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wài yīn
  • external cause;exopathic factor
外因 [wài yīn]
  • (1) [exopathic factor]

  • (2) 泛指各种外来致病因素

  • (3) 古代病因分类之一,指风、寒、暑、湿、燥、火等六淫邪气

  • (4) [external cause]∶事物发展变化的外部原因

外因[wài yīn]
  1. 外因是通过内因才起作用的,内因是决定的因素;

    External cause can function only through internal cause , thus internal cause is decisive .

  2. 外因是变化的条件,内因是变化的根据。

    External cause makes up the ground of change , while internal cause makes up the condition .

  3. 这是些工作中一出现问题就往往归诸外因的人。

    These are people who tend to externalize blame when anything goes wrong at work .

  4. 唯物辩证法认为,外因通过内因而起作用。

    Materialist dialectics argues that external causes become operative through internal causes .

  5. 外因通过内因而起作用。

    External causes become operative through internal causes .

  6. 在这一内因和WTO外因的作用下,研究我国烟草行业的发展趋势及企业集团发展模式就成为极具现实意义的课题。

    So it is very necessary to study the tendency of tobacco industry in China .

  7. 结论缺氧是使NMDA受体通道过度激活和Ca2+大量内流的一外因条件。

    Conclusion Anoxia contributes exteriorly to the over-activation of NMDA receptors and thus radical inward current of Ca2 + .

  8. 实验收集了国内16种不同变质程度的煤样进行热解,对热解过程中PAHs生成排放从内因和外因两个方面进行了研究。

    PAHs emitted from 16 kinds of different rank Chinese coals during pyrolysis were studied from the internal factors and external factors .

  9. 这一部分首先从单音节出发,阐述了V单+于结构逐步词汇化的成因,主要从内因和外因出发进行阐释。

    This part starts from monosyllabic , expounds " V single + in " the cause of lexicalization structure step by step , mainly from internal and external set out on interpretation .

  10. 基于ICD-10编码的0~14岁儿童伤害外因和后果的研究

    Study on the external causes and consequences of injury of 0 ~ 14 children based on ICD-10

  11. 针对内因提升质量、调整结构,针对外因采取应对和反制措施,行使WTO规则赋予的合法权利是应对技术性贸易壁垒的基本对策。

    To improve quality and adjust export structure against inner factors , to answer and adopt countermeasures against exterior factors , and to make full use of the legal rights and interests endued by WTO rules are the basic strategy to TBTs .

  12. 关注形式教学(Form-focusedinstruction,简称FFI)是教学环境下二语习得的重要手段,但对外语学习者来说,它毕竟是外因。

    Form-focused instruction ( FFI ) is an important means of learning a second language under instruction . However , it functions as an external factor in learning .

  13. 压力性溃疡(PU)的发生与众多危险因素有关,持续压力、剪切力、磨擦力及潮湿四大外因是在其发病中起主要作用,而持续压力的存在是导致PU的关键因素。

    The development of Pressure Ulcer ( PU ) is related to a great number of risk factors and the permanent pressure , friction , shear and moisture are the main external risk factors that cause PU .

  14. 家庭环境、父母教养方式,对于XH和YC这样典型的外因影响型学业不良学生的化学学习产生了极大的影响,笔者重点探寻了其影响程度。

    School environment and family background have an effect on XH and YC , so the writer emphasize on the degree of exterior causality .

  15. 神经网络模拟采用三层前馈网络模型,输入层有3个结点,分别代表30min降雨强度、降雨历时和降雨量,表示冲刷外因。

    The model 's first layer consists of 3 nodes , respectively representing the 30 minutes raining intensity , duration , and volume as the external factors .

  16. 文章指出:ODS分析与模态分析两种方法相结合,将从结构振动的内因与外因两个方面认识结构的动态特性,为结构改进提供可靠的依据。

    This paper points out , by combining ODS with modal analysis method , that dynamic characteristic of the structure can be recognized through internal and external factors of the structure . The method used in this paper provides a reliable basis to structure modification .

  17. 方法参考ICD10损伤、中毒外因分类,结合研究实际情况和可操作性原则,划分不同的伤害种类或类型。

    Methods Refer to classification about external causes of injury and poisoning on ICD-10 , a combination of the actual situation of study and the operable principle to differentiate the sorts or types of injury .

  18. 外因湿热证组置于湿热环境中喂养;

    Group B was fed under the damp - heat environment ;

  19. 地震预报的内、外因时空迭加模式

    Temporal-spatial aggregation model of endogenic and exogenic forces for earthquake prediction

  20. 内因通常是为满足外因的需求。

    Internal factors usually serve the needs of external factors .

  21. 经营者的激励机制,就是十分重要的外因。

    Incentives for managers is a very important external factors .

  22. 外因即从不完善的市场环境和会计审计制度角度分析;补充了审计技术落后对审计失败的影响。

    External causes that are analyzing it from big environment and audit system .

  23. 这些是导致校园暴力产生的外因。

    They are the external cause of school violence .

  24. 影响黄鼠种群数量变动的外因研究

    A Study on External Factors Affecting the Population Change of Citellus Dauricus Brandt

  25. 但又不会规定外国外因此而被约束。

    But it doesn 't require that foreigners should be restricted from those .

  26. 浅析台湾经济快速发展的外因(1950-1990)

    Simply Analyse the External Cause with Fast-developing Economy in Taiwan ( 1950-1990 )

  27. 首先,心房颤动是由于内因和外因相互作用而导致的疾病;

    Firstly , AF was induced by coaction of intrinsic and exopathic factors .

  28. 外因和内因共同作用、相互促进。

    External and internal function and promote each other .

  29. 自然地理地质环境背景条件为内因,人类工程活动为外因。

    The internal causes include the background conditions of geography and geological environment .

  30. 无论内因性动机还是外因性动机,都对学习策略的选择产生一定的影响,但内因性动机比外因性动机对策略选择的影响更强烈一些。

    Second , motivation has a great impact on English learning strategy choice .