
láo dònɡ lì rén kǒu
  • population of working ages
  1. 有了劳动力人口的快速增长以及人口负担系数(dependencyrate)的减小(出生率较低之故),就不愁没有更多的劳动力、更多的储蓄进而有更多的投资。

    A fast-growing working population and a falling dependency rate ( thanks to a lower birth rate ) will ensure more workers , more saving and hence more investment .

  2. (高盛(GoldmanSachs)上周的一份报告称,未来10年,印度日益增加的劳动力人口,可能为年度增幅贡献4个百分点。)

    ( A report from Goldman Sachs this week said India 's expanding workforce could add up to 4 percentage points of annual growth over the next decade . )

  3. 面板VAR模型的脉冲响应结果表明,当给非劳动力人口一个单位正冲击时,尽管对贸易差额的影响短期内会有波动,但是长期内将对贸易差额产生持续的削弱作用。

    The results of the impulse response function of a panel VAR model show that there are sustained weakening effects for the balance of the trade in the long run except for a fluctuation in the short run when a positive shock is given to the non-working population .

  4. 以四普和五普数据为依据,利用人口密度、人口再分布指数、区位商、Lorenz曲线、人口集中指数等指标和方法分析了广东省劳动力人口的空间分布、变动特点及主要影响因素。

    Based on fourth and fifth census data , using population density , population redistribution index , location quotient , Lorenz curve , population concentration index , this paper analyzes the changes and spatial distribution of the labor force in Guangdong province .

  5. 而且,书中也描述了当前劳动力人口统计学以及对将来工作的展望。

    It also describes current workforce demographics and future job prospects .

  6. 我国全面建设小康社会中劳动力人口就业研究

    Study on the Employment of Labour Population in the Well-off Society

  7. 55岁以上雇员在劳动力人口中的比例上升了8%。

    The proportion of over-55s working has risen 8 per cent .

  8. 中国农村劳动力人口就诊单位选择的影响因素分析

    Analysis of Affecting Factors in Choosing Medical Organ from China Rural People

  9. 略论贵州劳动力人口就业问题

    The Brief Discussion about Employment Problems of Labor Force in Guizhou Province

  10. 我国流动劳动力人口受教育权益保障问题研究

    The Research on Protection of Education Rights for China 's Mobile Workforce

  11. 改革开放以来贵州劳动力人口推算与未来预测

    The calculation and prediction for Guizhou workforce population since the reform and opening-up

  12. 贵州省劳动力人口素质研究

    The Research on the Labor Population Quality of Guizhou

  13. 广东省劳动力人口空间分布及变动研究

    Study on Changes and Spatial Distribution of the Labor Force in Guangdong Province

  14. 女性知识培训的增加,进而转化为劳动力人口中女性比例的上升。

    This intellectual training is translating into increased female participation in the labour force .

  15. 目的分析影响我国农村劳动力人口的就诊单位选择的因素。

    Objective To analyze the affecting factors in choosing medical organ from China rural people .

  16. 结论伤害是影响甘肃省居民健康和劳动力人口质量的主要疾病,是一个严重的公共卫生问题。

    Conclusions Injury is a serious public health problem that affects people 's health and laborer 's quality .

  17. 发展中国家具有不同于发达国家的要素禀赋,劳动力人口众多,而资本相对匮乏。

    Comparing to developed countries , developing countries have different factor endowments – rich labor , poor capital .

  18. 1990~1994年福建省疾病监测点劳动力人口意外死亡分析

    Analysis of accidental death among working population at the disease surveillance sites in Fujian Province from 1990 to 1994

  19. 吉林省劳动力人口增长与就业、失业现状分析

    An analysis on the increase of labor force population and current situation of employment and unemployment in Jilin Province

  20. 人口老龄化、劳动力人口数量、人口素质和人口迁移是影响养老保险基金模式选择的主要人口因素。

    Aging , workforce , population quality and migration are the main population elements influence the choice of pension funding methods .

  21. 首先,决定就业率的基本因素是经济总产出量。就业率是劳动力人口总数、经济总产出量和劳动生产率的函数。

    Firstly , basic determinants of employment rate are made up of labor amount , total economic output and labor productivity .

  22. 但是在二三线城市中,房价与劳动力人口却有显著的正向关系。

    But there exists a significant positive relationship between housing-price and the number of labor in the second and third-tier city .

  23. 1普至5普少年人口系数趋于下降,劳动力人口系数和老年人口系数上升。

    From 1st to 5th census , the population coefficient of young people was decreasing and the labor population coefficient was increasing .

  24. 针对本省人中基数大,劳动力人口多、素质差的特点,探讨了解决好本省人口与劳动就业的有效途径。

    This paper aiso probes into the effective way to resolve the problem between them considering the large population and the low-quality employees .

  25. 随着劳动力人口数量下降,失业率已从6月的7.6%降至7.2%。

    Unemployment has dropped from 7.6 per cent in June to 7.2 per cent as the number of people in the labour force fell .

  26. 在欧洲,随着老年人数量的上升和劳动力人口的下滑,失业率每上升一点都意味着更多不幸。

    In Europe , with its increasing numbers of elderly and a shrinking labour force , every notch upwards in unemployment spells further misery .

  27. 西部地区劳动力人口具有存量多、增量大、质量低等特点,使得该地区面临严峻的就业压力。

    The labor in western region has the features of a large number and low quality , which makes the region face severe employment pressure .

  28. 由于劳动力人口的萎缩已经殃及到了国家的劳动力市场和退休金制度,所以政府正在准备推迟退休年龄。

    The government is preparing to postpone the retirement age as a shrinking workforce has begun to bite into the country 's labor market and pension system .

  29. 此外,作为总人口中的生产性人口,劳动力人口比例还会直接影响全社会的人均产出的增长。

    Meanwhile , as the productive part in the total population , the proportion of labor population can also affect the growth of per capita output in society directly .

  30. 上月劳动力人口增加4.2万,为连续第三个月上升;受雇人数增加2.9万,为连续第五个月上升。

    The labour force grew by 42,000 last month , a third straight gain , with the number of employed people rising for a fifth month , by 29,000 .