
láo dònɡ ɡuān xi
  • labor relation;labor relationship
  1. 并以镇江市YR厂为实例,分析该企业在改制过程中劳动关系调整的具体做法。

    Take Zhenjiang YR factory as an instance , this paper analyses the concrete method that Zhenjiang YR factory take to adjust labor relation .

  2. 建筑施工企业如何构建稳定和谐的劳动关系

    How to create stable and compatible labor relation in construction enterprises

  3. 这一集体谈判原则已经成为该国劳动关系的重要基础。

    This principle of collective bargaining has been a mainstay in labor relations in this country .

  4. 完善政府、工会、企业共同参与的协商协调机制,构建和谐劳动关系。

    We will improve mechanisms8 for joint1 discussion and mediation9 involving government , trade unions , and employers in an effort to ensure harmonious10 labor relations .

  5. XX公司劳动关系管理实施的保障措施。

    Safeguard measures for XX company labor relations management implementation .

  6. XX公司劳动关系现状分析。

    Analysis of XX company labor relations .

  7. 工会和集体谈判&构建和谐劳动关系

    The Trade Union and Collective Bargaining & Construct harmonious labor relations

  8. 论劳动关系法律调整的理性化扩张

    On the Rational Expansion of Legal Regulation of Labor Relationship Fan

  9. 经济转型时期和谐劳动关系构建的问题与对策

    Problems and Countermeasures in Building Harmonious Labor Relations in Economic Transformation

  10. 网络管理与政府职能论社会转型期政府在劳动关系中的职责

    On Governmental Function of Industrial Relations in the Transition of Society

  11. 新时期中国劳动关系存在的问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of Chinese Labour Relationship in the New Period

  12. 劳动关系非标准趋势下的劳务派遣问题研究

    Study on Labor Dispatch under the Trend of Non-standard Labor Relations

  13. 关于构建新时期和谐劳动关系的几点思考

    On How to Set Up Harmonious Labor Relationship in New Period

  14. 私营企业的劳动关系属于同志式的平等合作关系,其发展不会构成尖锐的阶级对立。

    Labor relation in privately run enterprises is the relation of equality .

  15. 因解除与职工的劳动关系给予的补偿;

    Compensations for the cancellation of the labor relationship with the employees ;

  16. 三是推动建立和谐劳动关系。

    Third , promote the building of harmonious labor relations .

  17. 区别于计划经济的新型劳动关系研究综述

    Review on the Study of New Labour Relationship Known from Planning Economy

  18. 公平与正义:劳动关系调整中的伦理维度

    Equity and Justice : Ethic Consideration in Adjusting Labor Relations

  19. 劳动关系与劳资关系:两种体制下的经济关系&中国转型期的经济关系研究

    Labour Relations and Employee-Employer Relations : the Relationship under Two Different Systems

  20. 关于高校教职工体育与健康的现状及发展对策研究&以中国劳动关系学院教职工体育与健康现状为例

    On Physical and Health Situation of the Staff of Universities and Colleges

  21. 论图书馆协调健全工作体系完善劳动关系协调机制

    Improve the Labor System and Perfect the Coordination Mechanism of Labor Relationship

  22. 浙江省劳动关系调整模式研究

    Research on Adjustive Mode of Labor Relation in Zhejiang Province

  23. 近代西方劳动关系理论的历史演进

    The Historic Gradual Progress on the Theory of the Western Labor Relations

  24. 当前和谐劳动关系构建中的新视角&《工会法》实施中若干问题的反思

    A New Vision of Creating Harmonious Industrial Relations At Present

  25. 构建和谐劳动关系:建设和谐广东的重点工程

    Harmonious labor relation : a key project in harmonious Guangdong

  26. 转型期劳动关系的马克思经济学分析

    Analysis on Chinese Work Relations of Present Age with Marxism Economic Viewpoint

  27. 非正规就业中的劳动关系和工会工作研究

    On Industrial Relations in Informal Employment and Trade Union Work

  28. 协调劳动关系维护职工权益

    Harmonize Labor Relationship , Safeguard Staff 's Rights & Profits

  29. 浅谈构建企业和谐劳动关系的重要性及其途径

    The Importance and Methods to Build the Harmonious Labor Relations in Enterprises

  30. 以及区分不同就业形式、调整劳动关系等建议。

    And distinguish different employment and adjust labour relationship .