
láo dònɡ rén mín
  • working people;laboring people
  1. 劳动人民尽最大努力筑堤防洪。

    The laboring people tried their best to dam the river .

  2. 在资本主义国家里赋税沉重地压在劳动人民头上。

    Taxation bears hard on the laboring people in capitalist countries .

  3. 在我们国家里,劳动人民当家作主。

    In our country the working people are the masters .

  4. 劳动人民的本色不能丢。

    We mustn 't lose the good qualities of the labouring people .

  5. 这是用劳动人民的血汗建成的。

    It was built with the blood and sweat of the labouring people .

  6. 这些壮丽的古代建筑显示了劳动人民的高度智慧。

    These magnificent ancient buildings demonstrate the great intelligence of the labouring people .

  7. 劳动人民富于创造精神。

    The labouring people are highly creative .

  8. 吃的用的,别管哪一样,都是劳动人民生产的。

    No matter what we eat or use , it is produced by the working people .

  9. 复原后的金缕玉衣充分显示出中国古代劳动人民的精湛工艺。

    The restored jade burial suit fully reveals the consummate skill of the labouring people of ancient China .

  10. 他们剥夺了大批华侨劳动人民的生活资料,然后将他们扫地出门。

    They deprived a large number of the overseas Chinese of their means of livelihood and drove them out of their residences in dire poverty .

  11. 在旧社会,残酷的剥削和连年不断的军阀混战,使劳动人民过着颠沛流离的生活。

    In the old society , owing to cruel exploitation and succesive years of tangled warfare among warloads , the labouring people led a vagrant life .

  12. 在新中国,劳动人民生老病死都有依靠。

    In New China , care during childbirth , old age and illness , as well as burial arrangements , are all guaranteed for the labouring people .

  13. 广大劳动人民坚持不懈地进行斗争,终于迫使清政府不敢公然和帝国主义续订新约。

    The broad working masses were undaunted , and persisted in their struggle with the result that the Qing government did not dare to conclude a new treaty with the imperialists .

  14. 通货膨胀使劳动人民的工资收入遭受严重损失。

    Inflation is biting hard at the paychecks of the working people .

  15. 这些文物显示出中国古代劳动人民的高度智慧。

    These cultural relics demonstrate the great intelligence of the labouring people of ancient china .

  16. 他住在劳动人民聚居区内。

    He lives in a working-people neighbourhood .

  17. 讲来讲去就是和劳动人民四个字沾不到边。

    No matter how we define him , he cannot in anyway be related to as a labor people .

  18. 这是一个纪念劳动人民及其工作的假日。

    It is an interesting holiday that honors working people and their jobs .

  19. 布莱安(WilliamJenningsBryan):“你们不该把带刺的王冠压在劳动人民的额头上;你们也不该将人类钉死在金制的十字架上!”

    WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN : " You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns . You shall not mankind upon a cross of gold . "

  20. 麻省理工学院(MIT)的戴维?奥特尔(DavidAutor)认为自动化是把“好工作”排挤掉的力量之一。这里说的“好工作”,是指“普通劳动人民”(这里借用政客们的说法)所向往的中等技能工作岗位。

    Automation is one of the forces identified by David Autor of MIT as squeezing out " good jobs " - the middle-skilled roles to which " ordinary working people " ( to use the politicians " mantra ) would aspire .

  21. 此举受到劳联-产联(AFL-CIO)主席理查德•特拉姆卡(RichardTrumka)的欢迎。他称之为一场“劳动人民的重大胜利,将改善数百万家庭生活质量”。

    The move was welcomed by Richard Trumka , president of the AFL-CIO , who called it a " major victory for working people that will improve the lives of millions of families . "

  22. 千百万劳动人民正在觉醒。

    The working people in their tens of millions are awakening .

  23. 如此谩骂有失诚实的劳动人民的体面。

    Such abuses offend against the decency of honest working people .

  24. 这些人享有劳动人民所没有的特权。

    These people enjoy privileges which are denied to working people .

  25. 他在劳动人民中一如既往声望很高。

    His popularity among working people remains as strong as ever .

  26. 当时生活对劳动人民来说是非常艰苦的。

    Life was very hard for the working people then .

  27. 这表现了中国劳动人民的智慧。

    It demonstrated the intelligence of the Chinese working people .

  28. 伊朗工人和劳动人民工会中央联合委员会

    Central United Council of Workers and Working People of Iran

  29. 社会财富是由劳动人民创造的。

    The wealth of society is created bythe labouring people .

  30. 解放前,劳动人民过着悲惨的生活。

    The working people led a miserable life before liberation .