
  • 网络chromosomal structure variation;structural aberration
  1. 秋水仙素诱导辣椒染色体结构变异初探

    Preliminary study on induction of chromosomal structure variation in pepper by treatment colchicine

  2. 2)重离子~7Li和~(12)C辐照,引起根尖细胞染色体结构变异。

    2 ) The irradiation of ~ 7Li and ~ ( 12 ) C may change the chromosomal structure of the root tip cell .

  3. 结果表明,软X射线同步辐射处理后,在水稻根尖细胞内可诱发各类染色体结构变异。根尖细胞的影响。

    The results indicated that synchronous irradiation had a significant cytological effect . Variation on chromosome structure was observed in root tip cells .

  4. 基因拷贝数变异(CNV)是近来新发现的又一种染色体结构变异。

    Copy number variant ( CNV ) is a novel structural variation in human chromosomes .

  5. 环境的异质性促进了淡黄花百合染色体结构变异的发生,兼性无融合生殖使其染色体所发生的结构变异得以保存。

    Environmental heterogeneity promote happen of structural variations . Facultative apomixes preserve the variations .

  6. 同时还观察到了各种类型的染色体结构变异和有丝分裂异常。

    The changes of chromosome structure and mitotic irregularities was observed in callus cells .

  7. 由此表明,该雄性不育系的不育性与染色体结构变异有关。

    Therefore , that means the male sterility is related to structure of chromosome change .

  8. 染色体结构变异在茶叶植物的物种形成方面起着重要作用。

    It is suggested that the chromosomal structure varia-tion plays the most important role in speciation .

  9. 染色体结构变异的研究主要集中在果蝇和蚊类昆虫的唾腺染色体;

    Research on chromosome structure variation focused on : salivary gland chromosomes of fruit flies and mosquitoes ;

  10. 结果表明,质子辐照可诱发各种可见染色体结构变异及有丝分裂行为异常。

    The results show that protons were able to induce variation on chromosome structure in root tip cells .

  11. 花粉母细胞减数分裂正常,在终变期和中期Ⅰ观察到9个二价体,未观察到染色体结构变异和行为异常。

    Bivalents had been observed during diakinesis and metaphase I. No abnormal phenomena such as chromosome bridges and lagging were observed .

  12. 但这一差异是染色体结构变异还是基因表达形式,有待进一步探讨。

    However , whether the differences are caused by chromosomal structural variation or gene expression form , it will need a further query .

  13. 药蒲公英花粉粒空瘪,这些异常行为的原因是减数分裂过程中有倒位和重复缺失等染色体结构变异出现以至形成双着丝点染色体。

    Wigg was abnormal . In anaphase of meiosis , many lagging chromosomes , bridges and double-bridges were formed . The reason for these abnormal behavior might be that the structure variance of chromosome such as inversion , deficiency and duplication were happened and dicentric chromosome was appeared .

  14. 迄今已对野桑蚕进行了广泛的生物学上的研究、染色体结构及变异研究、DNA多态性研究、家蚕育种上的应用研究以及作为桑园害虫防治上的研究。

    Up to now , extensive biological , chromosomal structure and variation , DNA polymorphism , breeding application as well as pest control studies have been conducted .

  15. 未发现有非整倍体细胞和染色体形态结构变异。

    Aneuploids and chromosomes structure variation were not found .

  16. 种内的核型分化与染色体的结构变异有关。主要表现为臂间倒位、罗伯逊易位和或不等相互易位。

    Obvious karyotypic differentiation among the populations , which was highlighted by chromosomal aberrations , including mainly pericentric inversion and the Robertsonian or unequal reciprocal translocations , was detected .

  17. 10-60Gy均能引起染色体的结构及数量变异,其中有利于融合双方染色体整合或重组的片段化在60Gy辐射后第3天频率最高。

    All the doses from 10 60 Gy could lead to the aberration of chromosome both in number and structure . The chromosome fragmentation which was beneficial to the recombination between the partner chromosomes occurred with the highest frequency at the third day after irradiation of 60 Gy .

  18. 四倍体变异既来自染色体数量、结构的变异以及基因突变、重组,同时也与核-质之间、合子胚与胚乳之间协调关系的变化有关。

    The variation of tetraploid is caused by the variation of the quantity and structure of chromosome and gene mutation , recombination as well as by the variation of coordinating relationship between karyon and cytoplasm and that between zygote embryo and endosperm .

  19. 染色体畸变:可看到多种染色体结构变异。

    Chromosomal aberration : A lot of structural aberrations could be observed .

  20. 如果继代培养时间较长,染色体数目变异的范围更广,而且出现染色体结构变异。

    After subculturing for a long time , the range of variation of chromosome number was much wider and the variation in chromosome structure was produced .