
  1. 要增加青春期女童的经济机会,使其在从学校过渡到劳动力市场过程中处于有利地位,尚需付出更大努力。

    More needs to be done to expand economic opportunities for adolescent girls so they are not left behind when transitioning from school into the labor market .

  2. 提出企业在引入劳动力市场价位过程中应该遵循的基本原则。

    Put forward basic principles to follow for enterprises in the process of introduction of it .

  3. 分析就业服务系统所面临的困境,运用市场营销理念,从劳动力市场营销过程对现行的就业服务进行系统思考。

    This paper discusses the present employment service system in China and tries to sum up employment service in the course of labor marketing by applying the marketing theories .

  4. 本文提出了机会&流动论的视角,并用来解释不同的社会行动者面对劳动力市场转型过程中机会结构变迁时的反应,以及不同的流动过程如何影响社会分层秩序的改变。

    This paper proposes an opportunity-mobility perspective to illustrate how different social actors respond to changes of the opportunity structures in the labor markets of transition economies , and how labor mobility affects social stratification .

  5. 但在制定和实施积极的劳动力市场政策过程中坚持有效的三方参与,从长远来说却会促进社会伙伴关系和组合主义架构的建立。

    All the same , sticking to effective tripartite participation in the process of establishing and carrying out positive labor market polices will , in the long run , does benefit to social partnership and the establishment of the structure of combination .

  6. 劳动关系市场化使劳动关系的双方作为独立的经济主体,在劳动力市场上及生产过程中,通过博弈来实现各自的经济利益。

    The marketization of labor relations exposes that the parties to industrial relations as independent economic actors will realize their own economic interests through game in the process of labor force market and production .