
  • 网络economy;economic;Economics;Economical;cost-effective
  1. 6档自动变速器和CVT对燃油经济性的贡献

    Six-Speed Automatic Transmissions and CVT ′ s to Support Fuel Economy

  2. DCT车辆具备与AT车辆一样的驾驶方便性和舒适性,同时拥有比AT车辆好得多的燃油经济性。

    In comparison with AT , vehicles with DCT have the same performance in convenience and driving comfort , but more excellent in fuel economy .

  3. 应用能量分析的方法,以轿车和载货汽车为例,研究了混合动力汽车(HEV)与传统燃油发动机汽车的燃油经济性。

    This paper studied the fuel economy of conventional vehicle and hybrid electric vehicle ( HEV ) by the method of energy analyzing for car and truck .

  4. 分析了液化天然气(LNG)罐式集装箱公路运输设备的现状,讨论了LNG公路运输的经济性和应注意的问题。

    Current situation of highway transportation with tank-type container for LNG is analyzed , and economy and problems that need to be paid attention for highway transportation of LNG are discussed .

  5. 同时,在经济性方面,TBM隧道也优于钻爆法隧道,这对于经济发展和隧道工程的技术进步都是有利的。

    Moreover , TBM tunnel has advantage to the drilling and blasting tunnel on economic , which will be good to the development of the society economic and the tunnel technology .

  6. 尤其作为深海平台锚固系统,比如TLP张力腿平台锚固系统,在安全性和经济性上有明显的优势。

    Especially as anchor system in deep platform , for example , anchor system of tension leg platform , it has evidently superiorities in security and economy .

  7. 200MW汽轮机多背压运行的热经济性分析

    An Analysis of the Thermodynamic Effectiveness of a 200 MW Steam Turbine with Multiple Back pressure Operation

  8. 通过对10kV架空绝缘导线(以下简称架空电缆)性能分析,指出架空电缆在线路运行中的可靠性、经济性以及架设施工、维修便利等方面都优于裸导线。

    By analyzing , the reliability and economy of aerial insulated conductor ( i.e. aerial cable ) are much better than bare wire in service .

  9. 通过对22节点、39节点和IEEE节点系统的计算,实际结果表明考虑暂态稳定约束的可用传输能力可以在以经济性为目标且满足安全稳定约束的条件下找到一个合理的最优解。

    The numerical simulations on test systems of 22-buse 39-buse and IEEE show that , when the economy , security and stability of the system are satisfied , the ATC with the transient stability can find a rational optimal solution .

  10. TS-35型氨法脱硫工业化试验及其经济性分析

    Industrial test of TS-35 ammonia desulphurization and its economic analysis

  11. 125MW汽轮机通流部分现代化改造及经济性分析

    Updating - retrofitting of Flow Passage of 125 MW Steam Turbine and Its Economics Analysis

  12. 试验结果表明,在加装了排气净化消声器后,对摩托车的动力经济性及噪声没有明显的影响,对CO、HC、NOx的净化率都在50%以上。

    The conclusion of test is that , with the new exhaust control muffler dynamical performance fuel economy and noise of the motorcycle have no obviously change . The conversion ratio of CO HC and NOx is more than 50 % with catalyst in muffler .

  13. 研究了丰田混合动力系统及其主要控制策略,利用ADVISOR软件对Prius轿车的加速过程和燃油经济性进行了模拟计算,并与试验结果进行了对比。

    The TOYOTA hybrid power system and its main control strategies are studied . The acceleration process and fuel economy of the PRIUS passenger car is simulated with the ADVISOR , and the results are compared with the test results .

  14. 为满足上述对安全和经济性的要求,制钢技术得到充分发展,X100级钢也因此得到进一步研究。

    To meet the above requirements of safety and economic , steel making technology gains sufficient development , therefore X 100 Grade gained further study .

  15. 经济性指投资费用,可靠性采用需求方的缺电成本衡量,灵活性首次引用可用输电能力(ATC)来量化。

    The investment cost is introduced to indicate economy , the outage cost of customers is adopted to evaluate the reliability , and available transfer capability ( ATC ) is proposed to quantify the flexibility of the network for the first time .

  16. 通过分析非晶合金变压器的技术特点和技术经济性,并与S9、S11系列变压器进行综合效益比较,反映了非晶合金变压器的节能效果。

    Through analyzing the technology character and economy of amorphous alloy transformer and comparing it to transformers of S9 and S11 series it concludes that amorphous alloy transformer has better energy saving effect .

  17. 通过在13m深的垂直基坑边坡加固工程中的应用,并经有限单元法分析,锚杆应力-应变量测和边坡位移监测,证实了这种新的加固方法的可靠性和经济性。

    Through FEM analysis , measurement of stress-strain of the soil anchor , and monitoring the slope displacement , it has been verified that the new slope stabilization method is of high reliability and feasibility .

  18. 介绍搅拌摩擦焊的基本原理和国外的应用状况,与铝合金传统的金属焊条惰性气体焊(MTG)和钨极惰性气体焊(TIG)进行比较,分析搅拌摩擦焊应用的经济性。

    This paper introduces the basic principle and application in the international shipbuilding , and compares the traditional metal-inert-gas ( MIG ) welding and tungsten inert-gas ( TIG ) welding with the novel FSW process , and also analyze the economical prospects of the FSW technology .

  19. 以改善发动机的燃油经济性为目的,采用发动机台架试验和模拟计算的方法对B231发动机性能进行研究开发。

    This paper describes how to develop engine B231 by engine bench test & cycle simulation calculation in order to reduce fuel consumption of the engine .

  20. 针对运城电网220kV、110kV三绕组变压器的分裂运行方式,从安全性、经济性方面分析了此种运行方式存在的问题,并提出了建议。

    Taking into consideration of division operation model of 220kV 、 110kV three-winding transformers in Yuncheng power grid , the paper analyses the faults of this operation model in the view of safety and economy and puts forward some proposals .

  21. 通过应用FVP-77程序,在M-6809微机上对五矿两个通风系统优化解析后,在技术合理性、安全可靠性和经济性等方面进行比较,得出了技术经济指标。

    Mine were calculated with FVP-77 program on M - 6809 computer for optimization . Technical and economic indices were obtained after comparisons were made in aspects of technical rationalization , safety relia-bility and economics .

  22. 对火电机组变压运行经济性分析方法的探讨

    The Discussion of Economic Analysis Method of Variable Pressure Operation Unit

  23. 热力系统优化的热经济性功能分析法

    Functional Method of Heat Economy Analysis for Optimizing Thermal Power Systems

  24. 供热机组热经济性分析通用软件的开发

    Programming a generalized software for economic analysis of heat supplied plants

  25. 纯电动汽车能耗经济性评价方法研究

    Study on the evaluation of energy consumption economy for electric vehicles

  26. 燃气热水器地板辐射供暖的经济性分析

    Economic Analysis of Radiant Floor Heating System by Gas Water Heater

  27. 高炉喷吹用煤的选择及经济性评价

    Selection and evaluation of economical efficiency of coal injected into BF

  28. 集装箱江海直达运输经济性分析

    The Economic Analysis of Direct Container Transports Between River and Sea

  29. 民用住宅中央空调选型技术经济性分析

    Technical and Economical Analyzing of the Central Air-conditioning for Civilian Buildings

  30. 职业性与经济性又要求高素质技能型人才作保障。

    The occupational and efficiency requires high quality skilled personnel for protection .