
wài cénɡ kōnɡ jiān
  • outer space;astro-
  1. 1957年,苏联人将“斯普特尼克1号”人造卫星送入了外层空间。

    In 1957 , the Soviets launched Sputnik 1 into outer space .

  2. 在外层空间有许多人造卫星。

    There are so many man-made satellites in outer space .

  3. 外层空间也许有其他生物存在。

    Other living beings might exist in outer space .

  4. 来自外层空间的无线电波

    radio waves from outer space

  5. 在《黑暗骑士》(DarkKnight)三部曲中探索过哥谭市最险恶的深渊,又在《盗梦空间》(Inception)中跨越意识的多重层次之后,导演克里斯托弗·诺兰(ChristopherNolan)接下来能去的地方似乎只有外层空间了。

    After he plumbed the direst depths of Gotham City in his " Dark Knight " trilogy and traversed multiple levels of consciousness in " Inception , " it seems the only place the filmmaker Christopher Nolan could go next was outer space .

  6. 该公司的目标是在私人企业中开展外层空间勘测业务,就如同迪曼蒂斯发起的奖金高达一千万美元的安萨里X-Prize大奖赛。

    Planetary Resources ' aim is to open deep-space exploration to private industry , much like the $ 10 million Ansari X Prize competition , which Diamandis created .

  7. 根据Unoosa掌管的外层空间条约(1967年制定),联合国成员国一致同意对外星物种进行消毒处理,以保护地球不受污染。

    Under the Outer Space Treaty on1967 , which Unoosa oversees , UN members agreed to protect Earth against contamination by alien species by " sterilising " them .

  8. 地球不断地受到来自外层空间的粒子的轰击。

    The earth is continually bombarded by particles from outer space .

  9. 关于从外层空间遥感地球的原则

    Principles relating to Remote Sensing of the Earth from Outer Space

  10. 第一次的外层空间飞行震惊全世界。

    The first flight in outer space astounded the whole world .

  11. 我们用外层空间探测器扫描了那个区域。

    We scanned the area with our deep space sensors and .

  12. 小男孩总想像着到外层空间去旅行。

    The young boy always imagines traveling to the outer space .

  13. 外层空间无动力飞行器变质心控制模式分析

    Move centroid control mode analysis of passive vehicle in outer space

  14. 外层空间活动的公开性和透明性;

    Opennese and transparency in activities carried out in outer space ;

  15. 那么我们为什么还未见到外层空间来访的客人呢?

    Why have we had no visitors from outer space yet ?

  16. 我从不知道我们还有外层空间探测器。

    I didn 't know we had deep space sensors .

  17. 空间垃圾威胁着人类的航天活动,它给人类开发和利用外层空间带来了阴影。

    Space debris is threatening the space activities of mankind .

  18. 外层空间导弹攻防规律解析

    Study the Offense-Defense Rule of Ballistic Missile in Outer Space

  19. 我们已从外层空间收到了大量的信息。

    We 've received a large amount of information from outer space .

  20. 外层空间建立信任措施特设专家组

    Ad Hoc Expert Group on Confidence-building Measures in Outer Space

  21. 物体发射进入外层空间所致损失的责任

    Liability for damage caused by the launching of objects into outer space

  22. 能量足够大进入外层空间的火箭。

    A rocket powerful enough to travel into outer space .

  23. 当我们从外层空间回来时

    We 'd just got back from outer space , when

  24. 他们认为我是从外层空间来的人。

    They think I 'm a man from outer space .

  25. 可是外层空间的二氧化碳数量在不断的增加。

    But the amount of the carbon dioxide up there is increasing .

  26. 我们通过卫星从外层空间收集到各种信息。

    We gather up from outer space various information by our Satellite .

  27. 论外层空间物体的登记国

    A Study on State of Registry on Outer Space Object

  28. 艾森豪威尔政府的外层空间政策及其影响

    Eisenhower Administration 's Policy on Outer Space and its Effects

  29. 也许这一行星毁于外层空间的某次灾难。

    Perhaps the planet was destroyed in some cosmic catastrophe .

  30. 研究与利用外层空间联合活动协定

    Agreement on joint activities in the study and utilization of outer space