
  • 网络external labor market
  1. 内部劳动力市场可以通过自身所具备的优势,有效的解决外部劳动力市场的不足。

    Internal labor market can efficiently overcome the shortcoming of external labor market .

  2. 无论是现代管理企业还是家族企业,都要面临外部劳动力市场。

    Regardless of modern-control enterprises and family-control enterprises , both must face external labor market .

  3. 通过就业再选择使企业内部劳动力市场与外部劳动力市场连接在一起而成为一个整体。

    It is the reemployment choice that joints together the labor markets inside and outside an enterprise .

  4. 具备评估内部人力资源及外部劳动力市场的能力,并利用合适的第三方合作伙伴、代理去发掘可用的合格的应聘者。

    Assess skill sets of internal workforce and external labor market to determine the availability of qualified candidates , utilizing third party vendors or agencies as appropriate .

  5. 内部劳动力市场有着不同于外部劳动力市场的一系列运行特征,其中,长期雇佣、报酬后置和内部晋升是内部劳动力市场的明显特征。

    The internal labor market has a series of characteristics different with external labor market , which are long-term employment , the delayed payment and interior promotion .

  6. 如果以企业与市场的接触点为边界,那么我们可以把劳动力市场划分为企业内部劳动力市场和企业外部劳动力市场两大块。

    If looking the contacted point between corporation and market as a border , we can divide the labor market into two parts , the internal labor market and the external labor market .

  7. 第二,尽管内部劳动力市场缺乏像外部劳动力市场的市场调节与激励机制,内部劳动力市场还是一种能够实现激励相容的就业制度安排。

    Secondly , ILM is a kind of employment institution that be of incentive compatibility , although it is short of market adjustment and incentive mechanisms that External Labor Markets ( ELM ) has .

  8. 从社会整体来看,劳动力市场有效流动依然是资源有效配置的保证,外部劳动力市场流动性越高,内部劳动力市场才能越有效。

    Looked from the whole social , the labor market effectively flows still are the guarantee for the resources disposition . The higher external labor market fluidity , internal labor market can be more effective .

  9. 在现实市场经济条件下,劳动力市场并不是新古典经济学所描述的单一模式,它实际上分为外部劳动力市场和内部劳动力市场。

    Under the market economy condition , the labour market does not run in such a single mode as the new classical economics describes . In fact , it consists of the internal labour market and the external labour market .

  10. 在建立内部劳动力市场并充分利用外部劳动力市场的同时,对目前的绩效考核制度、薪酬制度进行相应的改进,并建立员工退出机制使人力资源管理活动更加科学合理,提高公司人力资源管理水平。

    At the same time , investigate to the current results investigation system , salary system improvement , combining to establish the employee withdraw mechanism makes human resource management activity more science and reasonable , increasing our company human resource management level .

  11. 而反对垄断、调节收入、解决外部性、干预劳动力市场反常的供给等构成了竞争秩序的调节性原则。

    The adjusting policy is constituted by against monopoly , adjusting income , resolving the extra outcome , resolving the abnormal supply in the labor market .

  12. 针对家族企业公司化演进路径,分析了国家政治法律制度、外部市场(包括劳动力市场、产品市场、资本市场)以及社会资本(包括信任、企业家网络)对家族企业组织演进的影响。

    Based on the path of the corporate institution , the effects of politics and legal institutions , external market ( including labor market , product market and capital market ) and social capital ( including trust and entrepreneur network ) are analyzed .