reports .

  26. 联合国秘书长潘基文(BanKi-moon)周一在维也纳的新闻发布会上发表讲话,警告称国际社会不应该严格限制抗击埃博拉的医务人员的流动。

    The secretary general of the United Nations , Ban Ki-moon , speaking on Monday at a news conference in Vienna , warned against what he called overly strict international restraints on the movement of health workers who are fighting Ebola .

  27. 他最让人惊讶的一次举动是在2006年上任联合国秘书长——富于个人魅力的加纳人科菲褠坛(KofiAnnan)——任期结束的时候做出的。潘基文出人意料地宣布参加竞选。

    His most startling manoeuvre came in 2006 , when the term of the previous UN secretary-general - the charismatic Ghanaian Kofi Annan - ended . Ban unexpectedly threw his hat into the ring .

  28. 增加人们患痢疾的风险,这会威胁到生命安全。每年有数百万儿童由于水生疾病死亡,”联合国秘书长潘基文的特别顾问Sachs在联合国发展目标会议上补充说。

    ontent . It means that the water could give rise to diarrheal diseases . It could be life threatening . Millions of children die each year from water-borne diseases , " added Sachs , who serves as a special advisor to U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon on meeting development goals .

  29. 非洲联盟和平和安全委员会的RamtaneLamamra正在纽约和联合国秘书长以及安理会大使进行讨论,探讨防止索马里过渡政府在埃塞俄比亚撤军后崩溃的方法。

    AU Peace and Security Commissioner Ramtane Lamamra is in New York for talks with U.N. secretary-general and Security Council ambassadors about ways of preventing a collapse of Somalia 's transitional government after Ethiopia leaves .

  30. 斯特凡纳·迪雅里是联合国秘书长发言人。

    Stephane Dujarric is the spokesman for the UN secretary general .