
  • 网络Transcaucasia;Transcaucasian;Transcaucasus;Trans-Caucasus
外高加索 [wài gāo jiā suǒ]
  • [Transcaucasia]北接大高加索山脉,南界土耳其和伊朗,西临黑海,东濒里海,面积1861000平方公里,包括格鲁吉亚、阿塞拜疆和亚美尼亚共和国

  1. 美国的中亚和外高加索战略的演变

    Evolution of US Central Asia and Transcaucasia Strategy

  2. 冷战结束后,外高加索地区的原苏联加盟国:格鲁吉亚、阿塞拜疆、亚美尼亚三国相继宣布国家独立。

    After the cold war , the three countries-Armenia , Azerbaijan and Georgia in the Transcaucasia declared independence .

  3. 外高加索形势对俄罗斯安全环境影响分析

    Overviews Analysis of Security Impact of Tran Caucasian Situation on Russia

  4. 美俄争夺外高加索的发展态势

    The Trend of US-Russia Rivalry over Outer Caucasus

  5. 争夺的对象明确为外高加索地区,包括格鲁吉亚、阿塞拜疆和亚美尼亚三国。

    The targets are certainly three Trans-Caucasia nations which contain Georgia , Azerbaijan and Armenia .

  6. 制约美国在中亚和外高加索战略利益的俄罗斯因素

    Some Factors of Russia Restraining the Strategic Interests of the United States in Central Asia and Outer-Caucasus

  7. 论美国在中亚外高加索的战略利益及其制约因素

    The Strategic Interests of the United States in Central Asia and Outer-Caucasus and Some Factors of Restraining

  8. 冷战结束后,俄、美两国围绕外高加索的争夺愈演愈烈。

    When the Cold War ended , the struggle between Russia and the United States was becoming so intensified .

  9. 外高加索地区的战略重要性决定了美俄之间的角逐将会持续下去。

    The strategic importance of Outer Caucasus determines the rivalry over this region between the United States and Russia will continue .

  10. 这一战略函盖非欧盟成员国的所有欧洲国家、大中东地区和外高加索地区国家。

    The strategy includes all European countries without EU membership , the greater Middle East region and countries in the North Caucasian region .

  11. 一方面,受民族问题、领土边界争端等地区历史遗留问题的影响,地区冲突频发,外高加索三个国家也先后出现政局不稳、经济衰退。

    Affected by the historical issues , political instability , economic recession , area conflict-prone has appeared in all three countries of Transcaucasia .

  12. 外高加索地区和乌克兰的局势具有较高的相似性,克里米亚冲突也将对外高加索地区的安全与稳定带来重大的影响。

    The situation in Transcaucasia and Ukraine have a high similarity , the Crimean conflict will also have an external impact on security and stability of Transcaucasia .

  13. 而对俄罗斯来说,外高加索地区是其传统的势力范围和战略利益攸关地区,是其维护自身安全与稳定的天然屏障。

    While for Russia , Transcaucasia is the traditional sphere of influence and strategic interests at stake region , which is the natural barrier to keep security and stability .

  14. 特别是普京总统上台以后,随着俄罗斯整体实力的不断增强,对美国在外高加索地区的渗透逐步展开抵抗与反击。

    Especially after Putin came to power , with the growing strength of Russia as a whole , Russia penetrated the Transcaucasian resistance and counterattack against the United States gradually .

  15. 外高加索地区是中亚和里海地区油气资源的重要输送通道,同时也是联系欧、亚两大洲的中心纽带,地缘战略地位至关重要,被麦金德称为欧亚大陆的中心地带。

    As the important geo-strategic position and delivery channel of oil and gas resources between Central Asia and Caspian Sea region , Transcaucasian region which was called the Eurasian continent by Halford Mackinder , links the center of Europe and Asia continents .