
láo dònɡ wèi shēnɡ
  • labor hygiene;occupational hygiene
  1. 方法利用症状自评量表(SCL-90)以及自编劳动卫生及相关因素调查表对523名工厂职工进行了心理卫生问卷调查。

    [ Methods ] The psychological health of 523 factory staffs was tested with SCL-90 and labor hygiene elements forms .

  2. 2001年我国劳动卫生与职业医学发展动向

    The Trend of Labor Hygiene and Occupational Medicine in China in 2001

  3. 为了解电信VDT作业对女工肌肉骨骼系统的影响,采用劳动卫生现况调查方法,对78名某寻呼台女工的肌肉骨骼系统压痛情况进行了调查,另以78名在校女大学生为对照。

    In order to study the effect of VDT on the musculoskeletal system of female workers , tenderness rates of female operators were investigated with the method of cross sectional epidemiology taking 78 female students as the controls .

  4. 乡镇企业几类粉尘作业工厂的劳动卫生调研报告

    Labour health investingation on operations exposed to dust in rural enterprises

  5. 丁酮作业的劳动卫生调查及卫生标准建议

    Occupational health survey and recommendation for hygienic standard for butanone exposure

  6. 包钢炼铁厂4~高炉劳动卫生评价

    Labor hygienic evaluation of 4 ~ # BF at Ironmaking Plant

  7. 汞矿劳动卫生与汞中毒动态观察

    Follow-up study on labour hygiene and mercurialism in a mercury mine

  8. 关于乡镇工业劳动卫生管理人员的培训

    The Training of Personnel for Occupational Health Administration in the Rural Area

  9. 21世纪初的芬兰劳动卫生研究所

    Finnish Institute of Occupational Health in the early 21st century

  10. 小型工业企业建厂劳动卫生基本技术条件。

    Elementary technological conditions of labour health for constructing small industrial enterprises .

  11. 某工厂生产和使用百菌清的劳动卫生初步调查研究

    An industrial hygiene survey on occupational exposure to Chlorothalonil

  12. 地质勘探单位职业劳动卫生工作现状与对策

    The Present Situation of Vocational Labour Hygiene and Its Countermeasures in Exploring Units

  13. 调查项目包括劳动卫生条件和健康检查。

    The scope of this investigation includes the working conditions and health examination .

  14. 就改善劳动卫生条件提出了几项措施建议。

    Recommendation for improving occupational health conditions was presented .

  15. 劳动卫生与职业病研究所

    Institute of labor health and occupational disease

  16. 职业性健康监护工作是劳动卫生工作的一项重要内容。

    The health surveillance work of occupation is a important content of occupational health work .

  17. 泵类生产劳动卫生系统工程研究

    A Preliminary Method from System Engineering Used for Occupational Health Study in Pump Manufacturing Industry

  18. 建国以来劳动卫生实际工作与科学研究均获得迅速发展,成绩卓著,经验丰富。

    Now the practical work and scientific research of occupational health have achieved the rapid development .

  19. 国内外应用树脂砂的劳动卫生状况

    The Present Situation of Labour Sanitation in Resin-bonded Sand Process both Inside and Outside the Country

  20. 方法采用劳动卫生现场调查方法,对公司电焊工220人进行职业健康体检。

    [ Methods ] Occupational physical examination was carried out among 220 electric welding workers in that company .

  21. 对玉米和小麦制粉作业环境进行了劳动卫生调查,同时测定了158名接尘工人肺通气功能。

    Lung function of 158 workers exposed to corn and wheat dust and their work environment were investigated .

  22. 通过该课程的学习,应对劳动卫生与职业病的基本概念、基本理论有一全面了解;

    Through the course , students will master : 1.concept and basic theory of labor heath and occupational disease ;

  23. 从几个铅作业小厂的调查看乡镇企业的劳动卫生问题

    An overview on the occupational health problem in rural industries from a survey of three small lead production plants

  24. 本研究对8个煤矿、两个选煤厂和一个煤炭装卸作业区进行劳动卫生、流行病学调查。

    Environmental and epidemiological investigations were conducted in 8 coal mines , 2 coal-dressing plants and a coal loading area .

  25. 对企业实施劳动卫生许可证、职工健康证与职业卫生制度、医疗卫生保健制度以及作业场所岗位安全卫生操作规范的管理,是实现职业卫生服务规范化管理的有效方法。

    In addition , regional medical health care system and work site safety and health operation regulation should not be ignored .

  26. 本方法经辽宁省劳动卫生研究所验证,结果基本一致。

    This method was verified by Liaoning provincial institute of occupational health . The results obtained were similar to the above .

  27. 目的:调查研究高原养路工作业环境、劳动卫生状况、职业性危害情况,为制定改善劳动条件、减少和预防职业病提供科学依据;

    To provide some scientific ways which could improve workers ' working conditions and reduce or prevent incidence of occupational disease at high altitude .

  28. 报告了某镍矿劳动卫生问题现场调查和环境监测的结果。

    The results of a field survey on occupational health problems in a nickel mine , including the environmental monitoring of workplaces were presented .

  29. 结论:积极推行职业健康教育可以促进劳动卫生职业病防治工作的开展,达到事半功倍的效果。

    Evaluation on Out-put Effect of Medical Treatment and Sanitation Conclusions Health education is helpful to the performance of labor health and occupational disease prevention .

  30. 我国在新中国成立以前,厂矿劳动卫生工作和劳动卫生科学事业一片空白。

    Before the founding of new China , the occupational health work in factories and mines and the research of occupational health were almost blank .