
rǎn sè tǐ
  • chromosome
染色体 [rǎn sè tǐ]
  • [chromosome] 细胞有丝分裂时的嗜碱性丝状或杆状的小体,位于细胞核中,被认为是基因之所在,由一条或一条以上紧密结合的染色单体构成并作为一个功能单位,而且在任何一种动植物中其数目是相对恒定的

染色体[rǎn sè tǐ]
  1. 科学家们希望找出该基因在染色体中的位置。

    The scientists want to locate the position of the gene on a chromosome

  2. 每个染色体由两个染色单体所组成,它们被一个着丝点联结在一起。

    Each chromosome consists of two chromatids held together by the centromere .

  3. 我们人体的每个细胞都包含46个染色体。

    Each cell of our bodies contains 46 chromosomes .

  4. 利用显微镜检查细胞染色体可以发现胎儿的性别。

    Microscopic examination of a cell 's chromo-somes can reveal the sex of the fetus .

  5. 四种染色体的每一种都沿着纵向分裂。

    Each of four chromosomes divide longitudinally .

  6. 人的x和y染色体跟常染色体有不同的活动。

    Human X and Y chromosomes behave differently from the autosomes .

  7. 转位因子或插入因子是能够插入到染色体不同位点的dna序列。

    Transposable elements , or insertion elements , are DNA sequences which can be inserted into many different sites in chromosomes .

  8. 在中期Ⅰ8对染色体的分布是无秩序的。

    The eight chromosomes were randomly distributed at metaphase I.

  9. 交换现象独立地在每一对同源染色体之间发生。

    Cross-overs have occured independently of each other between pair of homologous chromosomes .

  10. 一个核可以仅有一个y染色体。

    A nucleus can have only one y-chromosome .

  11. 特殊染色体存在着几个拷贝。

    Several copies of specific chromosome are present .

  12. 鸭嘴兽跟人类一样,也有X和Y染色体

    Like humans , platypuses carry an X and a Y chromosome .

  13. 及rRNA同mRNA一样,都是染色体DNA的转录产物

    Like mRNA , both tRNA and rRNA are transcripts of chromosomal DNA . tRNA

  14. 纽卡斯尔大学的这项研究表明,一个至今尚未发现的基因决定了男性的精子里含有更多的X还是Y染色体,而精子所含的染色体会影响孩子的性别。

    The Newcastle University study suggests that an as-yet undiscovered gene5 controls whether a man 's sperm contains more X or more Y chromosomes6 , which affects the sex of his children .

  15. 从更大范围来看,产生更多含X染色体精子的男性与产生更多含Y染色体精子的男性数量之比,影响着每年新生儿的性别比例。

    On a larger scale , the number of men with more X sperm compared to the number of men with more Y sperm affects the sex ratio of children born each year .

  16. X染色体与母亲的X染色体结合,就会生出女孩(XX);而Y染色体和母亲的X染色体结合则会生出男孩(XY)。

    An X chromosome combines with the mother 's X chromosome to make a baby girl ( XX ) and a Y chromosome will combine with the mother 's to make a boy ( XY ) .

  17. 流产通常是因为胎儿的染色体异常造成的。

    Miscarriages are usually caused by abnormal chromosome patterns in the fetus .

  18. 染色体也决定动物的性别

    Chromosomes also determine the sex of animals .

  19. 这些位于染色体末端的小帽子能够保护染色体不受损。

    These are caps on the ends of chromosomes3 that protect the chromosomes from damage .

  20. 全血无酚法制备染色体DNA

    Preparation of Chromosomal DNA from Whole Blood Without Use of Phenol

  21. 通过基因与染色体改变也可以建立判断弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤异质性的模型。

    Alterations of some genes and chromosomes can analyze DLBCL heterogeneity as well .

  22. 锯缘青蟹染色体和DNA含量的分析

    Studies on Chromosomes and Relative DNA Content of Scylla Serrata

  23. 也可以破坏遗传性卵巢癌病毒染色体(DNA)。

    Also can damage the hereditary ovarian cancer virus chromosome ( DNA ) .

  24. DNA分析发现有染色体丢失和移位。

    Chromosomal analysis shows chromosome loss and translocation .

  25. 用间期细胞FISH技术快速分析性腺发育不全患者的性染色体数目异常

    Rapid detection of numerical sex chromosome abnormality on male gonad agenesis by interphase FISH

  26. 方法绒毛细胞培养法及G显带制作染色体分析。

    Methods Use villus cell culture and the chromosome with G-bands by trypsin using Giemsa .

  27. 方法原位法培养羊水细胞并制备染色体,G显带分析核型;

    Methods Amniotic fluid cells were cultured in situ and their karyotypes were analyzed by G band .

  28. 小鼠成纤维细胞早中期染色体标本制备及G带核型分析

    The Methods of Preparing Early Metaphase Chromosomes and the Study on Their G-banding Patterns in Mouse Fibroblasts

  29. X染色体与性别鉴定

    X-chromosome typing and sex determination

  30. 其中1例患者经双色FISH检测证实两个衍生的20号染色体为伴有中间缺失的20号长臂等臂染色体。

    Two derivative chromosomes 20 were proved 20q isochromosomes with interstitial deletions by dual-color FISH in one patient .