
láo wù fèi
  • service fee;labor wage
  1. 社区卫生服务成本中劳务费所占比例最大为54.19%;

    Labor wage is the biggest section of CHS cost , accounting for 54.19 percent of CHS cost .

  2. 此外,像爱马仕(Hermes)、香奈儿、路易威登和范思哲等公司大部分产品在欧洲制作,因此原料和劳务费都用欧元支付。

    In addition , brands such as Hermes , Chanel , Vuitton and Versace make most of their products in Europe , paying for their materials and labor in euros .

  3. 他递给老太太一个70美元的劳务费的帐单。

    He handed the lady a $ 70 bill for labor .

  4. 我可用食物或其它东西来换取劳务费呀。

    I could pay for things with food or something .

  5. 猎头公司以获取酬金或劳务费的方式来补偿自己的付出。

    Headhunters are compensated on either a contingency or a retainer basis .

  6. 付给为另一个找到客户人的劳务费。

    Fee paid to a person who finds a client for another .

  7. 我们收少量的劳务费

    We charge a small fee for our service

  8. 咳,你干了那么多工作,我希望他们会付给你一大笔劳务费…

    F : Well , I hope they 're paying you the big bucks for all this work ...

  9. 该法具有技术性高、设备利用率高、投资费用少、建筑面积少、省劳务费、能耗低、操作与管理方便、低成本等优点。

    Tow investment cost and energy consumption , less construction area and labour needed , easy to Operate and manage etc.

  10. 咳,你干了那么多工作,我希望他们会付给你一大笔劳务费

    Day this week . F : Well , I hope they 're paying you the big bucks for all this work

  11. 那些死在手术台上的流浪冒险者诸如此类的,我拿走了他们的所有可能的东西作为劳务费,你明白的。

    Wandering adventurers dying on the table and what not , I take whatever they may have in pay , you understand .

  12. 我已经有赞助商给我付钱了,但想出名的洛莫纳科还没有给我付劳务费。

    I already have sponsors who pay me for publicity and I 'm not paid to make a name for Lo Monaco .

  13. 体育赞助经费一般由直接赞助经费、体育赞助实施经费、中介机构劳务费和预后费用四种费用构成。

    The money of the sports sponsorship are including sponsor directly , actualization money , the reward origin from intermediary organs , budgeting money .

  14. 由于资金不足,银行发布的借方备忘录在存户的帐户为劳务费或为被放置的检查返回了。

    Debit memorandums issued by the bank on a depositor 's account for service charges or for deposited checks returned because of insufficient funds .

  15. 除非维修人员收取的费用超过该估价的X%并且报告产生差别的有根据的原因,否则顾客就应该支付标准的劳务费。

    The customer should be billed the standard labor costs unless the mechanic exceeds that estimate by more than X % and reports a valid reason for the difference .

  16. 这种回扣往往以各种名目出现,诸如手续费、好处费、劳务费、辛苦费、茶水费、咨询费、顾问费等等。

    This rebate is often appeared under different names , such as fees , commission , the cost of labor has been hard fees , a fee for refreshments , consultancy fees , the consultant fees .

  17. 国际金融公司劳务和支持费

    IFC service and support fee