
  • 网络Millennium Development Goals;united nations millennium development goals;MDG;un millennium development goals
  1. Benn还说“合作关系”是国际开发署能否运用科学帮助实现联合国千年发展目标的关键因素。

    Benn also said that'partnership'was the key word for how DFID would use science to help meet the UN Millennium Development Goals .

  2. SuziLevine:“后来我们意识到,学生们其实希望他们的创新有一定的目的性,所以我们鼓励他们结合联合国千年发展目标,让他们想出使用科技解决这些问题的方法。”

    SUZI LEVINE : " When we realized that students really actually want to have a purpose for what they 're creating , we introduced the idea of inspiring them with the UN Millennium Development Goals and suggesting that they use those for their

  3. 《金融时报》报道,Malik希望北京的碳排放交易中心将交易那些与联合国千年发展目标相关的碳排放额。

    According to the Financial Times , Malik hoped the Beijing exchange would trade in special carbon credits tied to the Millennium Development Goals ( MDG ) .

  4. TesfaiTecle还表示,中国帮助其它国家提高粮食安全的承诺是对达到联合国千年发展目标的重要贡献。千年发展目标计划到2015年将饥饿人口的数量减半。

    Tecle said China 's commitment to helping other countries improve food security would be a major contribution towards achieving the UN Millennium Development Goal of halving hunger by2015 .

  5. 非传染性疾病对联合国千年发展目标的进展带来威胁。

    NCDs threaten progress towards the UN Millennium Development Goals .

  6. 这些是众所周知的联合国千年发展目标。

    These became known as the United Nation ( millennium ) development goals .

  7. 中国在实现联合国千年发展目标方面有显著成就。

    The China in the remarkable achievements was achieved the UN Millennium Development Goals .

  8. 他们讨论了联合国千年发展目标和实现这些目标的更好方法。

    They discussed the United Nations Millennium Development Goals and better ways to meet them .

  9. 这8个联合国千年发展目标是在2000年通过的,计划在2015年实现。

    The eight United Nations MDGs were agreed in2000 and are due to be met by2015 .

  10. 我们需要以此促进经济发展与环境保护,并实现联合国千年发展目标。

    We need it for our economic and environmental well-being and to achieve the Millennium Development Goals .

  11. 联合国千年发展目标包括降低贫困,改善医疗,以及普及小学教育等。

    The goals include cutting poverty , improving access to health care and providing education to all children .

  12. 他们越来越多地认识到计划生育在实现联合国千年发展目标中的关键作用。

    Increasingly they are recognizing the key role that family planning plays in achieving the United Nations Millennium Development Goals .

  13. 联合国千年发展目标的其中一项就是,截止到2015年,五岁以下儿童死亡率降低三分之二。

    One of the U.N. Millennium Development Goals is to reduce the under-five death rate by two-thirds by two thousand fifteen .

  14. 中国正努力在2015年之前实现联合国千年发展目标,“促进性别平等和赋予妇女权力”(联合国千年发展目标之一)的任务显得更加紧迫。

    Promoting gender equality and empowering women have taken on new urgency as China looks to meet the Millennium Development Goals by2015 .

  15. 中国宣布启动了两个新的碳排放交易项目,以帮助开发其贫困地区并满足联合国千年发展目标。

    China has announced two new carbon trading initiatives to help develop its poorer regions and meet the UN Millennium Development Goals .

  16. 其它议程项目还包括与卫生有关的联合国千年发展目标的进展情况,审议对两名区域主任的任命。

    Other agenda items include progress on the health-related UN Millennium Development Goals and consideration of the appointment of two Regional Directors .

  17. 在欧盟筹备对9月联合国千年发展目标首脑会议的贡献之际,本次会议也具有现实意义。

    This conference also has immediate relevance , as the EU prepares its contribution to the September UN summit on the Millennium Development Goals .

  18. 中国也愿意与其他各方一道,积极推动落实联合国千年发展目标,共同促进发展中国家的和平与发展。

    China is ready to work with other countries to facilitate the implementation of the MDGs and enhance peace and development in developing countries .

  19. 联合国千年发展目标计划要求到2015年让无法获得安全饮用水和基本卫生设施的人口数量减半。

    According to the Millennium Development Goals , the number of people without access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation should be halved by2015 .

  20. 世界银行的统计表明,长期受到暴力冲突影响的国家都没有实现联合国千年发展目标。

    The World Bank statistics show that none of the countries persistently under violent conflict has achieved the UN Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ) .

  21. 消除贫困是实现联合国千年发展目标和建设全面小康社会的共同主题。

    Disposal of poverty is the common subject to realize the UN thousand-year long development target as well as to construction of overall comparatively rich society .

  22. 一位全球发展政策专家表示,解决世界上最主要问题的联合国千年发展目标实际上是无效的,因为它们无法衡量。

    A specialist in global development policy says efforts to tackle some of the world 's biggest problems are virtually ineffective because they cannot be measured .

  23. 双方同意加强在应急管理方面的合作,落实联合国千年发展目标,促进世界的可持续发展。

    The agreed to strengthen cooperation in the field of crisis management , implement the UN Millennium Development Goals and promote the world 's sustainable development .

  24. 经济社会发展需要和平的发展环境,联合国千年发展目标的在每个国家的实现需要稳定的政治经济环境。

    Economic and social development needs a peaceful environment for developing . The UN Millennium Development Goals in each country needs a stable political and economic environment .

  25. 非洲经济近年来保持较快增长,但发展问题依然严峻,实现联合国千年发展目标的任务艰巨。

    Africa has sustained rapid economic growth in recent years , but it still faces severe development problems and the difficult task of accomplishing the UN Millennium Development Goals .

  26. 联合国千年发展目标规定,在2015年前将无法获得安全饮用水的人口比例减少一半;

    It is decided in the Millennium Development Goals by the UN that , by2015 , reduce by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water ;

  27. 我们应该建设公平有效的全球发展体系,加强发展机构,增加发展资源,全面落实联合国千年发展目标。

    We should put in place a fair and effective global development system , enhance development institutions , increase resources for development and work to fully attain the UN MDGs .

  28. 一、将承诺转化为具体行动,各国政府应投入更大的人力、物力以及资源,推动落实《北京行动纲领》,妇女问题特别联大成果文件以及联合国千年发展目标的力度。

    I. Turn commitments into concrete actions . All state governments should invest more manpower , materials and resources to implement the BPFA , the Outcome document and the MDGs .

  29. 国际社会应该在发展问题上采取更多实际行动,保障发展资源,完善发展机制,促进发展合作,确保如期实现联合国千年发展目标。

    The international community should take more concrete actions on development to secure resources , improve mechanisms , enhance cooperation , and ensure the attainment of the UN MDGs as scheduled .

  30. 上个月举行的联合国千年发展目标首脑会议推动了政治势头的形成及财政承诺。在当今经济困难时期,这种财政承诺尤其重要。

    Last month 's MDG Summit at the United Nations generated political momentum GetWord (" momentum "); as well as financial commitments that are especially significant in these difficult economic times .